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Silence filled the room as Akito awaited your response

"Tohru is my friend...."

Akito removed their hand from your face  and the sounds of their laughter filled the room.

"Do you honestly think that girl sees you as a friend? Come on Y/N I know your new to this outside world thing but you've never been stupid!"

"Tohru cares about me"

"She doesn't care about you none of them do!"

Your chest began to tighten hearing Akito say these words to you. They were all lies, lies told to you by jealousy.....right?

"So you're with that disgusting cat again aren't you?"

"There is nothing between me and Kyo..."

"So you wouldn't mind if I locked him away as a punishment right?"

"No don't you dare touch him!"

Before you could even process it Akito had yanked you by the collar of your shirt forcing you closer to them. Their eyes stared like daggers in to yours, anger clearly present on their face.

"I'll do whatever I want to all of them you hear me, they took you away from me and deserve to be punished. For some reason you have it in your mind that you mean something to them when in reality you don't, now apologize for losing your temper with me"

You stared directly at Akito, anger filling you. All you wanted to do was push them away from you, but like always you couldn't. Causing a scene now would only bring problems for the others.

"I-I'm sorry Akito.....please forgive me"

A smile plastered on to Akito's face as they pulled your head on to their chest. Akito began playing with your hair as they always did when you were younger.

"I'll accept your apology this time since we've been away from each other far to long. Tell me Y/N do you still love me?"

That question had bounce around your head so many times before. Sure you hated what Akito had put you through and how they would act at times. You would be lying to yourself if you didn't always remember the good times you would have with Akito in your younger years, oh how you wanted that Akito back. The relationship you once had with Akito use to be special...

"Yes what Y/N?"
"I..I love you Akito"

You could hear Akito's heart begin to beat faster hearing those words escape your lips. There has always been this connection with Akito since the moment you met them and for some reason no matter what they did you always had that love for them.

"I won't punish them for keeping you from me.."

You lifted your head up from Akito's chest meeting their gaze.

Akito's cheeks became slightly pink seeing you look so happy at them. Even though Akito was furious at the others for keeping this secret for so long, Akito always had a soft spot when it came to you.

You were the first dragon in thousands of years, in Akito's mind you were brought to this world just for them, you were specially made for Akito and no one else. Even though they wanted so badly to punish the others Akito knew that hurting them would only push you away again.

"Yes but I do have some conditions"
"What are they?"

Akito began playing with your hair once again gesturing for you to lay your head on their lap. You were hesitant at first but did as you were told.

"I won't lose you again Y/N so as an appreciation to my kindness I would like you to come and visit me twice a week for as long as I wish on whatever day I chose. Do we have an understanding?"

You laid there in silence thinking about Akito's offer. It was strange that they were being so calm about the situation and wasn't forcing you to stay at the estate. Maybe Akito had changed after all this time and wanted to make up for their past wrongs.

"I can do that"

The two of you sat there in silence for a while as Akito played with your hair. For some reason it was actually soothing, but deep down a part of you had this feeling that something was off but for now you would play along.

Time had passed and Akito got dressed and ready to head out. They offered you a ride to the front of the estate where you were assured that Tohru would be waiting there for you.

The entire short car ride Akito held on to your hand the way a child would cling to its mother. As the car approached the entrance to the estate you could see Tohru patiently waiting. The car stopped right beside her, Tohru glanced at the tinted windows waiting for you to come out.

"So that's the girl you're choosing to stay with instead of me"

"Like I said before Akito it isn't like that with Tohru we're just friends"

The driver opened the door for you and your eyes were met with Tohru's instantly as she flashed you that bright smile causing you to do the same. Akito noticed this and became angry.

As you were about to get out the car the grip that Akito had on your hand tightened causing you to turn towards them. Once you did Akito's lips pressed against yours, their hand gently placed on your cheek. Akito's eyes were open and stared angrily at Tohru causing her to become anxious.

You pulled away not knowing how to respond. Before you could say anything Akito looked at you with a small grin.

"I'm sorry Y/N I couldn't help myself, I'll see you soon"

Akito released your hand and looked out of their window avoiding your gaze, you stepped out of the car and as soon as you did the car took off.

Tohru stood standing there confused not knowing what to say when she noticed your eyes begin to water.

"Y/N are you okay!"

She watched as you placed your hand against your lips all those terrible and wonderful memories flooding your mind overwhelmingly.


You snapped out of it looking up at Tohru, whipping your tears away you began walking.

"I'm fine let's go home"

Authors Notes:
Hey guys I'm so happy that you're enjoying the story so far. I wanted to add this little twist with Akito.
I feel as though Akito doesn't define as male or female which is why I use they/them and in my mind they would most likely like whoever they wanted.

With that being said I hope you enjoyed this chapter

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