Chapter 4: Growing List of Problems

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Victoria Brooks- Finley

Morgan is not an anxious person. I haven't seen nervousness in her since I watched Lucien take her away from me so to see her suddenly become that high strung, it rattled me a little. I want to talk to her about what happened, she allowed me to hug her in silence but I feel like that will be the extent of her and I discussing it.

As soon as Grayson runs out to follow Morgan, Chloe turns to me with conflict imbedded in her stare. Both sympathy and hatred, it's easy to see that she's trying desperately to shove the former down. "Lucien really killed her family?" She asks with a feigned unemotional tone, sitting down in my apartments large sectional couch.

I follow suit on the opposite side of the couch. "Something happened because he wouldn't have just killed them like that." Exhausted, I lay my head in my hands. "He's 19 years too late for spontaneous family murders."

"Do you think he knows what we're doing?" Her voice uneasy.

"No, if he did he would've taken us all and shipped us off to Alaska to go be tortured alongside his other prisoners." I say into my palms. I shoot up thinking of one possible thing. "Her birthday." I slump back on the couch.

"What about her birthday?"

"Every year she's been going back to her families home." I say and Chloe's eyes light with surprise. "Maybe he found out... that's the only thing I could think of for him to kill all of them like that."

"She goes and visits them? Talks to-,"

"No, she just sits there and watches." I explain. "She's been doing it for 10 years now."

Chloe says nothing, she only clenches her jaw as she leans back on the couch and stares off at nothing.

About a half hour passes of Chloe and I sitting in contemplative silence aside from Pierce calling to make sure I was okay. Morgan and Grayson finally walk back into the apartment, her demeanor is back to its usual coldness, she's no longer skittish but her eyes have a rather plagued darkness within them. "We have to discuss a few things." She declares, crossing her arms as she stands in front of the couch with Grayson next to her.

"Clearly." Chloe comments sitting up at attention. "Lucien's dagger-,"

"No, this isn't about Lucien." She waves a hand off. "We'll get to that, this is about the Celestials." She begins, "The Celestials don't just want to kill us all, they want their previous status back."

"Well yeah, of course they'd want their cities back." I say.

"Previous status as kings and lords and High whatevers- all around worshipped beings by everyone, humans included." Everyone flashes her a concerned look. "In the past they could be worshipped by humans from a far, because all they had to do was show their face for 10 seconds, do something magical and the humans would flip shit. Now? They can't do that. They need to do something big and public."

"And expose the existence of the preternatural to everyone?" Chloe's eyes dart around the room as her mind visibly runs at a million miles an hour.

Morgan nods in response. "That will not end well for anyone." Grayson says with his eyebrows raised.

"No, they'll turn the whole world against us. It'll be a complete annihilation of us, lycans, and witches because we're the abominations. The lycans and witches aligning with them don't know that this is what their endgame is." Morgan furthers.

"So let's tell them, enemy of my enemy." I suggest.

"Yeah let's have a nice sit down dinner and a civilized conversation with groups of people who are literally killing each other." Grayson mocks.

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