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"I have to go now!"
"Like hell you are I'm not letting you leave again!"

After seeing Hatori at the festival your anxiety was high. Everyone had rushed straight home with you. You ran into the house completely ignoring Kyo as he spoke to you and began packing your things.

Yuki explained the situation to Shigure and to say that he was concerned was an understatement. The three men tried talking you out of it but you didn't want to listen. How could you live a happy life here now that Akito knew about where you were. That the boys withheld this information from them.

"Damn it Y/N stop it you're not leaving!"

Kyo yanked the bag off of your bed throwing it to the side.

"I'm going and that's it.."
"Y/N I'll talk to Akito everything will be fine" Shigure tried to ensure you.

"We won't let them take you Y/N.." Yuki said as he stood by the doorway with Tohru.

"You don't understand... if they locked me away again sure I'd be miserable and lonely...but I'd be okay with just that.."

"The hell are you saying!"

You turned to the four of them, tears running uncontrollably down your face.

"I can live with being locked up again, I can do that! But if Akito hurts one of you because you're keeping me here, because you guys are protecting me..I-I could never live with myself if that happened!"

The three boys stood standing there in silence, they knew all tell well what Akito was capable of and what they had put you through. The thing they didn't fully realize before was just how badly you had feared Akito.

"Please don't leave Y/N....I understand that you're scared, we all do but like you said we're a family and family protects each other right?" Tohru had made her way beside you grabbing your hand in hers.

"You made us promise not to leave you and we're keeping that promise so why don't you keep your end of it damn it"

You looked up at all their concerned faces, as much as you feared Akito and wanted to just run away again this was your family and leaving them would also cause them pain.

"O-Okay....I'll stay"

They all let out a deep breath and smiled in relief hearing those words.

The rest of the night was pretty quiet,everyone could tell you were still on edge and wanted to give you some space.

After dinner the boys began talking to each other about what was to be expected while you and Tohru worked on the dishes. The phone suddenly rang and Tohru quickly went to answer it. After a while you could hear Tohru whispering.

"Yes I'll be there but I don't think Y/N will be able to make it she's.."
"Make it where Tohru? Who are you talking to?"

Tohru quickly looked up to see you standing beside her.

"It's umm Hatori... he wanted to know.."

Before she could finish the sentence you grabbed the phone from her hands.

"Hatori what do you want?"

"Do you always answer the phone so rudely Y/N?"
"You told Akito I'm assuming..."
"Yes I did"

"Akito wants to see you Y/N, they would appreciate it if you could stop by the estate tomorrow"
"What so I can be caged up again"

"No none of that I assure you Akito just wants to see you"
"So why does Akito need Tohru as well"
"It's not Akito that wishes to see Tohru it's me, I promise I just want to talk to her that's all"

You were hesitant to respond, everything in you was telling you to tell Hatori no and hang up the phone. But there was a small part of you that just wanted the running to be over with.

"Fine tell Akito I'll be there..."

You hung up the phone before he could say another word. Turning to Tohru you explained to her that the boys couldn't know where the two of you were going and that you would have to come up with a lie. She agreed and the two of you made your way to bed.

The next day

You and Tohru stood standing at the entrance of the estate. It had been so long since you been here and in all honesty the anxiety filled you.

Tohru was guided towards where Hatori was while you were guided the opposite direction.

You stood in front of the door where Akito was, your heart racing as your hands began to shake. You gave a knock and without a second of silence that all to familiar voice told you to enter.

Your eyes were met with that familiar short black hair. Those eyes that could burn a hole right through you. The only person in the world who had this hold on you that you so desperately wanted to break.

"Welcome home Y/N"
"Hello Akito.."

You kneeled in front of Akito the tension and silence in the room deafening. Akito stared strong at you with a blank expression not saying a word.

"You're looking well.."
"That's the first thing you have to say to me after all this time, I thought our connection was better then that Y/N"

"I'm not sure what you want me to say.."

"I don't know how about an apology for abandoning me, for leaving your god and not saying a word. Maybe you'd like to apologize to me for hiding away with those three all this time. I think the latest apology you owe me is for living with a girl who knows our secrets."

You didn't know what to say it was clear how angry Akito was and even though you wanted to talk your mouth just wouldn't move. You stood staring at the ground when you suddenly felt a hand pressed against your face.

Your body began to shake from that familiar touch, your eyes met theirs and were met with a cold stare.

"Tell me Y/N do you love this girl the way you once loved me?..."

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