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You looked up to see that same boy from the festival, the one that had caused a big scene smiling at you.

You looked around at the others who held a smile as well. Never had you thought this day would come, you were beginning to feel this strange feeling in your chest.

"Alright that's enough of that let the banquet begin" Akito made a quick gesture and several workers of the estate came flooding in with various amounts of food.

Many conversations were happening around the table, everyone seemed to be enjoying themselves. You looked down at your plate when something caught your attention. Chives had garnished the dish in front of you making your mind admittedly think about Kyo.

You began to wonder how things were going with him, Yuki and Tohru and if they would understand why you had to come here. Then your mind went deeper in to thought.

The simple fact that Kyo had never been able to sit amongst the other zodiacs and experience this feeling you just discovered. How he was still an outcast among the zodiacs, seen as just a trouble maker, someone that didn't belong...

Your appetite was quickly lost, you had waited so long to sit belong side everyone, to be a part of this family....so why did it seem like nothing without him?

"He hates chives..." you mumbled to yourself

"Who hates chives I think they're pretty delicious!"

You quickly looked up not realizing that someone had heard you only to see Momiji staring at you.

"Oh umm...I was just thinking about Kyo..."

Momiji leaned in closer to you barely leaving enough space between your faces.

"Are you and Kyo dating?"

The heat that flushed your cheeks was almost unbearable hearing him ask that question. You frantically shook your hands in front of you.

"N-No...no we're not dating we're just close you know...wait not close like that just well..."

You couldn't get your words out correctly and the fact that he was just staring at you made things a hundred times worse. He started to laugh and grabbed one of your hands in his.

"You don't have to get so flustered Y/N it's okay, I just know that Kyo loves you so I thought you were together" he said, his accent making the word love sound so beautiful.

You didn't know what to say in that moment, you couldn't help but to smile thinking about Kyo actually loving you.

"Momiji are you bothering our guest of honor?"

You looked up to see Haru standing over the both of you. Looking around you noticed everyone had already finished their food and was now mingling with each other. Haru sat down squeezing his way beside you. Your mind instantly went to how Akito would react, turning around to where they once sat beside you, you noticed they were now standing on the other side of the room speaking with Shigure.

"Don't worry beautiful I doubt Akito will make a scene in front of everyone just relax"

His hand made its way on to yours, holding it gently under the table and out of view from the others. It was clear that Haru had no worries about Akito possibly getting mad seeing the two of you so close as he inch his way closer to you, shoulders touching one another.

"No fair how come you get to be so close to Y/N Haru-Chan I want to be with her to" Momiji complained as he made his way on the other side of you.

"I knew her first and plus I Lov..."

Before Haru could finish his sentence you quickly moved your hand to cover his mouth. You turned to Momiji seeing him confused.

"Me and Haru have known each other since I was small so he's just comfortable around me that's all, Momiji I'm sorry to ask but do you mind getting me a cup of water please?" You flashed him a smile that instantly sent his heart racing.

"Y-...Yes of course!"

Momiji got out from his seat and made his way over to the drinks, you let out a sigh of relief when suddenly you felt something wet against your hand sending chills down your spine.

You quickly moved your hand off his mouth only to see his tongue dangling out.

"Ewww Haru gross!"

You rubbed your hand against his shirt trying to get all of his spit off of you as he sat there laughing.

"You were covering my mouth what did you expect? And plus don't act like you didn't like it I saw how your body reacted" he whispered the second part to you as he held your hand you had on him against his chest.

"I don't know what you're talking about...and plus you were about to tell Momiji something that'll just cause problems"

You pulled your hand away from him leaving Haru confused.

"I'm sorry....it's just I saw you lost in thought and when I was about to ask you what was going on I heard you talking about him and I guess I got jealous..."

You watched the sad expression on Haru's face and couldn't help but to feel bad. Placing your hand on his cheek you gestured for Haru to look at you.

"I'm happy you wanted to check up on me, I shouldn't have acted so harsh I'm sorry Haru"

"You say you're sorry a lot you know...you don't have to apologize for being you Y/N"

"Thank you"
"So you're not dating Kyo looks like I still have a shot" Haru wore a confident grin

"Haru...I love him"
"Yeah I know but you love me to Y/N and now that we're able to see each other again don't think I'll be giving up anytime soon"

"You seem pretty confident in yourself"

"I wouldn't call it confidence, it's what any rational man would do when he's in love"

"In love?..."

The two of you looked in each other's eyes

"Haru I.."

"Here's your water Y/N sorry it took so long Shigure kept talking to me...is everything okay?"

Momiji looked between you and Haru confused, you quickly looked away from Haru thanking Momiji for the water. As you were taking a sip you noticed Shigure looking at you from across the room with a smile.

Sly dog

Authors Notes:

Hey guys I'm sooooo sorry for the late update I've been really busy with work and well life. I'm extremely happy that you guys are enjoying the story so far and will try my best to release more soon🫶🏻💕

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