3. Him

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The room was quiet as Kyo stood there watching as you remained sitting in the garden. All he wanted to do was talk to you and ask you what happened that day, above everything he just wanted to wrap you in his arms and never let you go.

"I can feel you just staring at me Kyo are you going to say something or just stay there looking at me?"

You stood facing away from him trying to avoid eye contact with him. Your stomach was in knots knowing that Kyo might have that angry expression on his face.

You closed your eyes as silence filled the air, of course he didn't want to speak to you after all this time. Tears slowly began to fall down your face just thinking about it. Suddenly you felt a hand hesitantly brush against your cheek wiping the tears away. You opened your eyes to see Kyo sitting in front of you. It had been so long since someone had touched you and of course the last and only other person other than Akito to touch you was Kyo. You couldn't help but to lean into his hand.

"I've missed you so much Y/N you have no idea......"
"I've missed you to Kyo.."

You had expected him to lash out and you and be angry like he usually does but it was different, you could see the genuine sadness in his eyes as he looked at you. The two of you just sat there in silence for a while just basking in the sunlight. In that moment you were filled with happiness, a feeling that you haven't felt in a very long time.

Meanwhile at the school

By the end of the day Yuki had stood in a classroom waiting for Tohru, he explained the incident that happened when he was younger and how his friends memories had been erased. Tohru then accidentally bumped into Yuki once again causing him to transform. She apologized constantly and Yuki insisted it was fine. Tohru then went on to tell him that even if her memory was erased she hopped that he would befriend her again.

"Y/N must be huge when she transforms..." Tohru thought out loud observing how small Yuki was.

"Y/N hasn't changed in over ten years from what I've heard and to be honest with you I don't exactly know how big she gets or how she looks" Yuki said

"So what Kyo said is true this Akito person had her caged up the entire time?..." Tohru said with a sad expression.

"In a sense yes, because Y/N is the first dragon zodiac in the past thousand years she's very rare and special, so I guess Akito wanted to keep Y/N to themselves rather than have her change in front of people. I mean it would be pretty hard to erase the minds of so many people who might see a huge dragon flying around" Yuki said

"Oh so then Akito was just trying to keep Y/N safe then" Tohru said with a smile on her face until she saw the angry expression that Yuki held on his.

"Not at all Akito was only keeping Y/N to themselves and doing it for their benefit, she was never allowed to play with any of us. Y/N was all alone....Broken.... I hate what they did to her I hate Akito!"

Tohru looked at Yuki concerned but that soon moved to concern for you.

When they returned home they saw you and Kyo laying fast asleep in the garden with Shigure watching the two of you from inside.

"Why are you just leaving her out there with that cat?" Yuki said angrily.

"I went to wake her up but Kyo gave me this scary expression and she looked so peaceful" Shigure said

Yuki became even more irritated hearing this and made his way towards the two of you.

"Y/N it's time to wake up you'll get sick if you stay out here let's go inside"  Yuki said trying to wake you up making sure not to touch you.

"Leave her alone you damn rat can't you see that she's sleeping just leave us alone" Kyo sat up angry and the two of them began to argue loudly which caused you to wake up angrily.

You sat up slowly looking at them two of them as they argued in front of you not realizing that you had woken up.

"Oh dear they've made her mad..." Shigure said causing Tohru to become concerned seeing how scared he looked. They watched as you punched both of them in the face sending them flying.

"Oh my goodness are they going to be okay?" Tohru asked

"Oh they'll be fine Y/N didn't hit them as hard as she could" Tohru watched as you walked back into the house with a blank expression.

"How was your nap Y/N do you feel any better?"
Shigure asked

"Yeah I feel fine I don't remember falling asleep it was really sunny out, I guess I really did need it"

You sat down at the table with Tohru and Shigure as the two boys walked into the house arguing once again. You turned to face them with an angry expression as your eyes changed color.

"Keep on arguing and I won't go so easy on the two of you next time"

The two stopped arguing and Yuki made his way next to Tohru while Kyo sat close by you.

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