Chapter 9: Starting Now

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Morgan Sinclair

I got on my jet and dissociated for the 2 and a half hours. This whole day that's been all too easy for me to do, just snap and then I'm detached from myself and my surroundings, and sometimes it doesn't happen on purpose. If I could and it wouldn't interfere with shit I need to get done I'd do it all the time just so I don't have to feel whatever the fuck it is that I'm feeling. It'll be fine, I have things to do here, witches to kill and a couple of bars I know hunters like to go to.

Out of almost nowhere Scarlett runs into the front foyer of my palace. She stops in her tracks and examines me quickly. "What happened?" She asks, with a tone implying that she knows something bad happened but doesn't know what. She must have felt it. All three of my nobles must have and even though I'm subjected to feeling all of their more intense feelings, the fact that they felt mine is an uncomfortable thought.

"They're dead." I admit and drag my hand over my face as she walks towards me. "My uh... my human family. My father killed them." In my ears I just sounded like a disembodied voice. She yanks me into a hug and I leave my hands at my side but allow this outward display of affection.

She steps back releasing me, wiping tears from her eyes. She doesn't take family stuff lightly- death, disownment, arguments, anything. Her parents were rigid control freaks, she couldn't tell which one was worse than the other. Every aspect of her life was planned out by them. What sports and activities she did, what her grades would be, what schools she'd go to, her major, her career and God forbid she didn't meet their expectations. She had no control over anything she did. No power. The night we met she wasn't even supposed to be out, she had to sneak out at the age of 23. After she met me, she was so confident I'd turn her she went and threw a grenade at her human life- she went to them and told them off. I wish that meant she yelled at them, threw shit, or something but she just calmly explained to them that she's done listening to everything they say and she's leaving the house. They cut off communication with her right after- her older brother too. They disowned her the second she took agency over her own life and she wishes she could say it shocked her because it didn't but it hurt nonetheless. As much as she resented them she still loved them. Having these relationships that pretty much took up her whole life suddenly gone was both liberating and heartbreaking.

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine." I say tonelessly and she gives me a look. "It's fine, Scar." I blink trying to focus myself and clear my throat. "Come with me."

I lead her into my main office- the one that my servants and guards know to never listen in to because if I hear even an hint of anything discussed in there come out of anyone's mouth I'll kill them. As we walk I'm too aware of the weight of Scarlett's eyes on me. 

Leaning against the desk I face Scarlett closing the door behind her. She strolls closer to me with her arms crossed. "What's up?" She asks reining in her emotions.

"We have a major problem. I'm going to call a meeting with Val and Logan too within the week."

"Oh, shits serious then." She says dropping her hands to her sides.

I tell her about the Celestials plan to reclaim their power over everyone. Her eyes went wide at the possibility of the world knowing about the preternatural. I tell her everything- Lucien's access to Nephilim blood, my conversation with Aurelia, all except the ploy to kill Lucien and Kendrick. I want to. Out of everyone in this world I'd want her, Logan, and Val to know but I agree with Chloe in that the less people that know about it the better.

"Does he think the Celestial Witch people in Virginia are with the Celestials coordinating with hunters?" She asks from the leather chair she sat in minutes ago to gather herself.

"I don't think they would be given that they helped Aurelia with me but it's worth checking out." I roll my eyes. "He literally could have sent me to her years ago."

"Why didn't he?"

Aurelia wouldn't be of help in his pointless crusade against Kendrick so why would he think of her. "Every single person in this palace right now is more qualified to be King than he is." He's simply powerful, "unkillable", and frightening. No leadership qualities there.

I post my hands behind me leaning on them. "I'd say it's better than nothing but he's not even going to send anyone to follow up on it so it was pointless."

"Why don't we go?"

"He'd skin the both of us alive if we disobeyed his orders." I run my hands through my hair and stand up straight taking a deep breath. Ignoring Scarletts concerned look I change the conversation because I can't think any more about this stupidity. "You texted that you started speaking with the other covens about dealing with the Triad, I assume you told them Jesse's dead."

"I did." She perks up in her chair. "They were beyond thrilled but had a few questions regarding it."

"Like what?"

"Specifically your reasoning for killing him, to which I said he and his coven had become too much of a problem. A few complained that it took you too long." I open my mouth, "I said, with his messes you had to do a lot of damage control for our people," I close it and continue listening, "on top of dealing with Travis Reyes' new group that popped up here. The mention of Travis Reyes kind of got them to shut up." Witches and lycans have their fair share of hunters but not to the extent that vampires do. Travis Reyes in particular is one of the most prolific hunters and if his groups are in the area- a lot of vampires are going to be killed. "I said we'd be doing most of the work when it came to killing them and most agreed to let anyone in if they want, a few only want specific members."

"I presume they're going to contact those they want specifically?"

"They've already started. Logan, Val, and I sent out messages to the Triad earlier today. Those who want to leave can leave unharmed, those who don't prepare to like... die, pretty much. A lot have started leaving already, a few sent back particularly vulgar messages."

"Okay, good." In a quick pace I head towards the door.

Scarlett stands up turning to me. "Where are you going?"

I look to her. "We have to start killing those who choose to remain, I say we start now." This will be quick in all honesty, they're a huge coven but not nearly as powerful as some of the smaller ones around. With them out of the way, the few demonic witches will slink back into their shadows and the focus can shift entirely to the Celestials. "Then we're going to have to have a conversation with a few witches and lycans about the Celestials."

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