Chapter 52: Before The Storm

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*Sexual content warning*

Grayson Spencer

With possibly less than 24 hours of being alive I swam in the pool in the back of Morgan's palace for a little. The sun has long set and everyone within the palace are all awake and roaming but an eerie silence has settled. The few lycan packs and covens staying within the palace or the city were quiet during the day all huddled together and later with the vampires awake and roaming it's still unnervingly quiet.

The Fallen and their small groups of soldiers arrived about three hours ago, we all greeted them as we're supposed to but they immediately went off with Morgan and Aurelia and Arthur to be debriefed on everything that's been happening and what's going to happen.

The energy has shifted today. Not just because of the imposing energy of several Fallen present but because we all know that tomorrow night we will be fighting. All plans are in place, there's no more frantic running around- at least for most. Now it's just a waiting game.

A few didn't get the memo. It was during the two short hours of sleep I got earlier but Morgan had to break up a fight between a few lycans and a few of her vampires. I woke up to her reprimanding her people who stared at her scared shitless, then went over to the lycans with their alpha getting them in line. Reminding all of them that right now is not the time for petty disagreements or arguments over stupid meaningless shit. She left that situation after telling them all that if they'd like to continue they won't have to worry about possibly being killed tomorrow she'll kill them today.

With the too quiet palace in back of me I stood in the shallow end speaking with a noble of mine, Ethan who had came over to me a few minutes ago. In the middle of discussing when exactly weapons will be distributed and a few other logistics, Morgan steps down the stone back steps coming over to me. My eyes going straight to her coupled with stopping mid sentence Ethan turns over his shoulder. Realizing who's there he nods biting back a smile. Her eyes bounce from Ethan to me, "I thought you were alone."

Ethan responds for me, "He is. I only came out like 2 minutes ago." He reaches out his hand to her. "Ethan."

She takes his hand, shaking it, "Morgan."

"Oh I know who you are," he pulls his hand back and crosses his arms giving me a look, "This one doesn't shut up about you."

"Does he now?" The corner of her lips upturns and I can't help my answering smile.

"You're my favorite topic of conversation." I jerk my chin at Ethan giving her further background, "He's a noble of mine."

"His first hybrid," Ethan corrects, "don't undersell me."

"My first hybrid noble." I amend.

"You turned him?"

"Nah, another guy did, didn't know I was a lycan." Ethan lazily points toward me, "He just named me his noble."

"Thank you for coming. For fighting."

"I've wanted to kill these fucks for so long, glad it's finally happening." He tells her. Then the seriousness of his tone exits as he says, "I'm gonna go catch up with the others, I'll see you guys later."

With Ethan running off I say to Morgan, "He's meeting up with your nobles. I think he has a thing for Val."

"Val might break him."

"I think he'd enjoy that." I reply. She half smiles and her eyes are just so breathtaking. Lately there's been a consistent flame in them. Not one of anger but one that showcases a liveness to her. It may be small but it's light and warmth.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27 ⏰

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