25.Grand Entrance

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The silence in the room was almost deafening as Shigure looked at you. You wanted so badly to accept his apology, to have him hold you close and forget all of this had happened... but not yet.

Sure if it just involves you then maybe you could forgive him right away. Dealing with Akito all those years you were use to forgiving people that caused you pain, you could wear that fake smile and fool everyone.

This time it was different, Haru was also hurt because of Shigure not just you. Fully forgiving Shigure was going to take a while, hopefully things could go back to how it once was back when you didn't know the truth.

"Would you look at that it's time for us to head over to the dining hall, why don't I escort you there?"

"Oh umm are you sure...didn't Akito want me to walk in with them?"

Shigure looked at you with that same smile as before

"I've already broken so many rules what's one more"

You couldn't help but to smile as Shigure held out his arm for you to grab. Your entire body was filled with nerves thinking about meeting the other's and having to deal with Akito treating you differently than the others. Maybe this wasn't a bad idea at all, sure you wished that Kyo would be the one to walk you in and hide you away from the others but Shigure was in fact your family and maybe you could avoid the others if you stood close by him.

The two of you made your way towards the dining hall, the distance quickly clearing. Your hands began to shake as your heart raced quickly.

"You're going to be okay Y/N, I've got you"

Hearing those words from Shigure and seeing him smile so confidently at you made your breathing regulate and your body became calm. You could do this as long as he was here. As you made it a couple of feet away from the door to the dining hall that familiar stern look caught your attention...Akito.

"Finally there you are Y/N"

Akito looked at you with that smile that once held so much meaning that soon turned to a agitated frown seeing your hand wrapped around Shigure's arm.

"Shigure you can go inside with the others I'd like to speak with Y/N privately for a moment"

"I'll step to the side for a moment if you'd like, Y/N is nervous and I'd like to be by her side when she walks in"

Shigure looked at Akito with a confident expression, the anger appearing more clearly on Akito's face. You could feel the tension rising between them and decided to put an end to it.

"Shigure I'll be okay thank you for escorting me here I'll walk in with Akito okay?"

Shigure looked at you confused for a moment but rather than asking any questions he simply gave you a nod and placed a kiss on your forehead.

"I'll be right inside waiting for you"

Shigure made his way inside leaving just you and Akito in the hallway.

"What would you like to discuss Akito?"

Their eyes wandered up and down your figure as they began to step closer to you placing your hand in theirs.

"Are you mad at me for earlier Y/N? I hope you don't think I would pick Hatsuharu over you. You know you're special to me right? After all you were created for me and only me, my beautiful dragon"

Akito placed one hand under your chin as the other wrapped around your waist pulling you close to them.

"I love you Y/N, do you still love me?"

Their eyes stared intensely at you as their grip tightened around your waist.

"Yes Akito..."
"Yes what Y/N?"
"I love you Akito...now and forever"
"Good girl"

Akito leaned in close placing a kiss on your forehead the same way Shigure did.

"There we go now there's no trace of that dog only me"

Akito fixed your Kimono and theirs as well before turning towards the door. You stood a couple steps behind them as you usually did when entering a room. Akito looked at their side confused and then back to you holding out their hand.

"Why are you so far my dragon? This is our grand entrance, we'll go in together"

Akito flashed you a smile that seemed so sincere and filled with love and without a second thought you grabbed their hand and stood beside them.

Akito gave a nod to the aids of the estate and the doors swiftly opened. Your eyes quickly widened seeing all the other zodiac's proudly standing in a circle with smiles on all of their faces. Seeing all of them standing there made an overwhelming amount of emotions rise, you had waited years for a moment like this.

The entire scene was bizarre, it was as if you had just gotten married and were being introduced as a couple for the first time. You started to become nervous again when your eyes rested on that familiar gray hair.

Haru stood there with a smile directed only towards you causing you to blush. You followed Akito's movements and took a seat beside them. Everyone else sat down their eyes fixated on you. It was clear that the ones you hadn't met were confused and simply in awe by your presence.

"As I'm sure you all can see my surprise for this years banquet is someone most important to me, my dragon Y/N"

"Wow so that's the dragon"
"She's so beautiful"
"My my look at her"
"Did you feel it to?"
"I told you guys she was beautiful" Momoji said to the mumbling others.

You took in a deep breath hearing all the chatter about you made your heart race.


Everyone's eyes quickly turned to you hearing your soft voice.

"It's...It's really nice meeting all of you after all this time...I hope that you guys will accept me in to this family as not just the dragon but as Y/N. You don't know how much it means to me to be beside you all right now...thank you!"

You bowed your head to the others as tears slowly ran down your face, tears you didn't even know were begging to come out all this time. You felt a hand on your shoulder, looking up you saw that bright smile and blonde hair.

"Welcome home Y/N!"

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