Chapter 27: Time To Go

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Morgan Sinclair

As planned, chaos ensues. An attack at Lucien's main palace and extra layer of visible anger to Lucien's face as he was informed that hunters are inside his city's barrier making their way to the palace. Lucien has gathered the majority of his nobles and guards to come with him, unfortunately leaving Jacob behind. He said he will be back quickly- no he won't. He left me in charge of Chloe and Victoria, pissed he won't get to see his magnificent weapon of a daughter completely shatter his weak disappointment of a daughter. If he's mad now I can only imagine how much worse that's going to get when he comes back.

Sitting in the living room with all the weapons still laid out in front of me I stare down at the scars on the palms my hands that have been visible the last three days but my hair and long sleeves have kept them covered in front of Lucien. I've been a little preoccupied with other things I had forgotten to get them glamoured but I don't know if I am again. I got them glamoured because Lucien demanded it- it was a flaw, my "deformities" that he didn't want to look at and I didn't want to look at them either. I didn't want to be reminded of that time in my life but now, maybe it's just me wanting to spite him but I don't want them covered.

Once Lucien and those going with him are out of the palace and driving away I storm out of the room making a quick stop in the servants kitchen. I head down the stairs towards the cells with a sword in one hand and three blood bags in the other. As soon as I reach the bottom Jacob steps out in front of me. "I'd like to accompany you." He looks me up and down suspiciously but with an air of anxiousness.

"No." Before he could respond I toss the blood bags to the floor and have him pinned against the wall with the blade of the sword pressing into his throat. Jacob's eyes flash red and he bares his fangs at me. I remember years and years ago when the sight of his eyes turning red actually had me frightened. Now I know it's a sad attempt at showcasing the power he doesn't have.

"Bitch." He snarls.

"I used to daydream of dragging this out but honestly you deserve a death as pathetic as your existence was." I apply just a tad more pressure onto the blade, breaking skin. His eyes widen as he tries to push me off of him or push the blade away but he can't. The quick realization of how completely and utterly powerless he is sinks in. I laugh, "Valiant effort there."

"Please." He whimpers and the sound brings a wide smile to my face. With one quick motion I force the sword through, severing his head. His head thumps on the floor promptly followed by his body.

I let out a self satisfied breath, pick up the blood bags, and walk away from his dead body. Making my way through the maze of cells and corridors, I turn into the long hallway to Aurelia's cell. One of the nobles Lucien left here calls out, "Your Highness." He half bows his head as I near. "Why are you here?" He asks looking back at Aurelia's door then at me with all the smugness in the world. Lucien must have a knack for turning the most arrogant infuriating assholes into vampires.

"Don't ask me questions." I keep walking towards him.

"I thought His Majesty is coming later he didn't send word you would be the one to come here." Just confirming my suspicions more. Perfect.

I say nothing as I quicken my step towards him, adjusting my one handed grip on the sword. I do enjoy wiping that smug look off his face when he sees me raise the sword. With a swing, his head falls to the ground. I keep my pace past his headless body and his head rolling.

Opening the door to Aurelia's cell I step through and quickly unlock it, tossing the sword to the floor. She's lying on her back completely unconscious. Leaving the other two blood bags on the floor outside her cell, I rip off the top of the third and pour it into her mouth forcing her to drink. "Wake up, come on." Finally her eyes flutter open and she takes hold of the blood bag allowing me to let go and begin my search. I stand up quickly heading over to the back wall to start playing around with each brick seeing if any are loose.

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