Chapter 25: Iron Pokers

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Chloe Whitlock

In the nearly 6 centuries I've known Victoria I've never seen her completely shut down like this. We've been here a close to a month and she's been abnormally quiet. If she cries she muffles it in her hands or her arm. Even during the hours of torture we endure either at the hands of Lucien's nobles or Lucien himself, her face remains blank. The most emotion she shows was when Morgan would come in and stand like a statue while Lucien tortured us. She'd keep her stare on Morgan with pure malice in her eyes.

Lucien complained about that about two weeks ago. Went off about how disappointing it was to see her lack of a reaction to his torture. "Nothing you do will be as torturous as knowing Pierce is dead. Congratulations your daughter surpassed you in torture skills, I'm sure you're proud." She told him then slid her eyes over to Morgan in the corner.

"You know what, I am proud. I saw in her mind how she drove that blade into his heart." He said to her and that sentence garnered a reaction from her which only brought a smile to his face. "She told her noble Scarlett to take care of his body, I do believe he's somewhere in an unmarked grave like you traitorous brother."

Since that day Morgan hasn't been inside the cell while Lucien's trying to get information out of us- or mainly me. Victoria returned to having no distinct facial expression, continually pissing Lucien off. He has lessened the frequency in his visits sending in his nobles instead but when he is here, I know it'll be infinitely worse. It hurts to know Victoria went through things like this and more as a child and for years on end.

Today, the light switch flicks on dimly illuminating the room. Morgan- alone, walks into the cell room holding an iron poker, resting it on her shoulder. We haven't seen her face in weeks and now she's here by herself. As she saunters on in, she dramatically winces. "You girls have seen better days."

I look over at Victoria who's usual blank stare is now only emanating pure white hot rage. Morgan slid her contrasting icy stare over to Victoria. "What do you want?" I ask noticing Victorias hands balled into fists so tightly that blood is beginning to slide through her knuckles from her nails digging in.

The corner of Morgan's lips upturn as she unlocks my cell door and steps through. "I was sent here to break you two. Although," she points lackadaisically at Victoria, "that one seems to be already there so I guess it's just you." Her eyes fall to me.

"You lay one hand on her..." Victoria says in such a guttural rough voice my eyebrows shot up. "I will tear you apart."

Morgan stares at her inexpressively and her dark eyes reveal nothing. I didn't have the energy to react in time as she swings the poker at my face sending me to the ground. I spit out the blood sliding into my mouth from the large gash in my cheek. "Now technically I didn't lay a hand on her. I hit her with some iron."

"Forget Lucien. I'm going to find that dagger and I'm going to kill you." Victoria says so calmly it's scary.

Morgan chuckles breathily. "And you're going to do that from in there?" She points at the cell with the poker.

Victoria remains silent just staring at her with that violent storm burning behind her eyes. "Lucien gave up with us? He sent in the C team?" She creases her brow at my words. "I mean he used his useless nobles before he used you."

She kneels down and grabs hold of my throat. Face to face with this cold blooded thing, her soulless eyes survey my face. "I'm going to enjoy this."

I spit out blood in her face, "Fuck you." Her lips curl, she aggressively lets go of my throat and stands back up. "That's it?" I goad her. "Big bad Morgan Sinclair and all I get is an iron poker swung at me? Humans have done worse." I say as she locks my cell once more.

"Oh don't you worry Chloe. I'm very creative when it comes to torture. This was just a small preview." She winks. "I'll be back." Turning around she leaves the iron poker against the wall and exits the cell room.

I turn to Victoria. I can feel her roaring anger from here. Her balled fists are now dripping with blood as her eyes stay fixed on the door Morgan just walked out of. They remain full of anger and hate and yet I see a tear slide down her cheek.

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