1.New Girl

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"Akito please calm down we'll find her"

You woke up in a cold sweat, your head pounding intensely.
"I guess Akito is thinking about me again..."

Three years had passed since you last saw Akito, you had ran away from home and ever since that day you stumbled your way to Shigure house you have been here ever since. Shigure swore to never tell anyone about you living with him. Not one of the other Sohma's knew where you could be until the day Yuki came to live with the two of you. Everything was going okay after that, Yuki swore to never tell Akito a thing considering he himself was running away from everything as well. So now only two people knew about your whereabouts,that is until she came...

"Who are they talking to?"
You stood at the top of the steps hearing Shigure and Yuki talking but there was another voice as well, a female voice.

Your eyes widened hearing her voice, you guys never got any visitors especially a female visitor so who exactly was this girl?

"That cliffs very unstable you know it isn't safe to stay by there" Shigure said

Shigure then went on to tell the girl how a part of the cliff had just fallen.

"Miss Honda!" Hearing Yuki yell caused you to worry you made your way down the stairs quietly peeking around the door making sure she wouldn't see you.

The boys agreed to walk with this Honda girl back to a tent she was staying in near by to make sure her things were okay. As they were leaving Shigure told Yuki to walk on ahead with her.

"She's gone you can come out now Y/N" Shigure flashed a smile in your direction.

"Yah know I hate that damn dog nose of yours sometimes"
"It's been three days are you feeling any better?" Shigure walked in front of you reaching to place his hand on your forehead.

"I'm feeling fine....who's that girl and why is she here?" You took a step back from Shigure leaving his hand in the air before he could even touch you.

"Her name is Tohru Honda apparently our dear Yuki knows her, I must get going now"

You watched as Shigure left to meet up with Yuki and Tohru. After about 20 minutes later you heard them all come back. You kept your distance and watched as Shigure and Yuki put Tohru in bed due to her fever.

"I didn't even get to say see you when you get home to her....."

You listened from the other side of the door as Tohru told the story about the day her mom died. Your eyes began to water listening to how heart broken she was. Soon enough Tohru fell asleep and you came out from behind the door.

"Ahh Y/N nice of you to join us, sadly our guest has already fallen asleep" Shigure said flashing you his signature smile

You ignored his slick comment and couldn't help but stare at Tohru sleeping. For some reason you found yourself wanting to brush the hair out of her face to comfort her.

Shigure and Yuki looked at you with a shocked expression seeing you reach out to Tohru. Your hand hovered over her face but instantly retracted.

"We were thinking Ms Honda could stay with us for now..." Yuki said hesitantly trying to read your expression as you stood staring at Tohru.

"It's fine she can stay....."
"Really?" Shigure looked at you shocked

"Just make sure she doesn't come near my room..."

You made your way upstairs without saying another word leaving the boys behind with the now sleeping Tohru.

"Did you see that Shigure?"
"I did....maybe having Tohru here can help our Y/N"

The next day

Tohru had woken up shocked to see where she was. Yuki came back home with all of Tohru's things including the picture of her mother. You sat in your room hearing as Shigure, Yuki and Tohru walked up the stairs to show her her room.

"So are there any rules that I should follow?"
"None really that I could think of miss Honda just be yourself" you heard Yuki say

Shigure then interrupted him before walking back downstairs "There is one thing I would appreciate it if you didn't go in the room at the end of the hall"

"Oh umm sure no problem"

It was quiet for a moment and then a loud bang filled the house. You opened your door to see a cloud of dust and wood chips flying out of the room. Then you hear it, the sound of his voice rushing down the hall and into your ears causing your heart to race.

You listened as he threatened Yuki and then his voice disappeared and orange smoke filled the air. A couple of seconds later and you watched as Tohru now held the three boys in their zodiac forms rushing out the room and down the stairs. She was running so fast she didn't even see you standing at the end of the hall.

"Those idiots..." you gathered their clothes and made your way downstairs.

"Animals their all animals!" Tohru yelled at the delivery man that stood at the front door.

Her eyes widened as your h/c hair with flame blue ends past by her face followed by a gust of wind causing her to step back. You made eye contact with the blushing man infront of you.

"I'll sign for those thank you"
"N-No problem..."

You signed for the packages and the boy quickly ran off. He stopped at the top of the steps and turned to face you one more time.

"Y-Your gorgeous by the way!" He became a flustered mess and ran off.

"Y/N?...." Kyo looked up at you shocked it had been years since he last saw you.

"Idiots" you threw their clothes to them and walked back inside.

In an instant they turned back to normal completely naked causing Tohru to yell.

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