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After a couple more minutes of the two of you catching up it was time for Haru to make his way back to the main dinning hall.

You left his room and began walking towards yours again. The thoughts of what Shigure had done running through your mind.

Sure you and Shigure weren't close when you were young but out of the time you've known him you never expected him to be someone to cause you pain.

You stopped in your place when a thought came to mind. Had Shigure only let you stay with him in order to keep tabs on you for Akito? How loyal was Shigure to Akito? And did he have any remorse for the pain he had caused you all those years ago?

Making your way in to your room your mind continued to race as you waited for your time to attend dinner. Suddenly there was a knock on your door followed by that familiar voice that once comforted you and now sent a sharp pain in your chest.

"Y/N are you descent? May I come in?"

"Uh-umm yes Shigure you can.."

You watched as the door opened, his slender figure making its way in. His eyes landed on you and flashed that familiar smile.

"I just wanted to check up on you, make sure that you're all set and ready to meet everyone. I know you might feel a little anxious considering that Kyo and Yuki aren't here but not to worry I'll be right by your side"

"I'll be fine...I've met some of them briefly so I guess I'm not as worried and plus I'll have Haru there as well..."

You watched Shigure's face carefully as you mentioned Hatsuharu but there was no difference.

"Oh I didn't know you've met him as well did he come to the school festival to?"

Here he goes again acting as if he didn't know that the two of you had known each other since you were young. As if he didn't know that Haru was in fact the boy you mentioned in your story days ago.

Hearing Shigure act so clueless infuriated you, without realizing it your face turned from the fake calm expression you presented to and extremely irritated one.

"Why did you let me stay with you?..."

"Huh? What do you mean?"

"Why did you let me stay in your house all this time when I ran away from Akito?"

Shigure looked at you confused as to why you were asking this now.

"You needed help I wasn't going to leave you to fend for yourself Y/N I wouldn't want any harm to come to you"

You couldn't help but to laugh hearing him say this

"What's so funny?..."

"You say you don't want any harm to come my way yet you're the reason why I was alone again for such a long time"

"I don't know what you're talking about"

His smile slowly began to fade

"You knew about me and Haru didn't you?"



"I don't know what you're talking about..."

You became even more frustrated

"You stood outside my old bedroom window with Akito acting as me inside and told Haru that I didn't want to see him again. You made him think that I gave up on him that I didn't care for him why would you do that?!"

Shigure stood there with a serious expression

"You don't care about me at all do you? You probably just let me stay with you because of Akito right?!"

"That's not true"

"Of course it is but who could blame you right your just a dog who's loyal to his master!"

A sharp pain rested in his chest

"I trusted you...I thought that you actually cared for me. I thought we were like a real family but the whole time we were together you held this secret from me."

"Y/N please just listen to me I.."

"No! I don't want to hear anything from you. I was broken when I lost Haru. I cried for weeks begging for someone, anyone to even show me the smallest amount of kindness that he did. The only person that truly cared for me at that time was torn away from me because of you!"

"I only did what Akito asked of me because I was convinced that Hatsuharu was in danger"

"I would never hurt Haru! Damn it Shigure I loved him!"

Tears began to fall uncontrollably down your face as the two of you stared at one another.

You considered Shigure family before you came here, someone that you would trust with your life, but now how could you think of him as anything else but a liar.

"Akito told me about what happened with your aid that day you changed. They convinced me that you were dangerous and that if I didn't help them keep Hatsuharu away from you that he would end up the same way..."

He began to step closer to you

"Y/N I'm truly sorry for the pain I caused you at the time I believed that it was the right thing to do. I was wrapped around Akito's finger and fell for everything they had told me about you and was convinced that you were a monster..."

Your heart dropped hearing this as he made his way even closer to you.

"But when I saw you that day outside of my house in the rain I knew that I was wrong. You were so fragile, so innocent and so fearful that I knew right then that you couldn't be a monster"

He was directly in front of you now

"I made a mistake all those years ago and once I got to know you I wished that I could take it back but I can't. I didn't let you stay with me all that time because of Akito, I let you stay because once I saw you it felt like a piece of me had been restored. It's hard to describe it I'm not really sure what it means either but I need you to know how genuinely sorry I am Y/N"

He placed his hand on your cheek gently drying away your tears.

"You are my family Y/N and you always will be. I understand if you hate me now but I need you to know this I will always love you"

You hated what Shigure had done to you, what he had done to Haru.

But he was right...he was family, the only true family you had known over these years. So one question remained, could you actually forgive him?

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