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After that the two of you made your way back towards the house. You would notice that Yuki would stare at you with a smile and as soon as you would meet his gaze he would look away.

"What is it do I have something on my face?"
"Then why do you keep looking at me like that?"
"I...I just like your face is all I'm sorry if it makes you uncomfortable"

Your cheeks instantly became red as you shoved him away from you.

"Don't just casually say things like that you make is sound like you like me or something stop it!"
"And if I did?"
"If you did what?"
"If I happened to like you?"

The two of you stopped right in front of your house, you looked up at Yuki seeing that same smile as before plastered on to his face.

"If you two are done flirting get in here breakfast is already done damn it!"

You looked at Kyo who had an angry yet sad expression on his face and for some reason your heart sank seeing him so upset.

"We better go in..."

You began walking ahead of Yuki not knowing what else to say to him. As the two of you made it inside you went to sit in your usual spot next to Kyo but as soon as you did he inched away from you not even looking your way.

You all finished your breakfast and Tohru and Yuki soon left to head to school.

"Well Kyo we better get going to don't want to be late" Shigure said as he made his way outside.

"Where are you guys going?" You looked at Kyo waiting for an answer but he kept ignoring you as he finished the last couple of bites he had left.

He got up from his seat not saying a word and began walking but you quickly stopped him by grabbing him by his wrist.

"Why are you ignoring me? What did I do?"

"You think I didn't see you earlier sneaking off with that damn rat holding his hand and everything!"
"Kyo I.."
"Save it I don't want to hear your excuses, rat boy ask's you for something and you just do it right while even after all this time I'm always the one that has to make the first move when it comes to us I'm over it!"

"Kyo nothing happened I was just trying to..."
"Save it Y/N you keep doing your thing and I'll keep doing mine just because we live together now doesn't mean we have to talk to each other!"

Kyo quickly yanked his arm away from you causing you to fall down. You began to shake feeling the tears just begging to be let out as a flashback of Akito came into your mind. Kyo left without saying another word leaving you all alone in that big empty house.

As soon as the doors closed you instantly began crying uncontrollably, your tears seemed to have a mind of its on as they began pouring out. The one person in this whole world that you wanted to keep by your side forever had just told you he no longer wanted to speak to you.

You made your way upstairs locking your room door as you laid in complete darkness. It was almost as if a switch had flipped off and you became completely numb, blocking out all the emotions and thoughts running in your head until there was nothing.

Hours later

"We're home!" Tohru yelled as her and Yuki walked into the house, to their surprise Shigure wasn't sitting in his usual spot and neither were you and Kyo.

"They're not here..." Tohru said

Yuki began walking around the living room wondering where all of you could be it was unlike you to leave the house with Shigure. The two of them sat down at the table and began talking. After a couple of minutes they could hear Kyo and Shigure arguing as they entered the house.

"You tricked me Damn it!"
"What's wrong Kyo?"
"Oh he's just mad because I tricked him into taking the entrance exams and now our dear Kyo here will be going to the same school as the both of you"

"Die!" Yuki said giving Shigure an angry expression
"Hey where's Y/N?" Tohru asked realizing you hadn't walked in yet.

"What do you mean she didn't come with us is she not here?" Shigure asked looking at  Tohru and Yuki confused.

Yuki instantly became worried and ran upstairs towards your room, he knocked but there was no answer. He went to open the door to see if you were asleep but the door was locked. He began calling out your name but still silence filled the other side of the door. He became worried and made his way back downstairs.

"She locked herself in her room she won't answer me"
"Oh dear let me go check on her"

Shigure made his way upstairs only to get the same response. When you refused to answer him he made he way back down to the others.

"No luck she won't answer me either.."
"I don't understand she was okay this morning when we talked did something happen when we left?"

"I'm sure she was okay being alone with you" Kyo muttered catching Yuki attention.

"What are you talking about you useless cat what did you do?!" Yuki went to walk towards Kyo but Tohru stood in front of him.

"Sohma I'm pretty sure Kyo didn't do anything to her he doesn't seem like he would hurt Y/N"

"All I said was that just because we live together doesn't mean we have to talk to each other" Kyo said

"You idiot!"

Kyo turned around to face the others hearing the genuine anger in Yuki voice.

"Do you have any idea what you've just done?"
"What are you so worked up for Y/N is a strong girl she probably just fell asleep and locked the door because she was alone. Plus it doesn't matter if I talk to her right because you two seem to have your own thing going on"

In an instant Yuki was hovering over Kyo grabbing him by his shirt.

"Is that it you're jealous that me and Y/N spoke to each other this morning? That's all it was she knew I was upset that I couldn't be close to her the way you are so she tried to make me happy by letting me hug her that's all that happened. I would kill for her to even look at me the way she looks at you or be able to hold her so freely but the only person she lets do that to her is you!"

"And now the one person she was scared would hate her for leaving is telling her not to speak to him all because your damn ego is broken!"

"Sohma please stop it!"

"You know nothing about me and Y/N!"
"I know that she loves you and you just told her not to speak to you again and she's probably up there feeling rejected just like Akito and the others made her feel!"

"I didn't mean to..."
"You never do you useless cat!"

Yuki let go of Kyo shirt and began making his way back upstairs towards your room. Kyo stood there silently not knowing what to say.

Did he really just ruin everything?

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