27.After Dinner

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The banquet seemed to move along quickly after that. You spent most of your time talking to Haru and Momiji getting to know him better. The others would come over one by one to formally introduce themselves and to be honest just to get a good look at you.

"Wow that was..."

You and Haru looked and one another and began to laugh. The banquet had finally came to an end and everyone began making their way towards their rooms.

"Y/N did you have a good time with us?" Momiji asked looking up at you with the most adorable face.

"Of course I did you guys are all amazing, don't tell anyone but you're my favorite" you whispered the last part to him automatically making him blush.

Momiji soon ran off leaving you alone with Haru once again.

"You do know he's our age right?" Haru asked seeing the way you looked at Momiji as if he was a child.

"What?!" You looked at him shocked, Momiji was shorter than the rest of you and just gave off a child like vibe in general so you would never expect him to be your age.

Haru couldn't help but to laugh at you

"Don't laugh at me"

You nudge his shoulder puffing out your face in irritation, Haru looked down at you and smiled.

"You're so cute when you're angry yah know"

"W-what....shut up.." (flustered mess)


The both of you turned towards the direction your name was called only to see Shigure walking towards you with an awkward smile.

"Yes Shigure?"

He looked at Haru for a moment and then fixed his attention fully on you.

"Some of the aids have informed me that you've received a couple of phone calls this evening"

"Phone calls?"

"Yes... it seems like you have people at home that couldn't wait to wish you a Happy New Year"

The realization hit you quickly and you couldn't help but to smile as that warm feeling filled your chest.

"I need a phone... Shigure where's the phone?!"

The excitement was filling you, there was no way you were going to have them waiting any longer.

"There's a phone in your room it would be best to use that one, you'll have more privacy there"


You instantly turned to make your way towards your room when you felt a hand around your wrist,you turned around to see Hatsuharu looking at you with almost a sad expression.


Hatsuharu looked down realizing what he had done and quickly moved his hand away.

"Uhh...I'm sorry I don't know why I did that.."

He looked away from you embarrassed, Haru was about to walk away when he felt your hand intertwined with his.

"You can come with me if you'd like, it's already late so I won't be on the phone to long and I can use the company"

"Yeah....I mean sure, if you want company"

You let out a small laugh seeing Hatsuharu trying to act like he was only tagging along because you asked not because he was upset about you leaving him.

Once the two of you made it to your room you quickly ran to the phone. The phone kept ringing and you began to get anxious thinking that they might have fallen asleep already and you missed wishing them a Happy New Year.

As you were about to hang up the phone you heard her voice.

"Hello Sohma residence"

Hatsuharu watched as a smile came across your face

"I'm sorry I missed you guy's calls the banquet just finished.

"No worries did you have fun? How was it? They were nice to you right?"

You hadn't realized it but tears began to slowly run down your face. Hatsuharu quickly made his way beside you on the bed.

"Yes Y/N?"
"I love you..."

Tohru began to malfunction for a moment on the other side of the phone. You're voice was sweet and sounded like music in her ears hearing you say that.

(Cuteness overload!)

"I love you to Y/N, Happy New Year..."
"Happy New Year Tohru"

The two of you went silent for a moment, both smiling on either side.

"Oh Sohma it's Y/N" you heard Tohru say, Yuki quickly grabbed the phone.

"Y/N are you okay? Did something happen?"
"Yuki I'm fine I just called to wish you guys a Happy New Year's that's all"

Yuki couldn't help but to smile hearing that. He felt terrible about leaving you alone during your first time at the banquet, but he also knew that you would be upset if he had decided not to be with Tohru.

When they weren't able to reach you earlier that night he became even more worried thinking that he might have made a mistake, but hearing your voice seemed to make everything better.

"Happy New Year Y/N"
"Happy New Year Yuki..."
"Miss Honda went to get that idiot cat off the roof he should be here any moment"

"Who are you calling an idiot you dumb rat"

You couldn't help but to laugh, usually their fighting would annoy you but for some reason at the moment you felt comfort, love and a little bit homesick.


There was silence for a moment, and not that awkward silence. It was the type of silence you find comforting, that silence that follows after a weight has been lifted off your shoulders.

"Are you okay? How was it?"
"Yeah I'm okay... it was alright, it was nice meeting everyone but..."
"But what?Akito didn't give you a hard time did they?!"

You looked at Hatsuharu for a moment knowing what you said next might hurt him.

"It just didn't feel right not having you with me...I don't know how to explain it, it just felt like the whole thing wasn't worth it if you weren't there..."

Hatsuharu felt tense for a moment feeling a sharp pain in his chest, while Kyo on the other hand couldn't help but to blush.

"I miss you to Y/N, don't worry I'll be there tomorrow okay?"

"Maybe I should go.."

You turned to Hatsuharu seeing the sad expression on his face.

"No stay!"
"Who are you talking to?"

Your heart began to race, you weren't doing anything wrong right? I mean you and Kyo weren't dating and it's not like you were with  Hatsuharu either so why did you feel guilty?

"I'm...I was talking to Haru"


"Hatsuharu is with you?...."
"Yes.. he's been keeping me company the whole day... Momiji to!"

Why did you feel like you needed to express that last ppart?

"Oh okay...that's good, at least you have someone there do you mind letting me talk to him I wanna thank him.."
"Uhh sure..."

You handed Hatsuharu the phone, you watched as he smiled as Kyo talked.

"Listen bastard if you touch her I'll kill you!"

Authors Notes:
hey guys I know it's been a while since I posted and I'm so sorry. I know this chapter might not be the best but I wanted to get something out there.
hope you guys continue to enjoy the story!

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