𝟎𝟎𝟏: 𝐃𝐨 𝐃𝐢𝐟𝐟𝐞𝐫𝐞𝐧𝐭.

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A month

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A month.

They had been on the island a month. During that month allot had changed. The relationship between them had changed.

For the first week Saylor didn't speak to anyone and focused entirely on collecting fire wood to keep them warm and coconuts for them all to eat. She was the first one up and the last to sleep, she felt as if she had to prove she deserved to be there.

She had to prove to herself that the Pogues needed her, because the second her mind wondered she wanted to end it all.

When she wasn't weaving leaves or cracking coconuts she couldn't stop herself from thinking about how much she wished John B didn't save her life... how much she wished he had just let her rest.

By week 2 she was talking to Sarah, but only Sarah. Sarah Cameron was a safe space for Saylor Routledge and Saylor Routledge was a safe space for Sarah Cameron.

Since arriving on the island Sarah began suffering with severe anxiety. The Cameron was constantly in fear that her family were going to find her, find all of them.

Saylor understood that, it's the exact situation she was in when she returned to the OBX. The constant terror of knowing Carol could show up at any given moment and take her away just as she had finally found happiness.

In week 3 Sarah convinced Saylor into joining the rest of the group, she explained how much they missed her and how worried they were for her. Guilt swarmed within her gut at the words, she didn't mean for them to worry. She full heartedly believed that by keeping her distance she was protecting them, that's what she had been told.

If she had kept away from Barry and Tyler they would still be alive, why would it be any different for the Pogues?

The entire month Saylor observed. She watched as JJ and Kie spent most of their days together and she watched as Popes friendship blossomed with Cleo.

It killed her, her boyfriend was now looking at her best friend the way he was supposed to look at her. She knew she was allot to deal with at the moment, and she knew he thought the same.

When they first arrived on the island JJ didn't leave her side, even when she wouldn't talk he stuck by her. After 4 days of getting nothing in return he began backing off and by day 11 it all stopped.

He wouldn't even look at her, not even when she rejoined them. She didn't know if it was because he was trying to give her space or because he simply couldn't deal with her emotions on top of his own.

Saylor made attempts to talk to the blonde but he would always shrug her off claiming he needed to fix their shelter or needed  to get more fire wood.

Each time it chipped away at her but in a way she enjoyed that pain. It reminded her that she still had something to live for.

Pope and Saylor were on good terms but definitely no where near as close as they used to be. Saylor wasn't sure if it was because of her own hesitation to let people in or because Popes attention was now on their newest arrival.

𝓢𝓟𝓘𝓡𝓐𝓛 // 𝒪𝐵𝒳 𝒯𝐻𝑅𝐸𝐸Where stories live. Discover now