10. Late Night

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🌶This chapter gets kind of spicy later on, don't worry I'll put a warning before it happens enjoy!🌶

After you left Kyo you and Shigure made your way back to the house. The entire car ride all you could think about was Kyo and the way his lips felt against yours.

"Yes Y/N?"
"Do you think us zodiacs can ever truly fall in love?"

Shigure looked your way as you stood looking out the car window thinking about Kyo.

"I think two zodiac members make a perfect relationship actually, it's easier for us to be together even though it's okay to also love someone who isn't a zodiac though things might be difficult especially with Akito"

"What if the two are cursed to end up locked away and forgotten?...."
"I say that's an even stronger reason to love one another fully in the moments you have"

You couldn't help but to smile

"Oh and Y/N for the record.."
"Yes Shigure?" You turned to face him
"I would never let someone lock you away again..."

Your heart began to race as you watch a smile appear on his face. In an instant your body had moved on its own and you found yourself leaning over to his side giving him a quick hug. Shigure looked down at you shocked for a moment but quickly smiled and patted your head.

After school: Kyo POV

"Would you two hurry the hell up these bags aren't getting any lighter you know!"

"You're the one who bought more than was on the list" Yuki snapped

"Shut it you damn rat they had a sale on her favorite snacks what else was I supposed to do!"

"Just buy what she can eat where do you expect to fit all of those?"

"I think it's sweet that you got all of this to make Y/N happy Kyo she's gonna love it!" Tohru said flashing him a smile.

"Don't encourage him miss Honda after all he is the one that made her upset in the first place" Yuki became irritated and started walking pass Kyo.

"I apologized so mind yah damn business!"

"I have never made Y/N upset and I've gotten the chance to live with her for years while you've been here for a couple of days and already managed to upset her"

*I hate him!*

The three of them finally made it back to the house, once they opened the door they instantly became shocked. You were standing right in the hallway holding two baskets of laundry.


"Oh welcome home guys"

"Hello Y/N please let me help you" Tohru made her way towards you grabbing a basket from your hands.

"Thank you Tohru that one goes in Shigure room"
"Got it!"

Tohru walked off with the basket while the two boys stood staring at you in the doorway.

"Why are you guys just standing there?"

"Y/N you did the laundry?...."
Yuki couldn't help but to look at you confused, the entire time you've lived together you have never done anyone else's laundry or bothered to clean up after them you mostly stood in your room and did what you needed to do for yourself.

"Yeah it was really piling up so I thought I'd help out it's not a big deal, I've also cleaned the entire house"

You handed Yuki the other basket that contained his clothes in it and began walking to the kitchen as the two boys followed behind you.

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