16. Let's Go Home

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The two of you made it down a hill and was met with Yuki looking around confused.

"Y/N..what are you?"

Before Yuki could finish what he was saying you grabbed the paper from his hands.

"So which one is hers? Where does Tohru live?"
"I'm not sure it should be here but I can't find it"

"Give me that of course you can't find it let me do it"

Kyo grabbed the piece of paper and began walking towards every house looking at the name and numbers, Yuki did the same.

"It should be the one that looks brand new!"
"Not necessarily miss Honda said that the outside wasn't.."

"It's over here guys!"

The boys turned to see you standing in front of a house covered in plastic and wood.

"You were right Yuki she did say the front wasn't done yet"

The three of you walked towards the front door, Kyo was about to knock but Yuki stopped him hearing the voices of people talking. He grabbed your hand and made his way towards the side of the house. The three of you crouched down looking in from the window. There you saw her, she was standing there just a few feet away but something was off.

A tall man with glasses came closer to Tohru, to close for your liking.

"Tell me Tohru is it true that you were living with men Hmm? Did they do things to you?" The tall man with glasses said.

"What the hell!"

You went to move but Yuki quickly grabbed your arm.

"Let go do you see the way he's talking to her, the way he's talking about you guys!"

"Y/N you have to wait we don't even know if miss Honda would even want to come back just wait a moment please..."

You listened as the man went on, the anger inside you boiling and you could tell that Kyo and Yuki felt the same way. Suddenly her grandfather had slapped the man in the face and Tohru's silence had broken and your attention was drawn to her.

"Your right I should feel great full and I am....I shouldn't miss the Sohmas so much. Miss the way we would laugh and have fun together, the slumber parties me and Y/N would have."


"But the truth is I miss them so much... Sohma,Kyo, Shigure...and I miss Y/N so much to . I-I just wanna go home!"

In an instant you and Yuki ran inside the house, Yuki stood in between the man and Tohru while you hugged her from behind.

"Sohma?...Y/N? What are you?"

"We're taking you home Tohru"

Her eyes widened hearing this and seeing the two of you standing with her.

"Alright let's go already"

Kyo placed his hand on top of Tohru's head and began taking her outside.

"Now just wait a moment you can't just.."

Before the man with the glasses could finish his sentence Yuki had flicked him so hard he fell to the ground.

"Don't you ever disrespect miss Honda again"
"Come close to Tohru again I'll kill you, you understand me!"

His attention was drawn to you and how serious you were as fear filled him.

Yuki made his way upstairs to gather Tohru's things while you stood waiting for him. Your eyes were drawn to Tohru's grandfather who for some reason wouldn't stop looking at you. Well they all kept looking at you in both awe and fear but his gaze was different.

Yuki came back down and apologized to her grandfather about the scene they had made. You were about to leave with him when you felt a tug on your shirt.

"Young lady what is your name?" Her grandfather asked

"It's Y/N sir...I apologize for earlier I didn't mean to cause any trouble or disrespect you or your home. I only came to get back someone I consider a member of my family as well please forgive me" you bowed.

"Just as I thought you two are just alike, you and my dear Kyoko"
"Her name is Tohru gramps"

"She would do anything to protect Tohru, she had that fire in her just like you do and I can tell you'll protect Tohru and care for her the way she would. So I'm in trusting you with the safety of my grand daughter can I count on you?"

"Oh umm... of course you can sir I would never let any harm come to Tohru I love her.."
"That's good to hear thank you"

You bowed once more and he placed a gentle pat on your head. It was a simple gesture but for some reason it brought a sense of happiness to you and tears to your eyes. Yuki smiled at you and the two of you walked outside.

"Took you long enough!"

The two of you walked towards Kyo and Tohru, the smile on her face made your heart race. The three began walking but stopped when they realized you hadn't moved yet.

"Are you okay Y/N? Did what he said get to you?"
"Who said something to you huh?!"

"Tohru you hurt me..."

The boys instantly became quiet and looked back and forth between the two of you.

"Y/N I never meant to hu..."

"Please just let me get this off my chest!"

She nodded her head and waited for you to continue

"I understand now it might've been difficult for you to say goodbye but leaving a note wasn't good enough at least not for me.... I hate losing people especially ones I care so deeply about, I thought you were gone for good and that I would never see you again and I felt broken"

"You, Kyo, Yuki and Shigure are my family I love you all more than anything in this world so please....the three of you....promise me okay? Promise me you'll never leave me!"

You looked up at the three wide eyed teenagers with tears in your eyes. They looked at you and smiled.

We promise!

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