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You stood there in complete shock, of course you knew that Hatsuharu would be attending the banquet but what you never expected was that strange feeling in your chest seeing him again.

"Look at the two of you it's like you've both seen a ghost" Akito began to laugh

Haru couldn't help but just stare at you, it had been so long since you both had seen one another. Everyone was told that Akito had a surprise this banquet and that everyone was to behave and act accordingly. The last thing he expected this surprise to be was you.

"It's understandable that the both of you are silent..." Akito broke the silence once again catching the attention from you both.

"I mean Y/N did disappear without as much as a letter. When was the last time you two had the chance to see each other? Hmmm let's think... oh I've got it, it was the day I found out Hatsuharu here was disobeying my rules and sneaking here to see you. What was your excuse again Hatsuharu? That you were supposedly in love right?"

Akito smirked seeing Haru's jaw clenching, their eyes slowly turned towards you seeing how you now wore a blank expression on your face. It was clear to you what Akito was doing and you weren't about to react to their tricks. But seeing this only mad Akito angry.

You watched as Akito moved even closer to Haru placing their hand on his face.

"I heard that you cried for days when you heard that Y/N had disappeared maybe you really did love her probably as much as I do. But what we both didn't know is that she ran off because she fell in love with that disgusting cat. Go on Y/N tell him how you forgot all about him, how you've been living with that filthy monster this entire time, how you never loved him"

You remained silent wearing that same expression. Akito began to get bored seeing you gave no reaction.

"You can go now Hatsuharu"

You watched as Haru grabbed his jacket and began walking towards the room door that you stood beside. He was now so close that you could just reach out your hand and touch him. You wanted to...you wanted to hug him and tell him how much you've missed him and how happy you were to finally see him again.

He was now beside you reaching for the door. Your eyes looked towards him. You expected to be met with his or at least a smile indicating that he was happy to see you again as well but there was nothing.

Haru didn't even bother to spare you a glance or say a word to you causing a sharp pain in your chest. You quickly looked away from him and back to Akito hearing the door close behind him.

Akito gave you the run down on what would happen at the banquet tonight and how the others didn't know that you would be attending. Soon after you were dismissed.

You began making your way down the hallway towards the room you would be staying in, the interaction you just had running through your mind. You always had a thought that Haru would be upset once he saw you again but you never thought he would shut you out.

Did he really believe everything that Akito was saying. Of course some of it was true but not to that extent, did Haru think you didn't care about him now? The fact that he wouldn't even look your way or say anything to you before he left hurt you deeply.

Your room was in sight but you began to feel that heavy feeling in your chest again. You leaned against a near by door taking in a shaky breath as tears slowly began to run down your face.

You covered your eyes with your arm trying to hide the tears falling down your face.

"Haru I'm sorry...." You whispered

"Sorry for what?"

Your heart dropped hearing that familiar voice, slowly lowering your arm you were met with that familiar white hair.

"Haru?...w-what are you doing here aren't you supposed to be in the main hall?..."

"I forgot something in my room.." he pointed towards the door you were leaning against.

"Oh..I'll be on my way then"

You moved out of his way getting ready to walk towards your room that was about two doors down. You heard his door open and suddenly felt a hand around your wrist quickly pulling you into the slightly lit room.

All you could hear was the sound of the door locking as you were pressed up against the wall. A small ray of light peeked into the room through the barely open shades. Your eyes met with his, it had been years since you looked into those eyes.

"What are you sorry for?"
"When you were crying you said sorry before you realized I was there, what are you sorry for?"

Haru's gaze was intense, he placed both hands on the wall resting on either side of you. Were you dealing with dark Haru right now?

"I...I never meant to hurt you or make you cry, I didn't want to leave you but I couldn't deal with the torture of being locked away anymore! I should've said something just now with Akito but like always I'm weak when it comes to Akito... but Akito was wrong I do love you Haru I've missed you so much!"

You suddenly felt a light pressure on your shoulder realizing that Haru was now resting his head gently on your shoulder. He kept his arms on either side of you making sure not to fully hold you. The sensation of his breath on your neck caused shivers down your spine as he slowly turned his head against your shoulder, his lips slightly grazing against your neck.

"God I wish I could hold you right now I've missed you so much...I love you Y/N"

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