17.School Festival

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A few days had past since then and Tohru,Kyo and Yuki's school festival had arrived. After a lot of begging Shigure had agreed to let you attend though there were some ground rules.

Kyo and Yuki had to remain by your side at all times and you were not to leave their side. The boys seem to not have an issue with that.

When you arrived at the school you were in complete awe with the many preparations the school had made. Yuki had to head towards the classroom early so it left you with just Kyo walking around.

"Are you liking it so far?.."

Kyo's heart melted seeing the bright smile on your face. Everyone had noticed how much you would smile more now around the house and in all honesty it made them relieved to see you happy. Kyo knew that he wouldn't let anything take that smile away from you again.

The two of you had gotten some treats along the way to the classroom. It surprisingly wasn't as hard to remover around as you thought it would be. Granted everyone would move to the side and just stare at you the entire time, it was like you were a rare piece of art they couldn't keep their eyes off of.

When you had finally arrived to the classroom your eyes were drawn to a bright pink dress and the person who wore it.


You watched as his cheeks turned as pink as his dress hearing your voice. He was feeling okay before but now he was extremely embarrassed having you see him like this.

"Y/N....please look away..."


He turned his head in embarrassment which cause the large crowd of girls surrounding him to go into overload.

"That's what that damn rat gets" Kyo laughed

"Alright everyone back away from the prince!"
"Prince?" You looked at Kyo confused as to what the black haired girl was saying.

"That's what they call him here don't ask me why I don't know"

The two of you made your way over to Tohru who stood standing with Hanijima and some blonde girl.

"Y/N you finally made it, you already know Hanijima"

"Yes nice to see you again Hanijima"

"And this here is my other best friend Uo-Chan"
"Names Uotani nice to meet you, so what do all of you Sohmas look like porcelain dolls? Other than carrot top over here"

"The hell did you say!"

The two began arguing but for some reason it made you laugh. Being able to come today and spend time with them at an actual school made you happy. That was until they arrived...

"Who are they?"

You heard a group of girls start to mumble and your eyes were drawn to the front of the room where Yuki stood. You instantly became confused seeing a young man resting on his shoulders with bright blonde hair. His accent was different and for some reason you couldn't help but to feel like you knew him deep down.

Then your eyes were drawn to him...a tall man with jet black hair and a stoic look on his face one that you knew to well.


Your heart began to race as you felt a tight feeling in your chest, your anxiety rising. You wanted to move, to run away but it was to late his eyes had landed on you.

You could tell that he was shocked to see you it was as if he had seen a ghost. He continued to talk to Yuki but his eyes kept falling right back to you. Kyo began to notice your panic state, he grabbed your hand and brought you behind the curtain.

"Y/n....Y/N look at me what's wrong?"

"He...He saw me Kyo....Hatori saw me..."
"Okay it's just Hatori"

"Kyo he'll tell Akito!"

You began to have a panic attack just thinking about it when the sounds of people yelling caught Kyo's attention.

"Damn it what now? Don't move Y/N give me a second and then the two of us will leave okay"

Kyo stepped from behind the curtain, you heard him yelling and then suddenly he was holding the blonde hair boy pulling him behind the curtain with Tohru following behind. After the young man stopped complaining his eyes were drawn to you.

And just as it happened to Kagura it happened to him as well. The feeling of a missing piece finally connecting.

"The dragon..." the boy mumbled

"You can't just go making a scene like that Momiji you idiot!"

"I just came here to see Tohru you big meany, you just want to keep Tohru to yourself I bet you get to hug her all the time. Now I see you have Y/N with you to no fair I want to hold them!"

Momiji jumped towards you and Tohru, thanks to Tohru moving he landed on her instead and instantly turned into the rabbit. The students began to get concerned about the yellow smoke that now filled the air. Kyo quickly grabbed your hand and ran as Tohru followed behind the two of you.

The four of you made it to the roof and soon after Yuki and Hatori arrived. You stood standing beside Kyo holding on to his arm tightly. Momiji couldn't keep his eyes off of you and neither could Hatori. He made his way directly in front of you and Kyo.

"Y/N...it's really you, it's been so long how are you?"
"I-I'm doing good..."

"That's good I've been terribly worried about you all this time..."

Hatori asked the three of you to line up for an exam to make sure that the three of you were doing well. As soon as you did he took out his phone and took a picture of the three of you.

"Akito would be glad to know that you are all okay"

Your heart dropped hearing their name

"Hatori please you can't show that picture to Akito you can't tell them I'm here please!"

"I'm sorry Y/N I have to... Akito has been worrying about you for so long as have I. I'll make sure to keep them calm but you know I can't keep this from them...I'm sorry"

Kyo watched as the smile that was once on your face had disappeared and was now covered with pure fear. He rushed down the stairs after Hatori leaving you standing there thinking about what was to come.


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