Chapter 39: Concrete Boxes

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Victoria Brooks- Finley

Sterling and I chatted on the plane ride about lighter things considering everything that has been happening we both wanted a repose from it all. We talked about shows and movies, I spoke about Pierce and she spoke about Chloe. She's so in love with her but I think she's afraid to admit it. Her cheeks turned bright red the second she started talking about her betraying the resting annoyed look on her face. Even her lips threatened to smile.

We exit the car we parked a few feet from the barrier hiding the cities existence from humans. Taking the two flashlights we brought we begin walking and the second we step foot through the barrier Sterling and I glance at each other already hearing the blasting music from the palace. Sterling shakes her head and sends a text to Reid so they could open whatever back door she's leading me to. Reid sends back a string of letters and she tells me that means he understands. The closer we get the louder the music is and the more voices and heartbeats we hear. The scent of blood is so potent accompanied by alcohol, weed, cigarettes, and sweat. The strength of it all mixed together made my eyebrows raise. Sterlings senses are even more enhanced than mine and based on the fact that her face is twisted in disgust she's not enjoying this either and we're not even in the palace.

As we near the back door I notice that it's cracked a bit and an eye is peeking through. The eye widens and the door flies open revealing Bash and Reid. They're smiling widely, showcasing their fangs with blood all over their mouths.

Sterling scoffs as we walk up to them and says, "They're both high." I scrunch my nose at the scent that just attacked me when the door opened then I really look at them. Faces flushed and their pupils are dilated filling their entire iris. They told us Ben would be distracted after they said they went out earlier in the night to get even more drugs for their little party but they have clearly participated heavily in the distraction.

Reid nods aggressively. "We really are so high."

"So high." Bash echos Reid's statement.

"Idiots." Sterling smacks Reid's shoulder as she walks past them into the palace. "I will text when we leave."

Bash and Reid stare absently like there is not a singular thought in their heads, Reid gives a thumbs up and Bash nods as he giggles at nothing. "You guys don't want to come up afterwards? Ben has so many bleeders upstairs its ridiculous," Reid starts talking extremely fast, "A lot of them are down to fuck if you guys are interested-,"

"I'm with Chloe." Sterling announces at the same time I say, "I'm married."

Reid groans, "You guys are so boring, Bash is refusing to do anything too."

"Scarlett." Bash states dazed with a huge smile then immediately winces when he accidentally sinks his fangs into his own lips.

Sterling and I blink at them then she says, "So glad you're having a great time, why don't you go back to it." She waves her hand in the direction of the stairs leading up and without another word she walks off. I begin following Sterling but after a few steps Sterling stops in her tracks and turns around looking past me. "Oh my God the two of you leave." I look over my shoulder at Reid and Bash standing behind me. The two of them also look behind them as if she would be talking to two other people.

"She means you two." I say then Reid turns back with a look of realization on his face.

"Oh shit yeah we have to go." Reid whispers and cackles loudly then shushes himself looking at Bash as if Bash is the one being loud. "Have fun." He says then grabs Bash's shoulder and walks off with him while Bash looks back and waves at us.

Sterling rolls her eyes and continues down this long hallway. "Absolute idiots." She comments shaking her head.

We get to a dusty looking metal door with a lock on it. Sterling with haste grabs the lock and rips it off throwing it to the floor. She grabs the handle of the door and opens it with a scowl on her face staring intently at the dusty handle. We both step through letting the door close behind us leaving us in the pitch black. I turn on my flashlight to Sterling taking out a tissue from her pocket and wiping away the dust that got on her hand. She pockets the tissue in her supposed "bad" pants. Her all black outfit is more put together than anything I've worn in probably ever and according to her it's a bad outfit. She wore clothes she doesn't care about because she refused to soil any clothes she does like with the air of not just the crypts but Ben's palace during a party.

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