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It became silent between everyone, you looked down at your hands trying to avoid eye contact with them. Then suddenly Yuki broke the silence with a harsh tone.

"You have absolutely no right to be laying next to
Y/N like that you useless cat. If not even actual members can be next to her like that what makes you think you can!"

"That's the problem with all of you, you think that just because Akito says something you have to blindly follow their every orders. Did you ever stop to think how Y/N might feel about it!"

"Enough...." You began to become anxious

"What do you know about what Y/N feels?"
"I know plenty!"


The boys became quiet once again realizing how angry they mush have just made you. Tohru sat there nervously not knowing what to say to ease the tension.

"So umm Y/N did you have a good..."

Tohru was interrupted by Yuki yelling at Kyo once again, she watched as your expression changed as you stood up and made your way upstairs. The room became silent as everyone watched you leave. Tohru's eyes began to water seeing your sad expression.

"Great now she's mad, if we have to deal with dark Y/N later I'm blaming the two of you" Shigure said as he placed his head in his palms.

"It's that cats fault"
"No it's your fault yah damn rat!"

The boys began arguing again but quickly stopped as they heard the whimpers of Tohru crying.

"Tohru it's alright these two argue all the time" Shigure said

"It's not that it's Y/N her face..."
"Don't worry miss Honda Y/N gets like that a lot she won't be mad for long" Yuki said trying to comfort her.

"She wasn't mad Sohma... Y/N was so sad, her eyes were watery when she walked away..."

The boys all stood there with shocked

"I just can't stop thinking about what your guys said about Y/N being locked away... she must be so happy to have you guys with her now and hated seeing the two of you fight"

The boys looked at each other realizing that Tohru must be right. They both got up at the same time trying to make their way towards your room but began arguing once again about who would apologize first. Shigure then had to buy in and suggested that Tohru be the one to bring you back downstairs.

"Oh no I don't think I'm the right person for that, plus....I don't think Y/N even likes me..."

"Nonsense Tohru of course Y/N likes you and plus I'm pretty sure some girl talk would be good for Y/N right now don't you think?" Shigure said

They all watched as Tohru slowly and nervy made her way upstairs towards your room. She knocked on your door but there was no answer so she decided to
slowly open your door.

"Y/N are you awake? Shigure suggested that I should come talk to you if that's okay..."

Once the door fully opened Tohru eyes became wide seeing you sitting on the window with tears in your eyes.

"No Y/N don't jump please!"

She ran towards you startling you causing you to almost fall forward but she quickly grabbed you by the waist pulling you back in. A puff of light blue smoke filled the room. It was dark in the room and Tohru suddenly could no longer feel you in her arms.

Suddenly she felt something large and long ouch her out of the room. The house began to shake causing Tohru and the others to become concerned. The boys heard Tohru tell your name and quickly ran upstairs to your room.

When they got there all they saw was Tohru now standing in your room once again staring at a huge hole that now replaced the wall that was once there.

"Damn it where is she, what the hell happened!" Kyo yelled forcing Tohru to face him

"I......I don't know...."

"You don't know, how don't you know!"

Tohru's eyes began to water hearing the way Kyo was yelling at her. Yuki stood staring at the large hole in the wall.

"Tohru this is important I need you to explain to me everything that happened" Shigure said

Tohru went on to explain how she thought you were going to jump out the window so she ran towards you pulling you into her arms. She explained the smoke, the large thing that pushed her out and everything.

"She changed! How could that be miss Honda and Y/N are both females that doesn't make any sense" Yuki yelled

"I mean I guess it could be possible no one except for Akito knows what makes Y/N change or how she looks when she does"

The boys all became pale as realization hit them, you were now transformed into a dragoon and they had absolutely no idea where you could possibly be.

Kyo ran out the house as fast as he could to find you

"Miss Honda its best if you stay with me for now while they go look for Y/N" Yuki said

Tohru nodded her head in agreement and watched as Shigure turn into a dog and ran out the door. The sounds of howls filled the air.

Meanwhile in the forest

You stood standing there in your dragon form thinking about how you might have hurt Tohru. It had been years since you last changed and of all times it just had to be with her.

Soon after you changed back causing you to now be sitting on your knees naked in the middle of the woods. You began to think about the perverts seen around here lately and began to panic. Foot steps began to approach you slowly. You covered yourself with one arm and held a large stick in the other preparing to defend yourself.

Your shoulders dropped seeing Kyo now standing a couple of feet away from you. Tears began to fall down your face uncontrollably. He ran towards you giving you his sweater to cover yourself up that went down mid thigh. Kyo lifted you up in his arms and you couldn't help but to snuggle against his chest holding him tightly as tears ran down your face.

"Is she okay?...."
"Yeah she's fine..."

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