Chapter 30: Abnormal Psych

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Morgan Sinclair

I went out to feed later in the night. Had to walk a while outside of the vast surrounding property but I needed a quick outlet after that conversation with Chloe and besides there are only blood bags in this house so I found a man walking alone. I took what I needed then made him forget about the interaction- my ability is incredibly convenient for me.

Walking back into the house, I hear distant laughter coming from one of the bedrooms. Reid, Scarlett, Bash, Chloe, and Sterling all in one of the bedrooms talking about anything and everything. Reid and Bash of course sharing stories of their probably drunken idiocy. Aurelia is alone upstairs in the large den area, in complete silence, no tv on or music, nothing. Victoria and Pierce mumble in the upstairs bedroom. She's been attached to Pierce, really only speaking to him and as much as I've been avoiding everyone, the brief moments I've seen her today she stares daggers at me and says nothing. It feels like when we first met, when the only thing she did was glare at me.

In the kitchen, the fridge door shuts and Kellan's eyes meet mine. His straight face turns sour, the slight downturn of his lips and flared nostrils. While he grabs a glass I head to the sink to wash the small bit of blood off of my hands. I feel his eyes burning into me as he pours the blood bag he had grabbed into a glass.

He exhales sharply through his nose and brings his glass to his lips. "Did you really just kill someone."

I sigh. "Not that it's any of your business but no I didn't."

Quiet returns but it's interrupted by Kellan deeply sighing. "Just because we're working together doesn't mean that I'm... okay with you."

"I share that sentiment." I say back. With my sleeves rolled up his eyes fall to the scars trailing up my forearms but doesn't have any distinct reaction to because he's seen them before. As much as I dislike that, I like that he doesn't have a look of concern or worry.

Instead he laughs a humorless laugh. "You have to tell me what you did to manipulate all of them into loving and supporting your every move." He comments nodding his head in the direction of where the others are gathered in a bedroom.

As I dry off my hands I say, "It's my friendly and warm demeanor."

"Funny. It's still crazy to me how you have them all wrapped around your finger." Like you allowed yourself to be wrapped around mine after like a day of seeing me again?

"You still act like you have this moral high ground to stand on when you got my innocent human family brutally murdered." I fume crossing my arms in an attempt to stop myself from grabbing at my neck or punching him. "Their bodies were burned by Lucien's people so badly that the police had to use dental records to identify them. My sister had two children, a husband, my brother had a wife and they were taken from them because you decided to run to Lucien."

His eyes flicker with that unmistakable look of guilt. "I am sorry for killing innocents." He says sincerely but I couldn't give less of a fuck about his sincerity.

"You should've just killed me." Lord knows I deserve it.

"I didn't want you dead I wanted you to suffer. You took my only family away from me. I'm not close with my brothers, I don't even like them." He lets out a strained exhale. "My mother was complicated. She was a controlling domineering narcissist but she was my mother. You took her away." After he says that he becomes less angry and more upset. "But my nobles... they were my family. They were all I had and you took them." Resentment shines clear as day in his eyes and I don't blame him. I reflect a similar look back.

"If you want to further this we can go back and forth forever, taking people from one another. Is that what you want?"

"No. What I want is to get this over with then go back to my people."

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