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You stood locked in your room for the remainder of the night. Your body felt completely numb, there was no sadness, no anger, no hunger or thirst just pure numbness.

The next morning Kyo heard Tohru say your name and quickly ran downstairs thinking that you would be there.

"Kyo is everything alright?" Tohru asked
"Yeah...I thought that she was..." Kyo stopped mid sentence not wanting to show the others he was worried.

"If you're talking about Y/N we were just discussing what to do about her she hasn't come out her room yet and hasn't eaten since breakfast yesterday, at this rate our poor Y/N will become sick again" Shigure had a worried expression on his face just thinking about you.

"Let's just break the damn door down then force her to eat if you're so worried, she can't hold this up for long she'll come down to eat" Kyo had a sense of hope in his voice as he tried to
convince the others.

"Maybe I should make her favorite food tonight, if she smells it she might just come down!" Tohru became filled with determination but that soon faltered.

"Does anyone know what her favorite food is?..." she asked looking towards the boys.

Shigure and Yuki looked at one another trying to
Recall what your favorite meal could be. Since you guys lived together you mostly had take out with them and never got the same thing when you ordered.

"Curry....Y/N loves curry"
"Really? That's great I'll stop at the store on the way back from school to get more of the ingredients"

"You have to make sure it has spice to it or else she'll complain that it's weak"
"Okay so spices got it" Tohru grabbed a pen and paper and started jotting things down.

"Oh and make sure you get real spices none of that canned crap she can tell the difference"

Kyo watched as Tohru was trying to frantically keep up with what he was telling her. He quickly grabbed the pen and paper and began writing it down himself. Afterwards he handed the long list to Tohru, she read the list and then her eyes darted down to something that had a star next to it marked important.

*Get her one of those fish shaped ice cream sandwiches and the one shaped like the bear it has to be those two or else just don't bother*

"Why does it have to be those two Kyo?" Tohru said pointing at the list.

"Because Y/N likes to separate them and make this weird looking animal it....it makes her laugh"
"Wow Kyo you sure do know a lot about the things Y/N likes!"

Kyo instantly became red as he rubbed the back of his neck nervously.

"Well yeah she's a pretty weird person so it's hard not to remember things like that yah know!"

Tohru began to laugh and made her way upstairs to get ready for school with Yuki and Kyo following behind her. As the three began to leave Kyo couldn't help but to stop in front of your door. He placed his hand on the door leaning his forehead against it.

"Listen...I don't know if you're up or not but you have to eat damn it!....I don't want you to get sick..."

He looked at the door cursing himself for struggling to say what he really wanted to say. Before turning away he leaned on the door one last time.

"I'm...I'm sorry Y/N..."

He quickly took off to catch up to the others


You sat up in your bed just looking at your door as you saw his shadow disappear. You peeked from your window watching as the three began to walk down the steps. You hesitantly made your way downstairs, as you turned the corner you saw Shigure sitting in his normal spot. His eyes widened at first seeing you but they soon softened as he gestured for you to sit with him.

"Have a seat Y/N I'll bring you your breakfast"
"Thank you...."

Shigure stood there just observing you as you finished every last bite that was on your plate.

"Ahh now I don't have to worry about you starving yourself today" Shigure said flashing you a smile

"Yes Y/N?"
"I.....I want to attend school!"

Shigure ended up chocking on the tea he was drinking and observed your serious expression.

"Y/N you know how dangerous it is for you to attend a regular school I....I don't know about this"

"Please Shigure Yuki and Kyo get to go and it's dangerous for them as well"
"Not as much as it is you Y/N, you transform from both males and females and for Kyo and Yuki if they accidentally change its easy to explain a cat and a rat got into the school but a dragon..."

"Please Shigure I'll be careful I promise I just....I want to do what normal girls my age do...."
"I'll have to think about it..."

You looked down at the table frustrated but then a piece of paper caught your attention it was labeled

Mission make Y/N happy

"What is this Shigure?"
"Oh my it seems they have forgotten the list, Tohru had the idea to cook you your favorite meal tonight granted she had no idea what you would like so Kyo just made the list for her"

You observed the list seeing little comments written here and there about which ingredient was most important to you and then your eyes moved down to the snack that Kyo had suggested they got for you. Your heart began to race as that numb feeling began to fade away. Kyo really did care about you even though he was upset maybe it was because he was just hurt...

You quickly ran upstairs and got ready, you ran towards the front door with the list in your hand.

"Y/N where are you going?!"
"To give the list back to them!"
"What no!"

Shigure quickly followed behind you

"This girl is going to be the death of me.."

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