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Your face completely lit up a bright red hearing those words and just how close he was. Tohru stood sitting on the other side of the table blushing as well while Kyo and Shigure looked utterly shocked.

"What the hell did you just say yah damn rat get away from her!"
"Oh my...." Was all Shigure could say

"Y-Yuki....you can't go saying things like that you need to word things better..." you said trying to avoid eye contact with him but he began to move closer.

"I don't understand how else I could have word it, what I said is what I want and that is to touch you

"Y-Yuki I..."

Before you could gather the words Kyo lifted you off the floor and away from Yuki wrapping you in his arms. He stared daggers at him as he pressed you against his chest.

"There's no way in hell I'll let you touch her"

Yuki stood up giving Kyo and angry and irritated expression.

"It's not up to you it's up to Y/N she doesn't belong to you, Y/N?.."

You managed to lift your face off of Kyo's chest and looked at the gentle gaze Yuki was giving you.

"Yes Yuki?..."
"I meant no disrespect towards you and you don't need to answer me right now I'll wait a little while longer if you'd like"

It became quiet amongst you all as the tension grew in the room. Kyo let you go after a while but made sure to sit right next to you keeping Yuki on the other side. Tohru began to make dinner since it was beginning to get late and then it dawned on you.

"My room s destroyed...."
"Why yes it is" Shigure said placing his hand on his forehead recalling the damage done to his house.

Tohru brought the food to the table and you all began to eat silently.

"I guess I could just sleep here for tonight"
"I'll bring down some blankets for you" Shigure said

"No need she can just sleep with me"


Everyone looked up towards Yuki as Shigure choked on his food from what was just said. Yuki remained calmed and continued eating as if what he said was nothing.

"Like hell I'd let her sleep with you yah rat she'll sleep in my room with me obviously"

"Why would that be obvious I've lived with Y/N longer it would only make sense that she'd be more comfortable sleeping with me rather than you"

"Oh please don't give me that crap what me and Y/N have is different so clearly..."
"And what is it that you think you have with Y/N?

Yuki asked as anger filled him, Kyo stood there silent realizing what he just said out loud. He sat down in frustration as his face became a bright shade of red.

"I-If it's okay with Y/N she can stay in my room until hers is fixed I don't mind plus it'll be some fun girl time" Tohru said trying to break the tension in the air.

"I'd like that Tohru..."

The two of you grabbed the dishes from the boys and began cleaning up as they both stood staring at one another intensely. The two of you made your way to her room leaving the others behind.

"I've never seen Sohma like that before" Tohru said as the two of you set up the floor for you to sleep.

"Me either...these past couple of years we've lived together Yuki has never done something like that.."

Your cheeks became red thinking about how close and intense Yuki was. Tohru noticed and decided to sit next to you on the setup you two made.

"So what are you going to do?"
"I don't know... I mean what if I can't control my feelings and he hugs me and I end up hurting him..."

"You were able to hug me and you've known Sohma longer and plus the way you have a handle on everything with Kyo seems good" Tohru said trying to reassure you.

"It's different with you and Kyo...I know how I feel towards the two of you and my feelings towards Kyo has never changed so it's easier to handle and with you I know I wanted to be friends with you and keep you safe..."

"With Yuki and Shigure it's different..." you pulled your knees against your chest trying to hide your face.

"I've been with them for years now and I know I love them but I could never figure out in which way do I love them and if they feel the same...they're so important to me I don't ever want to hurt them" you felt tears in your eyes but that soon went away as you felt Tohru's hand resting on yours.

"Sohma and Shigure love you Y/N I can tell and I can tell you love them to and just how important this might be to them, I won't push you to do something you don't want to but I think you should give yourself a little more credit I'm certain you can do it"

"Thanks Tohru..."

The next morning

After getting ready you made your way downstairs seeing Tohru make breakfast while Shigure and Yuki stood sitting at the table.

"Y-Yuki do you mind coming with me for a second?...."

Yuki stood up from the table flustered and made his way towards you without saying a word. You place his hands in yours and began walking outside with him.

What you didn't know was that Kyo was sitting on the roof as usual watching angrily as your hand rested in Yuki's while the two of you disappeared into the forest. After a while you two made it to a small clearing. You let go of his hand and stood a couple of inches away from him.

"Y/N is everything okay? Why are we here?"
You stood looking at the ground as your cheeks became red.

"We're here because it's safer if and changed and So you can touch me....." you whispered
"I'm sorry I couldn't hear you?"

"I said so you can touch me!" You yelled

Yuki instantly became flustered with his face a bright shade of pink. He turned around covering his face trying to cool down.

"Why did you word it like that?..."
"Are you kidding me that's exactly how you said it yesterday"
"Really?.... I apologize then I didn't realize how it may have sound to you, now I realize why you were so red"

" I was not so are you going to do it or what because I don't have all..."

Before you could finish you were wrapped in his arms. It was warm and gentle, you found your self resting your head against his chest.

Yuki rested his head on yours as he held you tighter wishing that this moment would last forever. The two of you slowly pulled apart leaving just a couple of inches between your faces. Yuki looked down at you with a smile placing his hand on your cheek.

"Thank you Y/N"

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