Chapter 45: An Alliance

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Morgan Sinclair

Victoria was silent on the plane. I had told Scarlett to meet us at a random coffee shop near Newark airport with these cuffs connected by a thick chain we had gotten made for a group of demonic witches we needed to take care of a little while back. They nullify a witches magic, specifically a demonic witch, made by a demonic witch who by some dumb luck just so happened to be personally annoyed by their actions. Demonic witches magic is like a mirror to celestials magic, equal but opposite and according to some witch friend of Scarlett's who has experience with demonic witches- it should work on a celestial witch.

When we told Scarlett what happened with Pierce she ran and hugged Victoria who looked like she was about to tear off her head but she allowed the hug to occur. Victoria promptly headed to her palace to bring Pierce's body there. We had every intention of going with her but she demanded that we go get Zade and she'd meet us there. Her tone told us that we should do what she said.

Chloe and I drove to Zades bar which during the day is dead. Only filled with security and maybe a few people here and there. We both were relatively silent only spoke when I said, "I know you've never been a big fan of torture but I'm going to do horrific things to him." She turned to me with that look in her eyes she gets when she's about to fight.

"I will be joining you in that." Was all she said. After agreeing upon doing whatever it takes to get him and get information from him we went back to quiet. We got out of the car and in a blur of speed we both ran to the door getting under the awning. We waited until the temporary burning of our skin healed then we knocked on the back metal door.

The door slot slides open and the two eyes that meet ours widen at our sight. "Open the door." Chloe states in her no nonsense tone.

The bouncer clears his throat, "I've been told by Zade that you both along with Her Highness Victoria are no longer welcome here."

"Is that so?" I question holding my hands behind my back with the cuffs in my left hand. "You're a vampire, yes?"

I hear him gulp, his nervous eyes keep on mine. "Yes, Your Highness."

"Your Highness exactly. So as your superior I'm demanding you open this fucking door right now."

His heart beats rapidly. "This isn't your territory." He says uncertain in his own statement.

Chloe chuckles while a slow smile spreads across my face making him so much more nervous. "Is this not the North? Is this not apart my fathers kingdom? The kingdom to which I'm basically a princess of, meaning I hold a position of power wherever I go in his territory?" Unless he decided to tell the public I'm a 'traitor' but he wouldn't, that would make him look weak. Telling people about Dane was enough, telling everyone both of his remaining children are against him wouldn't look great on his part. Self preservation is his number one priority.

"It- it is." His voice wavers. "I just mean like-,"

I cut him off. "Open the door right now and I won't kill you. I promise."

He shuts the slot and begins unlocking the door. As he does so Chloe shoots me a look so I raise the hand I had behind my back to show her the crossed fingers I held on my right hand and she chuckles softly.

The door opens finally. "Apologies." He says as Chloe and I walk in. As soon as I'm inside I punch through his chest. Ripping his heart out I toss both the heart and his body down to the floor.

Two other security guards run over fumbling for their guns, Chloe and I glance at each other then quickly we take out the two bouncers. I drop his heart onto the floor as I look over at Chloe dropping that bouncers heart onto the floor, taking his discarded gun into her hand.

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