23.The past

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"H-Haru..." your face instantly turned red feeling his lips graze your neck.

"My name always sounds so beautiful coming out of your mouth"

He placed his hand on your chin gently grazing his thumb against your bottom lip.

"Haru...we shouldn't be like this if someone came in and saw us.."

" I could care less if someone saw me like this with you"

His eyes were intense saying those words

"Is there someone you don't want knowing we were like this Y/N?.."

You didn't know what to say... you and Kyo weren't dating. Hell you didn't know what you and Kyo were, after that night not much seemed to happen after that. Of course there was the occasional flirting, hand holding maybe even a kiss here and there but it always felt like Kyo was holding himself back.

But for some reason when Haru asked that question you couldn't help but to say..

"Yes..I mean no...I mean we don't want rumors or assumptions going around do we?"

Haru looked into your eyes intensely for a moment but then began to laugh. He reached beside you flicking on the lights and made his way over to the couch taking a seat.

"Same old Y/N you haven't changed not one bit"

"What's that supposed to mean?"

"Always worried about what the others might think of you. You should honestly just let that go and be yourself they'll all love you"

"There's a difference between them loving me for me and loving me for being the dragon or because Akito says they should...."

Haru could tell once those words left your lips that you had been thinking about this for a while. He patted the open space beside him gesturing for you to have a seat beside him. You were hesitant for a split second but came to the realization that this was Haru the person who was there for you since the beginning and gladly took a seat.

"You know I never cared that you were the dragon or how rare your zodiac is"

"Oh really? Isn't that the reason you came to my window when we were younger anyways. A young boy hears about a dragon and comes running over to see it"

"Well if we're being honest yes but that wasn't the only reason"
"Then what else?"
"I saw you the day before I came to your window did you know that?"

"I did... me and the others were playing with this ball I ended up kicking it to hard and it went over around the corner of Akito's room. When I went to grab it this beautiful shade of blue caught my attention. When I looked up I saw the most beautiful girl I had ever seen with flame blue hair being escorted to Akito's room. I knew right then and there I had to speak to you"

Your heart couldn't help but to race watching Haru smile as he thought about the first time he had seen you.

"When I ran back to the others to tell them about the girl I had seen Shigure over heard me and told me not to mention you again. He explained exactly who you were and that if Akito found out that I was snooping around and that I had seen you they would be mad"

"But you didn't listen"

"Why would I?

"Maybe if you did your life could've been easier..."

You couldn't help but to think about how much trouble Haru got into once Akito found out about the two of you.Haru noticed your sad expression and couldn't help but to feel both sad and angry. Sad because you had been through so much and yet always worried about what happened to others. Angry thinking about how Akito had torn you apart after all those years.

He placed his hand gently on your chin turning your face towards his.

"I have never and will never regret meeting you Y/N. Our conversations and the time we spent together were the most happiest days I've ever had, even if it was through a window..."

Before you even realized it tears began to fall down your face.

"Why?....Why did you never come back after that day?"

Haru looked shocked hearing that question

"Y/N I did go back don't you remember?"
"No you didn't after that day I was alone until Kyo came..."

"Y/N I came back the very next day...do you really not remember?"

You looked at Haru confused

" I came by to bring you a gift I had made you to cheer you up and Shigure was standing outside your window. Your shades were down covering your face, I tried to get you to talk to me but you just stood there quietly...Shigure said that you never wanted to see me again. When I begged you to talk to me you just walked away and didn't say a word so I left the bracelet I had made you by the window"

"Haru that wasn't me I was moved into my new room the same day Akito found out about us..."

"So if it wasn't you then...Akito.."

Haru visibly became angry, his legs began to shake as he clenched his fist. You could see he was about to stand up from the couch, knowing what he might be planning to do you quickly grabbed him wrapping your arms around him.

Haru quickly went from angry to panicked, he waited for you to change remembering what had happened when you were younger with one of your aids but nothing happened.

He turned towards you confused, the two of you sat down and you quickly explained how your transformation worked once you realized he was calm enough to listen.

"So since you know exactly how you feel about me I....I can touch you now"
"It's a little more than that but yeah I.."

Before you could even say another word Haru quickly pulled you into his arms tightly holding on to you. Your head rested in the crook of his neck, you could hear his heart quickly beating as he let out a breath he seem to not realize he was holding.

"You have no idea how long I've wanted to hold you.."

"Me to Haru.."

You felt so safe in his arms and everything in that moment felt perfect. That was until you began thinking about Haru had said.

He did come back for you and not only did Akito know this but Shigure knew this as well and held it from you. Sure back then you and Shigure weren't close but why wouldn't he say anything when you explained how you changed to him and the others?

Why did he act like he didn't know that you were visited by Haru?

What else was Shigure hiding from you?

Authors Notes:

Hey guys I hope you all enjoy this chapter I'm so sorry for the late updates work has been insane but I promise I will try to publish quicker.

New chapter coming soon!! 🫶🏻

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