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"Answer my question who the hell are you?"
"I'm Kagura...."

The room became quiet as you stared daggers at Kagura still holding Kyo. She couldn't understand why you looked at her so angrily, the two of you hadn't met before but once she saw you it was like a piece that was missing in her life finally connected.

"You and Kyo seem pretty close there Kagura"
"Oh yeah me and Kyo have been best friends since we were little and have loved each other ever since, we're gonna get married one day!"

"Oh really?"

You began to ball up your fist angrily trying to compose yourself. Shigure noticed this and made his way by your side.

"Y/N I think it's best if you go back upstairs take a moment to calm down" he whispered

"Stop saying things like that me and you are not together, you're not my fiancé!"

Kyo began moving away from Kagura and began making his way towards you when suddenly she grabbed him flipping him outside.

"How could you say that Kyo after everything we've been through together!"

She turned and ran to Tohru

"You can't have him you hear me Kyo is mine I've loved him since we were little, I love every single part of him even his true form!"

"True form?" Tohru looked at her confused

Kyo had quickly made his way to Kagura placing his hand over her mouth telling her to shut up. The two began arguing again and you had enough of it. You took Kyo's jacket off and made your way towards the two of them. You pushed the two away from each other and turned your gaze towards Kyo shoving the jacket in his arms.

You turned on your feet and began making your way towards the stairs grabbing Yuki's arm.

"Come on Yuki why don't we go watch a movie together while these love birds argue"
"Y/N hold on!"

You completely ignored Kyo and made your way to your room with Yuki following behind you.

"Damn it Kagura you ruined everything why can't you just get it through your head I don't see you that way!"

"Kyo why are you being so mean to mean to me all of a sudden?.....THATS NOT VERY NICE!"

Kagura went to hit Kyo again but she stopped once she heard his stomach growl.

"I'll start on dinner"
"No I'll make dinner for my love you go have a seat"

Kagura pushed Tohru out the kitchen and closed the doors leaving her, Kyo and Shigure in the living room. Kyo got up to make his way to your room to explain everything.

"I'd give her some space if I were you the way she is right now she won't listen to anything you have to say" Shigure warned
"So what you expect to just leave her up there with that damn rat instead!"

"All I'm saying is let her calm down she'll speak to you when she's ready"

Meanwhile in your room

You sat on your bed irritated, Yuki slowly made his way beside you as the two of you sat in silence.

"Why are you so upset?...."
"I'm not upset"
"Yeah you are"

You turned your head to face Yuki, he just stood sitting there with a blank expression.

"I just.....I thought Kyo liked....I don't have that bond you were talking about earlier, I don't have that special feeling towards the other Zodiacs like you guys do. The only one I feel a strong connection to is Akito and I don't even want that feeling....you guys are connected by something stronger. Maybe that's why he likes her...."

"You might not feel the ties like the rest of us but I can feel it towards you..."
"Absolutely... when I first met you Y/N it was like a part of me that was missing had finally came back to me. I instantly felt the connection with you...so it's okay if you don't feel it because most of the time to be honest it's a heavy burden this feeling...this connection. You get to feel however you want towards people while the rest of us are tied to each other"

* sniffle*

Yuki looked down to see tears slowly rolling down your face. He gently place his thumb on your chin moving your head to face him. You watched as his eyes moved from yours down to your lips?

"Y/N I've been wanting to say this for a while now...I lov..."


"Sohma, Y/N dinner is ready"

The sound of Tohru's voice startled you and made you stand up creating a distance between you and Yuki.


You turned to see Yuki now standing next to you

"I'm sorry Yuki what were you saying?..."

He looked down at you with a smile, you felt his hand on the back of your head as he gently pulled you towards him placing a kiss on your forehead.

"It's nothing we can talk about it another time let's eat.."

The two of you made it downstairs witnessing the large spread Kagura had made. You saw how both her and Kyo were out of sight and felt a pit in your stomach. In an instant Kyo came falling through the ceiling due to Kagura becoming mad once again. You felt warmth around you, as the dust cleared you looked up to see Yuki had wrapped his arms around you making sure that you weren't hit by anything.

Kyo looked up to see you in Yuki's arms, anger instantly filled him.

"Damn it Kagura you ruin everything all the time just go away already!"
"I'm so sorry I'll make more food"
"There is no more food..." Shigure said as he looked at the huge hole in his ceiling.

"I'll go buy some I'll be right back!"

You watched as Kagura ran out the door feeling kind of relieved that she had finally left.

"And you why the hell do you still have your arms around Y/N get away from her you damn rat!"
"I don't see Y/N complaining about it!"

The two began to argue causing you to become frustrated. You made your way towards the kitchen avoiding the argument when you saw Tohru making her way towards the front door.

"Tohru where are you going?"
"It looks like Kagura forgot her bag and plus it's so dark out so I was going to go help her walk back home"

She watched as you made your way towards the door putting your shoes on.

"We'll come on there's no way I'm letting you walk by yourself this late"

You held out your hand to her, she smiled her bright smile and grabbed it instantly.


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