2. Zodiacs

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Once dressed Kyo went to run in after you but Yuki quickly grabbed him by the arm.

"The hell are you doing yah damn rat let go of me!"
"Stay away from Y/N you useless cat!"

"Now Yuki calm down its only natural for Kyo to want to run after her he hasn't seen her in years unlike you" Shigure said which caused Kyo to become filled with rage.

"She was with you for years and you didn't say a damn thing!" Kyo and Yuki looked like they were about to fight but was instantly thrown of track by Tohru.

"Who was that girl?..."

The three boys turned towards Tohru coming to realization that she had just saw them turn and now she had seen you.

"How about we all go back inside so we can talk about this properly" Shigure said

They all made their way back inside seeing that you weren't in the living room made Kyo frustrated.

"She thinks she can just hide again!" Kyo went to step upstairs but Shigure instantly blocked him giving him a serious expression.

"I'll go get her you have a seat with the others, oh and open the doors you know how she likes her sunlight"

You stood in your dark room curled up in a corner. You couldn't understand why you had went downstairs to help, your body moved on its own hearing Tohru freak out so much. But now he saw you....after three years Kyo had finally seen you. So many questions ran through your head.

Was he mad at you? Did he hate you for leaving? Why didn't he show up that day? Will he tell Akito?

You began to have a panic attack as you stood in the darkness with all these thoughts rushing through your head. Then a knock was heard at the door as Shigure slowly opened it. He turned and met your gaze with a smile. Shigure crouched down infront of you making sure to keep a small distance to ensure he wouldn't touch you.

"Thank you for helping Tohru and us down there I know it must've been hard seeing him"

"Is....is he angry?"

Shigure flashed you his signature smile and stood up

"When isn't Kyo angry? Everything is going to be fine Y/N. How about we go downstairs you don't have to say a word if you don't want to and I'll make sure he doesn't come near you"

"I'm fine I'll just stay here..."

"The doors are opened and it's finally sunny out, you haven't been outside in days you know how sick you'll get without sunlight"

You looked up at Shigure frustrated knowing that he was right. You stood up and followed Shigure out your room and to the tops of the steps. Shigure told you to wait a moment before coming down. Once he made it to the living room the others quickly turned to face him.

"Well where is she?"
"Now Kyo listen here I understand that you might be upset but right now isn't the time to do this Y/N has been asleep for days because of the rain we just had she needs some sunlight. When she comes down here I don't want anyone to bother her just let her go outside in peace"

Kyo was frustrated but knew how important it was for you to get sunlight so he agreed to stay quiet for now and so did Tohru.

You made your way downstairs, once you turned the corner your eyes met with Kyo's and all those feelings came rushing back. You turned your head and quickly made your way out the door trying to avoid Tohru gaze as well. You sat on the grass in the garden leaving the others inside. Kyo sat just outside the door watching you.

"She's so beautiful..." Tohru said watching as your
H/C flowed in the wind and you smiled feeling the sun hit your skin.

"She is..." Kyo whispered loud enough for them to hear.

Shigure then went on to explain how they were members of the zodiac spirits to Tohru and how he would need to report the incident to Akito.

"So who exactly is she?....is she also a zodiac spirit?" Tohru asked.

"Her name is Y/N and in fact she's one of the most important and rare zodiac members, Y/N is the first one in thousands of years"

"Really which one is she?"

Shigure looked at Tohru with a smile seeing how excited she was getting.

"I'll let you try and guess which one she is, a lot of people tend to forget about this zodiac so let's see if you can guess just by looking at her"

Tohru began to stare at you trying to recall all of the members of the zodiac. She began to list most of them and every time Shigure shook his head no she became more and more discouraged. The sun began to shine brighter on you making it seem as though your skin was shining. The wind blew causing the flame blue ends of your hair to flow.

"Her hair is like fire...." Tohru said
"You're getting closer" Shigure said with a large smile causing Tohru to think even harder.

"She's the dragon!" Tohru yelled

You turned your gaze towards her hearing how loud she yelled it. She instantly became embarrassed and began apologizing.

"So if I were to hug Y/N she would turn into a dragon?"

Shigure began to laugh at her expression
"Well you see Y/N doesn't allow anyone to touch her and as for the way she transforms your both female so I don't think you would make her change, then again no one has seen Y/N transform other than Akito so I'm not sure exactly"

"That's because Akito kept her caged up..." Kyo said in a harsh tone.

"Now Kyo there isn't any time for things like that" Shigure said

"Oh no time I'm gonna be late to class!" Tohru said, she apologized and ran upstairs to get ready as did Yuki.

"I'll leave you two here so look over the house and Kyo be a dear and fix the roof in Tohru room"

"Yeah yeah whatever!" Kyo said as he stood staring at you basking in the sunlight.

"And Kyo make sure you don't make Y/N angry we don't need dark Y/N in this house"

Kyo waved off his hand in a dismissive way and continued to watch you as Shigure left.

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