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The walk home was quiet, your mind kept racing thinking about what had just occurred with Akito. Sure there was this strong connection towards Akito that you just couldn't explain but this isn't what you wanted...right?

Before you realized it you and Tohru had made it to the front of your home. Tohru walked ahead of you trying to avoid eye contact. Seeing the way Akito looked at her had made her confused and anxious. The main thing running through her mind was the kiss.

As soon as the two of you opened the door you made your way towards the loud chatter of the boys.

"We're home.." Tohru announced

"What the hell took you guys so long you said you were going for a walk!"

"Oh umm well we.."

You could see the concerned look on Tohru's face, you could instantly tell she didn't know what to say and if she should lie for you.

"We went to see Akito, well I did Tohru was visiting Hatori per request"

You casually sat down while the three men just stared at you shocked.

"Why the hell?...why would you?..."
"What happened when you saw Akito?" Yuki asked sitting beside you

"We talked, Akito was of course upset about you guys keeping me from them and complained like always about me belonging to them blah blah blah"

You tried your best to avoid their gaze, which was hard considering Kyo and Yuki were extremely close to your face.

"So what's the punishment what exactly are we dealing with here?"

"No punishment, Akito just wants me to visit them twice a week whichever day they decide that's all.."

You watched as the boys became concerned yet okay with this arrangement. Kyo noticed how Tohru was looking at you strangely and instantly knew you were hiding something.

"What else happened?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well miss no poker face over here is looking at you all worried so clearly you're hiding something"

You looked up at Tohru who began apologizing for the gaze she was giving you.

"Akito kissed me in front of Tohru that's probably why it's nothing serious"


All the boys yelled hearing the news, they had heard rumors when you were younger that you and Akito had a relationship but that was just a rumor right?

Shigure began feeling uneasy hearing the news, sure he wanted to help you from all the mistreatment you received from Akito that being part of the reason he allowed you to stay here originally. Another rather selfish reason being that it kept you away from Akito and left an open space for him. Though Shigure never thought that after all this time he would care so deeply for you.

"So what they said was true you and Akito were together?!"

Kyo stood up angrily, he had heard the rumors as well but he never wanted to believe that you would be with someone like that.

"Yes...me and Akito dated"

"You've got to be kidding me right!"

"It's not that serious we were kids can you even call that a relationship at that age?"
"So you guys are getting together now that's why they kissed you huh?!"
"No it's not like that!"

Kyo stormed off to his room the thought of you being with Akito sickened him, the thought of you with anyone other than him sickened him....

You looked at the others who looked at you as if they were waiting for you to say anything else.

"I'm not getting together with Akito there's nothing there.."

You stood up and made your way upstairs leaving the others to their thoughts.


You opened the door to Kyo's room seeing him sitting on the floor with his weights. He didn't even bother to look your way.



"Kyo look at me please..."



You made your way in front of him kneeling down to meet his eyes. You expected to see that angry look on his face, you didn't expect to see his glossy eyes.

"Kyo..." you placed your hands on his cheeks forcing him to meet your eyes

"What do you want Y/N I'm busy why don't you go call Akito or something"

"Kyo listen to me I don't have feelings for Akito and I'm not going to get back with them. That relationship was years ago it wasn't even a relationship at that I don't love Akito okay I love you!"

"Then why agree to spend time with Akito if you don't feel anything towards them I'm not stupid Y/N!"

"For you damn it! If I didn't agree to spend time with Akito they were going to lock you away Kyo. I would never let them do that to you, I would never let anyone take you away from me. So if I have to deal with two days of misery in order to keep you safe then I'd pick that option every time!"

Kyo stood there in silence, he got up from the floor and made his way towards his room door. Your heart sank you expected him to walk out or tell you to leave but you were shocked to hear the sounds of the room door locking.

Standing up you watched as Kyo slowly made his way in front of you.

"Where did they touch you?"
"Show me everywhere that Akito touched you"
"Oh umm... well they held my hand and.."

Before you could finish Kyo grabbed your hand bringing it to his face. His soft lips pressed against it several times causing your heart to race.

"Where else?"
"Kyo what are you.."
"Tell me where else Y/N"

His gaze was serious yet the way he looked at you reminded you of the other night sending this pressure in your stomach.

"They just played with my hair and kissed me that's all..."

Without saying a word Kyo pressed his lips against yours, his hands resting on either side of your neck. The kiss was long and passionate, you could feel Kyo's hand start to move it's way up and through your hair. He gave it a tug causing your head to move back and a gasp to escape your lips allowing him to deepen the kiss, his tongue making its way in to your mouth.

His lips left yours and your eyes met

"If you're gonna go through with spending time with Akito I want you to do something for me"

"S-Sure....what is it?"

"If Akito touches you during your visits you tell me exactly where so I can erase their touch off of you again okay?"

You stared at Kyo your heart racing a thousand miles a minute, you couldn't let out a word and just nodded your head yes.

"Use your words Y/N"
"Y-Yes Kyo...I'll tell you"

"Good girl"

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