15. She's gone

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Kyo jumped up from bed hearing Shigure yell so loudly. His eyes looked at the empty space beside him where you once laid. Kyo quickly made his way towards your room door opening it just as Yuki opened his.

The expression on Yuki's face had said it all, he was confused and also angry seeing Kyo come out of your room this early in the morning. His hair a mess indicating that he had in fact just woken up.

The two exchange and intense glare but then their attention was brought to the sounds of broken glass moving around downstairs. The two made their way downstairs witnessing the large mess in the living room.

Bowls were smashed across the floor, the table now upside down in the corner of the room. Breakfast clearly smeared across the floor.

"What happened here?..." Yuki turned towards Shigure who seemed to have his attention focused on the garden.

The two boys walked over to him, their eyes falling on your curled up form laying against the grass.

"Did Y/N do this?"
"It appears so....."
"But why?"

Yuki couldn't understand what could have made you lash out like this. Out of all this time living with you of course he had seen you angry but not to the extent.

"Seeing that Tohru hasn't made her way down yet and this is clearly a meal she has made across my floor I'm guessing Tohru has left us" Shigure said not taking his eyes off of you.

Kyo and Yuki quickly looked at Shigure and then back towards you.

"Having miss Honda no longer living here is a bit upsetting but we'll still see her at school so why did Y/N get so..."

"Y/N doesn't go to school idiot she thinks Tohru just left her without saying goodbye"

Kyo made his way towards you as the others watched, he kneeled down to your curled up figure. His eyes met the piece of paper tightly in your grip. Your eyes were closed but your cheeks were stained from your tears, eyes red an swollen. It was clear that you had cried so hard you ended up falling asleep from exhaustion.

His heart ached for you, you had finally been open, finally had let someone into your life someone that you could call a friend. When it came down to it she had left you. He knew well how you might have felt, the two of you were one in the same.

Abandoned by people you love an outcast and when you loved someone you loved hard just like he had loved you.

His eyes were drawn towards your bare feet now covered in small cuts from the broken dishes you had carelessly stepped on. He lifted you into his arms and just as you had done before your body unconsciously had snuggled up against his.

He mad his way to the others with you in hand, Shigure and Yuki saw how red your eyes were and instantly felt sad for you.

"I'm gonna go put her in bed can someone bring me the first aid kit she's bleeding"

"What where?!" Yuki began looking you over until his eyes fell to your feet witnessing the many cuts you now had.

"Yuki why don't you follow Kyo with the first aid kit while I clean up this mess"

The boys made their way back to your room, Kyo placed you on the bed. Yuki went to start working on your feet but Kyo moved to snatched the first aid kit from him.

"I know how to take care of some cuts you useless cat"
"There's no way in hell I'm letting you touch her so just hand it over!"

"You know I am starting to get tired of this..."

The two were about to argue but the sound of the bed shuffling caught their attention.

"Why do I always have to be waken up by the two of you fighting..."

You went to step off the bed but was instantly stopped, you looked up to see Kyo's hand resting against your shoulders.

"Your feet are all cut up let me bandage them before you stand"


You sat there with your feet dangling as Kyo began to clean up your right foot. Your attention was brought to your left one as Yuki began doing the same. For some reason seeing how careful and caring the two boys were being with you made your heart race.

"What you did was stupid you let your anger get the best of you and ended up getting hurt"

"For once I agree..."

"The two of you don't understand.."

You got up from the bed before they could finish and began making your way back downstairs. Shigure had managed to clean up the mess and stood sitting in his usual spot.

"What is it that we don't understand? I get you're upset but acting like a child and hurting yourself isn't the answer!"

"Oh that's rich coming from you, you get to see her when you go to school I don't! I have to stay here locked away just like when I was with Akito!"

The room became quiet and it was clear what you had said had hurt the others especially Shigure.

"I....I didn't mean that, I just really didn't want her to leave"

You stood staring out at the garden thinking about Tohru and if you would ever see her again. You started to hear shuffling behind you.

"If you're looking for the paper Yuki already took off with it" you heard Shigure say

"Damn it come on Y/N!"

Kyo grabbed your hand and began running out the door with you.

"Kyo where are we going?"
"I was going to try and surprise you but that damn rat boy ruined it!"
"Ruined what?"

"You said you didn't want Tohru to leave right? So we're gonna go bring her home"
"Then let's go!"

You started running beside Kyo faster, your heart racing thinking about Tohru coming back home.

"We're coming Tohru!"

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