28. That night

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"Aww I miss you to Kyo, of course I'll stay by her side until you get here" Hatsuharu looked at you with a smile.

"That's not what I said and you know it!"

Yuki and Tohru peaked around the corner seeing Kyo become more angry.

"Y/N is perfectly fine I haven't left her side the whole time and I'll make sure she gets  a good nights rest, I do have a way of making people tired yah know"

Haru smirked knowing just how irritated Kyo was becoming.

"I'm going to use the rest room real quick" Haru watched as you made your way to the restroom, once you shut the door his whole demeanor changed.

"Listen Kyo I'm not going down without a fight this time, my feelings for her have never changed and I'm not about to step to the side and let you have her"

"She's mine you hear me! There's no way in hell you're taking her from me. You want a fight ? Fine! I'll fight you everyday for her. You left her remember and now all of a sudden you think you can have her back!"

"Let's not talk about the past Kyo we both know why I left just like we both know why you went to see her in the first place"

Kyo became silent, his jaw clenched, Hatsuharu let out a low laugh.

"I'll fight you fairly for now but try anything and I'll let Y/N know exactly what your intentions were that day"

Hatsuharu hung up the phone with a smile

"DAMN IT!!" Kyo slammed the phone down

When you came out the bathroom Hatsuharu was sitting back on your bed comfortably.

"What happened to Kyo?"

"He said he was really tired but to tell you good night"


Hatsuharu could see the disappointment in your face, he patted the bed motioning for you to sit beside him. You accepted the invitation and sat down, moving back until your shoulders touched.

"So how do you really feel about being here?"

"It's....it's weird if I'm being honest, for so long I wished I could be a part of this.... Be able to call myself an actual member but it just doesn't feel like how I thought it would...."

"Yeah it's not all that...you're forced to put on a smile and act like we're all close to one another because we want to be, in reality if we weren't a member half of us wouldn't even give each other a second glance"

"Aren't you tired of this? Tired of following Akito blindly, doing whatever they want"

"You sound like Rin...."

You looked up at Haru seeing a small smile on his face.

"Is that a bad thing?"

"No... Rin is an amazing girl,  filled with dreams of a better life"

"You sound like you really care about her..."

You moved slightly away from him, for some reason seeing the way he lit up when he talked about her caused and ache in your chest.

Hatsuharu noticed this and quickly pulled you closer to him keeping his arm wrapped around your waist while his other hand gently rested on your cheek.
His eyes never left yours, the silence and intensity causing your heart to race.

"Are you jealous Y/N?"

"W-what?!....no I'm not jealous, why would I be jealous?"

"You're really bad at lying yah know, there's no reason to be jealous me and Rin did date before but we're not together now and haven't been for a while and plus.... A woman I've been in love with since we were kids just came back in my life and I plan on doing whatever it takes to be with her"

Before you could even process anything his lips were pressed against yours. You could feel everything in that moment, his soft lips against yours, his arm around your waist pulling you in closer. The way he kissed you so gently but you could feel the want within him.

Hatsuharu finally pulled away leaving you in a daze like state.

"I should probably go..."
"W-what?.... Why?"

"Are you begging me to stay Y/N?"

You looked away completely embarrassed by how pathetic you might have sounded to him.

"I'm not begging you for anything I was just confused that's all...I don't care if you go"

Before you could say anything else Haru quickly moved hovering over you. Your hands were pinned down by his resting above your head, his body perfectly positioned between your legs.

Your heart began to race, Hatsuharu stood staring down at you intensely. The beautiful pink shade that now covered your face, the way your eyes glistened as you looked up at him so innocently.

He moved his head down slightly tilting it towards your neck. As he moved closer he noticed how your breathing became heavier, how you slightly tilted your head to the side so he could have better access.

He wanted you so badly, knowing that even though you tried to put on this confident act, seeing you submit to him so easily and look so vulnerable under him aroused him even more.

You waited there patiently feeling his breath lingering over your neck. You wanted him, you tried to deny it.... To say that it wasn't possible, that Kyo was the only one who could make you feel this way. Yet here you were under Hatsuharu waiting for him to make his move, a move you so desperately craved.

That moved never happened....it ended as quickly as it started. Hatsuharu let out a low chuckle and was soon off of the bed facing the door.

"Good night Y/N I'll see you in the morning"

And with that he left, leaving you completely confused. That night you were restless not knowing what had just occurred or how you felt. When it came down to it who would you choose Kyo or Hatsuharu?

Hatsuharu on the other hand slept rather peacefully that night. Once safely inside his room the thoughts of how you looked so innocent under him ran through his mind. The image of your beautiful face as you looked up at him. Before he knew it his hands found his way around his large growth.

"Fuck.....Y/N....you're so fucking beautiful"

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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