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The next morning as you were fast asleep you were slightly woken up by the feeling of something soft pressed against your forehead. You opened your eyes to see Kyo hovering over you with his lips pressed against your forehead dressed in his school uniform.

"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you....I was just saying goodbye go back to sleep"

He went to walk away but you lazily got up wrapping your arms around him pressing your head against his back.

"Stay home with me...."

Kyo turned to you slowly, your eyes met for a second but for some reason Kyo quickly looked away.

"I can't...I have umm...a test I can't miss"

Kyo could hear the sadness in your voice, he wanted to stay with you be able to just hold you all day but he knew if he did then he would end up doing more than what happened last night.

"Maybe we can watch a movie when I get home together just you and me..."

"Really? Okay sounds good hurry home okay!" You flashed him a large smile that just melted his heart.

Once he opened your room door he was instantly met with Yuki standing there looking as if he was about to knock. Yuki looked at Kyo and then to you and back to the orange haired boy.

"The hell are you doing here yah damn rat?"
"I can say the same to you useless cat!"

The two of them stared at one another intensely, you made your way in between them trying to avoid a fight. Suddenly Yuki pulled you closer to him as he stared Kyo down, for some reason you couldn't help but to blush being this close. Kyo looked at Yuki with an angry expression but that soon faded when he noticed you looking at him as if you were begging him not to start a fight.

"Whatever I'll see you when I get home Y/N"
"Oh...okay see yah"

You watched as Kyo left your room for some reason he was acting different did he regret last night? You were so wrapped up in your thoughts that you hadn't realized that Yuki was speaking.

"So what do you think Y/N?"
"Think about what?"
"The feeling I was getting last night?"

Yuki noticed how you looked at him confused and decided to repeat himself.

"Last night I caught this weird feeling almost like that bond we feel towards other Zodiacs but it was stronger almost like that feeling with Akito yet some how I could tell it was for someone else. What do you think that could mean?"

"Im not sure Yuki I don't know what bond feeling you're talking about?"
"You know the feeling of how we're all connected?"

You looked at Yuki confused completely unaware of what feeling he was talking about. Tohru ended up calling for Yuki and he told you the two of you would talk more about it later.

As the hours went by you laid in the living room with Shigure while he worked on his next book.

"Yes Y/N?"
"Do you ever feel a bond towards other zodiacs almost as if we're all being pulled together?"
"Of course I do don't we all?"

You sat up thinking about what Yuki had said to you earlier, did all the zodiac members feel this? If so why didn't you? Was there something wrong with you?

Hours had past and the others had finally arrived back home.

"We're home!" Tohru yelled

"Welcome home guys" you flashed them a smile causing all three of them to smile back.

You all sat in the living room for a moment just talking about your day when suddenly you felt something brush against your pinky.

You looked down for a moment seeing how Kyo began wrapping his pinky around yours just playing with it with his. Your heart began to race thinking about last night and what he had promised you today. Was what happened last night also going to happen today? Or maybe more?

You became flustered and stood up causing the others to look at you confused.

"I'm gonna go shower...."

You rushed upstairs towards your bathroom and began showering trying to cool yourself off.

Meanwhile downstairs

Tohru was at the front door talking to a girl who stood behind a tree wearing a orange cat book bag.

"Is it true.... Does Kyo really live here?" The girl said
"Oh umm yes... you know Kyo?" Tohru looked at the girl confused who was she?

In an instant the girl ran under past Tohru making her way into the living room where Kyo was.


Before Kyo could fully process the girl who just entered the house she was now fully on top of him wrapping her arms around him.

You had finished showering and made your way downstairs wearing Kyo's sweater, your heart began to race just thinking about you spending alone time with him. As you made it down the steps you heard Kyo yelling and an unfamiliar voice.

Before you could make it in the living room Yuki grabbed you by your wrist pulling you away.

"Y/N you have to go back upstairs"
"Why Yuki who is that?"

"She's another zodiac member we can't let her see you so just go back up and I'll get you when she leaves"

Something just didn't feel right...who was this girl and why did she seem so close to Kyo. You turned to go back upstairs figuring Yuki had a reason but then what you heard stopped you in your tracks.

"Wow So you're Kyo's fiancé?!" You heard Tohru yell

You felt a sharp pain in your chest and in an instant you had made your way into the living room. Your eyes met the back of the girls head as she wrapped herself around Kyo. Anger instantly filled you, if Kyo had a fiancé why did he do those things to you last night? Why didn't he tell you?

"Who the hell are you?!"

The girl turned around meeting you angry gaze but for some reason she saw you in a different way. Her heart began to race as the feeling of something as strong as a chain pulled her towards you.

"You're the dragon aren't you?...."

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