21.New Years

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Days had past since then and it was now New Years. Akito requested that all of the members attend as always this time including you. Akito had made it very clear that this was one of the days regarding your deal.

"I should've just said no or said I was sick or something I've never attended these events so why does Akito want me to go now?" You complained as you began messing with your kimono.

"Aren't you excited you get to meet the rest of the zodiac members Y/N!" Tohru said as she began helping you.

"They're all just going to look at me funny and ask a billion questions, or they might not even talk to me because of Akito so what's the point..."

"You'll have Kyo, Sohma and Shigure with you I'm sure they'll be right by your side"
"I guess you're right..."

"What's taking so long we have to start heading out already"

Kyo opened the door, his eyes falling on to your figure. Your hair was pinned back nicely, you wore a light amount of makeup, your kimono was white with blue flowers embroidered on it to match your hair. He stood there speechless just admiring you.

"Y/N are you ready we have to..."

Yuki stood in the doorway beside Kyo shocked by your appearance as well.

You became flustered having them just staring at you.

"Are you two going to finish your sentence or are you just going to stand there staring at me like a bunch of creeps"

"You look beautiful Y/N..."

"Oh...thank you guys"

The four of you stood there silently, your eyes were drawn to them when you realized what they were wearing.

"Wait why am I the only one wearing traditional clothes? Why aren't you guys dressed up?!"

"We don't need to dress up"
"Why the hell not?!"

Kyo and Yuki looked at each other for a moment and then to you shrugging their shoulders. Suddenly Shigure appeared behind them.

"You look absolutely breathtaking Y/N"
"Why am I the only one dressed up?"

"You're the guest of honor, it's your first time attending the banquet and Akito wants you to look presentable beside them and plus I'm dressed up as well"

You looked Shigure up and down, irritation clearly present on your face.

"Shigure you dress like that all the time"
"She has a point"
"She does"

Shigure looked at the three of you a bit annoyed

The four of you made your way downstairs with Tohru following behind you.

"Are you sure you'll be okay by yourself for the next couple of days Tohru I can stay if you'd like?"

"I'll be fine Y/N go and have some fun don't worry about me"

Tohru flashed you her signature smile and you couldn't help but to do the same. You gave her a hug farewell and the four of you left the house making your way towards the estate.

"You honestly do look gorgeous Y/N" Kyo grabbed your hand as the two of you walked side by side, Shigure and Yuki a couple of steps ahead of you.

"Thank you Kyo"

You began to get nervous realizing how close you guys were getting to the estate. Your grip around Kyo's hand began to get tighter causing him to look your way.

"What's wrong?"

Kyo looked down at his hand and your eyes followed realizing just how tightly you were holding him.

"I'm sorry I didn't realize"
"It's fine it didn't hurt...what's bothering you?"

"This whole thing is bothering me...it'll be my first time meeting the other members and the fact that it's happening during an important banquet makes things even more stressful. I want the others to like me for me not because I'm the dragon or simply because Akito tells them to. I also wish Tohru could be here with us I don't like leaving her alone... but I'm happy I'll have you by my side"

"I'll always be here for you"

The two of you looked at each other for a moment and you could feel your anxiety begin to subside. You were about to say something but your attention was brought to a figure wearing all black in the corner of your eye.

"Isn't that Tohru's friend Hanajima?"
"Yeah it is, what's she doing here?"

The two of you made it towards Yuki, Shigure and Hanajima. She said her hello's and then began talking about Tohru.

"This is the first time she's been without her mother on New Years she's probably feeling so lonely. Tohru isn't the type to say when things bother her or upset her" Hanajima said

Your heart dropped hearing this. Why didn't you see it? Why couldn't you realize this was her first time alone?

"We...we have to go to her now!"
"I agree!"

"Woah let's all calm down we're all expected to be at the estate you can't just not show up. Y/N your the special guest imagine how Akito will feel" Shigure said

"Tohru needs us I don't care how Akito will feel!"

Kyo grabbed your hand and the three of you were about to run off when Akito's voice ran through your mind.

"I'll lock him away!"

Your legs immediately stopped moving, those words bouncing through your mind. You wanted to be with Tohru so badly, to hold her and tell her how much you lived and cared for her but....what would happen to Kyo?

Kyo and Yuki looked at you confused, your eyes became glossy as your handed disconnected from Kyo's.

"Y/N we have to go now if you want to make it back in time..."

"I'm not going...I can't"

"Why not I thought you.."
"Please Kyo just go, tell Tohru I'm sorry and that I love her and wish her a Happy New Year...okay?"

Kyo wanted so badly to pull you along with him but for some reason the look on your face and how concerned and persistent you were made him realize you had a good reason for staying. You watched as Kyo and Yuki ran off making their way towards Tohru. Hanajima said her goodbyes and you and Shigure continued making your way to the estate quietly.

You followed Akito's instructions and made your way straight to their room instead of the main hall. Once you opened the door your eyes were met with two figures sitting in the middle of the room.

"Ahhh Y/N you're finally here" Akito looked your way and as soon as your name was said the other figure in the room quickly turned to face you.



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