13.The storm has passed

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The two of you arrived at the store just when Kagura was about to pay realizing she forgot her bag. Tohru made her way towards her and paid for her instead.

The three of you began walking back towards the house, you listened as the two talked to one another and then you heard his name.

"Tell me Tohru do you like Kyo?...."
"Of course I do!"

You and Kagura both stopped walking and looked at Tohru. She quickly understood how that might have came out and began to explain how she admired the cat zodiac spirit and always considered herself to be the cat.

You thought the story was cute and knew that if Kyo heard the way she spoke about the cat it would make him feel better about himself to.

The two continued talking about Kyo while Kagura described their friendship as children.

"Wow you and Kyo sound like great friends Kagura" Tohru smiled

"We are, all of us zodiacs are friends we've spent most of our lives together"

Your chest became heavy hearing that and you let out a sigh causing Kagura to glance at you.

"You know Y/N.....I've heard so much about you when we were kids, all of us did"

"Yeah I'm sure Akito had a couple of things to say about me..."

You began walking past the two getting a little frustrated.

"Actually Hatsuharu was the one that told us about you"

Your heart began to race hearing his name, you turned towards Kagura this time looking at her without and angry expression for the first time.

"Really....he did?"

"Yeah, that's one of the reasons I knew who you were when you came downstairs. He use to tell us all the time how pretty you were and how much he loved your hair and the conversations you use to have"

Tohru watched as your cheeks became red hearing Kagura say this and she couldn't help but to smile.

"Who's this Hatsuharu you guys are talking about?"
"He's one of the zodiac members, he was the only one that got to speak to Y/N before Kyo"

"Really I thought Kyo was the only one"

"Haru was the boy I told you about Tohru...."

Tohru became confused trying to recall what you were talking about and then it hit her. Hatsuharu was the boy who would sneak to your window to speak to you when you were younger. The one you fell in love with, the one that caused Akito to lock you up even more. She just assumed that it was Kyo in that story.

It became silent between the three of you for a moment as Tohru and Kagura watched a smile appear on your face.

"Yes Y/N?"
"Is he.....is he doing well?...is he happy?..."
"Oh umm yeah as far as I know he is"

You began walking ahead of the two again leaving them confused as they followed behind you quietly.

"You know Y/N I bet Hatsuharu would love to come visit you. Now that I know where you are I can tell him and the others and they can all finally meet you and we can all...."



"Listen Kagura.....I'm sorry but the others can't know where I'm at....as much as I want to meet them....and as much as I want to see him again....I can't"

"Why not, we've all waited so long to meet you"

"If you tell the others where I am, if you tell him where I am then Akito is bound to find out....and if they do then I'll be locked up again. You'll risk me being taken away from this house, the family that I have here. Not only that but just imagine what Akito would do if they found out that Shigure,Yuki and Kyo knew I was here and never said anything....they mean the world to me and I can't risk that...."

You felt a hand on your shoulder, you turned to see Kagura looking at you with a smile.

"I promise I won't tell anyone let's just keep this a secret amongst friends"

"Thank you" you smiled back

The three of you made it to the top of the steps in front of the house. When you were about to walk in you turned to Kagura one more time.

"Since we're friends now I think it's best if you know that I'm also in love with Kyo and I won't give him up without a fight.."

Her eyes widened but then a smirk appeared on her face "that makes the both of us then"

"Aweeee Y/N you're in love with Kyo to!"

You quickly covered Tohru's mouth afraid that the others might hear.

"Tohru let's just keep this between us girls okay?"
"Mmmhmm" she said against your hand.

The three of you walked in laughing causing Kyo and Yuki to dart around the corner.

"Why the hell did you just leave without saying anything!"
"Yeah we didn't know where you two went off to we just hopped that you went with Kagura and that you were okay"

"We're fine calm down would yah you're making Tohru nervous"

The two boys turned seeing Tohru standing behind you. Kagura mush her way past the boys and into the kitchen.

"I'll help you!" Tohru said as she followed into the kitchen.

"Wait for me Kagura I'll help you guys out to"

"You guys are friends now?"

Kyo and Yuki looked at each other and then to you confused.

"It seems like we both like the same things..."

You looked at Kyo with a smile and then followed the girls. Dinner was great and Kagura and Tohru ended up spending the night in your room. The next morning as Kagura was leaving she ended up bumping into the same delivery man and transformed. Yuki was able to distract the man and push him away before he saw anything.

Tohru was excited to find out that Kagura was in fact the boar and even complimented her.

"Feel free to stop by again Kagura, it's nice having a new friend...." you said

The boys looked at you in shock while Kagura became a blushing mess and waved goodbye.

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