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You ended up falling asleep in Kyo's arms as the two of you made your way back home. About halfway through Shigure ended up bumping into the two of you on his way back as well. He couldn't help but to smile seeing you in Kyo's arms nice and safe.

"I'm happy you were able to find her so quickly, did you know where she could've been?"

"Not really I was kinda just hoping to be honest...." Kyo looked down at you sleeping so peacefully in his arms.

"It was the river...."
"Pardon?" Shigure looked at Kyo confused

"Even though the rain affects Y/N when she's anxious or scared the sound of water calms her down..."
"Is that so?" Shigure looked at Kyo with his signature smirk.

The three of you finally made it in front of the house and the sounds of Tohru yelling caused you to wake
up. You turned your head to see Tohru running towards the three of you. You leaped out of Kyo's arms and ran straight towards her.

"The hell are you doing?"

"Y/N are you okay I'm so sorry I..." Tohru was interrupted by you jumping in her arms holding her close.

Everyone waited anxiously to see you turn again yet nothing happened. They all became confused not only because you didn't change but because you were actually hugging someone.

"I'm so sorry Tohru did I hurt you?..."

Tohru's cheeks became extremely red as you placed your hands on her face looking into her eyes concerned.

"N-Not at all really I'm fine.....I'm the one whose sorry I made you change..." Something in Tohru's mind clicked just then.

"Wait how did you hug me without changing?....and your hair!"

Tohru and the boys all watched as the blue in your hair was now covering more than just your ends. You gave them all a look and began to walk inside. They all stood there watching you silently, you turned around to face them.

"I'll go put on some actual clothes and I'll explain everything...."

Everyone waited patiently as you walked into the room. Kyo couldn't help but to smile seeing that even though you changed you still wore his sweater. You sat down and decided to jump right into it.

"The way I change is quite different than the other zodiacs.... It doesn't matter if the person is male or female or if they are also a zodiac member...."


The boys all stood there looking at you shocked and confused.

"I change when I'm feeling strong emotions, the first time It happened was because of this boy which ended up with me accidentally hurting a worker at the estate...."

"What do you mean because of some boy Y/N? I thought Akito kept you away from the other kids?"Shigure asked

You couldn't help but to feel flustered hearing that question.

"I....long story short I had feelings for this boy and one day Akito caught me talking to him and when they grabbed me I ended up changing and hurting my care giver"

"Once Akito found out about me and the boy and what would make me change they decided to keep me in a room with high windows I couldn't reach and made sure that no one other than them entered the room...over the years I learned to keep my feelings under control and..."

Before you could finish you heard the whimpers of Tohru crying. Your eyes darted towards her concerned.

"Miss Honda why are you crying?..." Yuki asked

She looked up at you with tears running down her face

"Y/N I'm so sorry!"
"Tohru really it's okay you didn't know"
"I don't mean about that.."

You looked at her confused

"That's why you won't let anyone touch you isn't it? You're scared that you'll change and hurt one of them because you care about them so much..."

You're eyes widened hearing this and you're eyes became glossy it's like Tohru could see right through you. You didn't say anything and just shook your head yes. Yuki and Shigure looked at you with sad expressions, all this time they just thought that you weren't an affectionate person.

"Y/N I don't know much about the Zodiacs or how things really work yet but I'd like to learn more about it....more about you, so if it's okay with you I'd love it if we could be friends"

Tohru now stood smiling at you and your heart began to race as tears fell slowly down your face.

"I....I would like that very much!" You yelled unintentionally as you bowed your head.

You heard Tohru let out a laugh along with the others

"Jeez you don't have to yell she's right there" Kyo said as he tussled your hair, you pushed his hand off of you flustered and ended up punching him in the arm.

"Shut up would yah!"
"The hell did you hit me for they all laughed to"
"Because you're making fun of me I know it!"
"I was comforting you idiot!"

Before you can say something back Kyo went flying due to Yuki flinging him across the room.

"I warned you useless cat don't disrespect or touch Y/N again or I will kill you!"
"Must you two always destroy my house" Shigure sighed


You turned your head towards Tohru hearing her mumble.

"Did you say something Tohru?"
"I was just wondering how come Kyo can hold you while you're sleeping without you changing then? He did it earlier and when he brought you back"

Your face became extremely red recalling you waking up in Kyo's arms both times.

"Well Tohru its probably because our dear Y/N lo..."

Before Shigure could finish his sentence you placed your hands over his mouth tightly as your face shined a bright red.

"Say another word and I will give your location to your publisher every single time she comes looking for you"
"Fair enough..." Shigure mumbled

You looked at the others who stood staring at you, Kyo's cheeks were a bright red as well.

"I've known Kyo for a very long time and I know how to handle my feelings around him so I guess my body is just use to it by now....it's calming when he touches me..."

"Gross.." Yuki said walking away from Kyo and towards you.

You realized just how it came out and began frantically waving your arms around.

"I didn't mean it like that..."

Yuki was now directly in front of you his face just inches away.

"Please let me try Y/N I want to touch you..."

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