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Throughout the remainder of the day you noticed Tohru acting strange. You all sat down for dinner and she wasn't her usual talkative self.

"Tohru are you alright?..."
"Oh umm yeah I'm okay Y/N..."

The four of you watched as Tohru stared silently at her food.

"Miss Honda if something is bothering you I'm pretty sure we are all willing to listen" Yuki said

She looked up at the four of you and took a deep breath plastering that smile on her face.

"Well gramps called last night with some good news about the house. The inside is completely finished but the outside still needs some work but it's still safe to live in"

"Well that's good he can finally move back into his house" you began to eat once again as Tohru continued

"Yeah..he said it's safe for me to finally go back home"

You felt a tightness in your chest, your eyes darting towards her seeing that smile still on her face.

"You're leaving?...."
"Yeah it's time for me to go back home..."

Kyo sat beside you watching as the grip on your chopsticks became tighter, the way your chest began to rise and fall quicker. You were starting to have a panic attack and he could see it. He gently took the chopsticks out your hand, interlocking his fingers with yours as he pulled your hand down under the table, rubbing his thumb along it to calm you down.

"We're all very happy for you Tohru, of course you will be missed here and you are welcomed to stop by whenever you'd like" Shigure said

"So miss Honda when are you leaving?"
"Soon I'm still trying to gather the just of it"

You couldn't stand it anymore, sitting there listening to her speak so freely about her leaving. You got up from your seat grabbing your plate and made your way to the kitchen. The three men noticed your reaction and understood what possibly could be going through your head right now. Truth being they were going to miss Tohru as well.

"I'm happy it's safe for you to go back to your.....home"

You left the kitchen without saying another word. The boys looked at one another and Kyo gave them the look letting them know he would go talk to you while they talked to Tohru.

He searched upstairs and you were nowhere to be found, he moved to the garden and the same thing. Kyo began to become worried but then he heard the faint sounds of your whimpers coming from the roof.
He climbed the ladder and sure enough there you were. Your knees pressed against your chest, head buried against them.

"You know this is usually my spot to run away from things"
"Go away Kyo...."
"I'm sure she'll come and visit"

You could feel Kyo's warmth as his arm wrapped around your shoulder pulling you in.

"It's not the same..."
"You guys will still be friends Y/N if that's what you're worried about"

"She said she was going home Kyo.... I thought... I thought that we were her new home that I was..."

Kyo listened as more whimpers escaped your lips

"You and Yuki get to see her whenever you go to school. It's guaranteed that you guys get to see her everyday. We both know Tohru she's always working so hard and is always so busy. What if she's to busy to visit and she starts to forget about me?"

"She's not going to forget about..."

Kyo was now faced with those e/c orbs red and glossy as tears ran down your face.

"Why....why does everyone I love leave me Kyo?....am I not enough?"

His heart ached hearing those words leave your lips, all he wanted to do in that moment was show you just how much you were loved by him. His lips pressed against yours as his hands rested on your cheeks.

"You are more than enough do you understand me...you deserve the moon, the stars, and the universe we live in. I promise you that I will never leave you, I will never forget you..... I love you Y/N.."

Hearing those words, being in his arms in that moment, something made you wish this moment would last forever as if it were only the two of you in this world. He held you tightly as the tears continued to run down your face.

"I love you to Kyo..."

After a little while longer you and Kyo decided to make your way back inside. Everyone had already gone to their rooms for the night and you were about to do the same. Kyo walked you to your room door and kissed you on your forehead goodnight.


Kyo turned around watching as you looked down avoiding his eyes as a pink hue rested on your cheeks.

"Can you stay with me tonight?"

His cheeks turned red and all he could do was let out a quiet yes as he made his way back towards your door the two of you stepping in.

The two of you laid in bed together your head against his chest as his arms wrapped around you. The sound of his heartbeat and his calm breathing filling your ears. You couldn't help but to look up at him admiring his features as he laid there with his eyes closed.

"Are you just going to keep staring at me or are you going to actually sleep?"

"Shut up...I...I wasn't staring at you go to sleep"

He let out a low chuckle as he held you closer

"Whatever you say.."

You woke up early in the morning feeling a bit thirsty. Taking Kyo's arms off of your body you made your way downstairs. When you got to the kitchen you saw several plates of food covered on the table. When you walked closer you saw a note resting with them.

Your chest became tight again reading Tohru's goodbye letter to you all. Anger and pain filled you, why couldn't she give you a proper goodbye? Why did she just get up and leave? Since she left this note did that mean she wasn't coming back?

You let the rage get the best of you and without even thinking you started throwing things around. The table and the food that was carefully placed upon it was now flipped over and spilled on the floor.

You rushed out to the garden feeling your chest getting tighter, your hands shaking as tears ran down your face as you looked at the note in your hands then everything became blank.

Goodbye ~Tohru

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