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You ended up letting Shigure tag along with you (considering you had no idea where the school was and he could easily just drive you there)

When you arrived to the school Shigure made sure to express how important it was for you to keep watch of your surroundings making sure that no one got to close to you or accidentally bumped into you while you were in there.

"I got it,I got it" you couldn't help but to stare in awe at the large school in front of you.

You made your way inside and walked towards the office. You began asking the secretary where you could find the others.

"Yes I'm looking for Yuki and Kyo Sohma or even Tohru Honda please...."

"Just one second dear" the old lady said

You began looking around in awe when your eyes met a girl with black hair just staring at you intensely. Soon enough she made her way over to you.

"Do you happen to be a Sohma?" The girl asked
"Umm yeah how did you know?"
"Your waves are the same as theirs"

She then turned to the old lady letting her know that she new exactly where the others were and that she would be more than happy to take you there. Soon enough the two of you began walking down the halls silently. You made sure to leave a couple of inches between the two of you at all times like Shigure had suggested.

"So umm...I'm Y/N by the way"
"I am Saki Hanajima it's nice to meet you"
"So are you a friend of Yuki, Kyo and Tohru?"
"I am a friend of Tohru the other two still remain a mystery if I want to befriend them or not"

"What's that you're holding?"
"Oh this it's just a list I need to give back to them that's all..."

The rest of the walk was silent but for some reason you felt at ease next to Hanijima. As the two of you turned the corner you could hear a familiar voice yelling.

"Awe come on Kyon Kyon tell us how your such a ladies man gives us some tips would yah!"

"You wish it's not my fault girls are all over me and stop calling me that!"
"Woah whose that?"

The entire class turned to see you standing in the doorway with Hanijima. For some reason your eyes began to water hearing the rest of the boys talk about all these girls that were all over Kyo.

"Y/N it's you!.....are you okay?" Tohru asked looking at the angry expression on your face now.

Your eyes darted towards Kyo who just stood there looking at you in shock.

"Y/N what are you doing here?" Yuki asked as he walked towards the door but your eyes stood focused on Kyo.

You clenched the paper in your hand and began running off.

"Y/N wait!"

Kyo quickly ran after you, he followed you all the way to the courtyard before finally catching up to you. He instantly grabbed your arm turning you to face him. What the two of you didn't realize was that his entire class was watching the two of you from the windows.

"What are you doing here? How did you get here?"
"I...I came here to give you this list because I thought..."
"You thought what?"
"Nothing clearly it was a mistake"

You tried to get your arm free from Kyo but he only pulled you in closer placing his hand on your cheek gesturing you to look up at him.

"What's wrong why are you so upset? Clearly you didn't come all this way just to bring me some paper that you still haven't given me and run off"

"Just go back to class Kyo don't you have all these girls to satisfy!"

Kyo's eyes widened realizing that you had heard his conversation but instead of trying to make excuses like you thought he would he began to laugh.

"What's so funny!"

He instantly pulled you in closer having your rest your head against his chest while he rested his on your shoulder.

"I don't want any of these girls and you know that..."
"Do I really what makes you think that?"
"Because you know for a fact that I am madly in love with you Y/N that's why and you love me to..."

Your entire face became extremely red as Kyo began to wrap his arms around your waist. You could feel the warmth of his breathe against your neck sending chills down your body.

"Am I wrong?"
You shook your head slowly
"Say it" Kyo whispered into your ear

"I....I love you Kyo"

He slowly lifted his head off your shoulder and met your gaze. For some reason Kyo seemed different he looked at you as if he had just locked eyes on his prey and he had no intention of letting it get away. His gaze was intense, you began to feel this rising sensation in your stomach. His eyes moved down towards your lips and slowly began to inch forward.

"AWE KYON KYON IS THAT YOUR GIRLFRIEND?!" The boys from his class yelled

The both of you looked up to see that the entire class was observing the two of you. In the far left of the window you could see Yuki looking at the two of you with both an angry and hurt expression.

"Shut the hell up you creeps who just watches a private conversation like that!"

And just like that Kyo had switched back to his usual self. You finally caught your breath that you didn't realize you were holding in.

"I should get going Shigure is waiting for me..."
"Oh I'll walk you back then"

The two of you began walking towards the main entrance. There was silence for a while, you didn't know what to say Kyo had just shown a side you had never seen before. As you walk towards the front the two of you made it to this empty hallway.

Before you knew it Kyo had pinned you into a corner, you looked up to see that same look in his eyes the one that wanted it's prey. Before you could get a word out he pressed his lips against yours, his tongue made its way into your mouth as if it had belonged there this whole time.

He pulled away and just stared into your eyes.

"Tonight when everyone is sleeping I want you to come to my room okay?"

You nodded your head

"Use your words Y/N"

"That's my girl"

Dear readers I appreciate all of you that have been reading this story. The next chapter is in fact going to get a little spicy 🌶 so head up. Also I am open to any suggestions you may have or things you would like to read please feel free to let me know, I'll try to post as frequently as I can (I'm hoping at least a chapter a day)

With that being said please enjoy and feel free to check out my other stories as well 🫶🏻

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