𝟎𝟎𝟗: 𝐑𝐞𝐭𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐯𝐚𝐥 𝐌𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧.

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"Here it is

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"Here it is. The spider hole." Big John welcomed the two into the run down house as he pulled his hood from of his head. "It ain't much but it ain't a bad place to lay low."

"Spider hole, good name." John B closed the door behind him and Saylor jumped up on the kitchen counter. "Still huntin huh Pop" he sent a knowing look to his sister who shook her head at him in defeat.

Their father hadn't changed even after his near death experience he was still hunting for the gold. In fact, the gold took priority over his own children and Saylor doubted that would ever change.

"I'm breathing, I'm hunting. What can I say?" Big John was rushing room to room cramming everything he needed into a bag. "This time I'm putting it all together. I'm getting close. I can feel it. I'm onto something big."

"I, uh... I heard you died at the Shoals, dad?" John B bought up the topic that both the twins had been so desperate to talk about. They wanted to know what happened, the real story.

"Yeah, well. Somebody died out there. It wasn't me." He gave them very little information which Saylor was annoyed by, she felt as if they deserved to know the complete and honest truth. "Look, we just gotta go on a little retrieval mission." Big John opened a cabinet and pulled out a gun. "Then we can split."

Saylor sighed jumping down from the counter, she knew it would be no use to try and talk her father out of whatever he had planned. Her only hope was that they wouldn't have to use the gun.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa, dad wait. Retrieval mission? Gun? What are we doing?" John B was obviously flustered and not on board with the plan.

"The game is afoot." Big John paced his hands on his sons shoulders. "And this time it's for the mother lode. The big Kahuna, all the marbles." John B threw his head back clearly annoyed with their fathers one track mind. Big John pulled him into a hug whilst Saylor stood to the side opening the door.

"Let's get this over with." She sighed using one arm to motion for them to walk out of the door.

"Good girl, smart." Big John patted her on the shoulder as he walked past. "We gotta move fast. It ain't just Singh after us. I got mixed up with Limbrey and a whole lot of things."

Saylor froze at the name. Limbrey had tried to kill Saylor... she killed Tyler and somehow her father was involved with her? Did he know what she had done?

What hurt the most was that Saylor knew that even if he did know, her father would still work with her if it meant he got the gold.

The Routledge girl zoned out her brother and fathers arguing. She didn't want to hear about Limbrey or the gold all she wanted was to go home. Saylor walked away from them and waited on the small life boat and eventually they rejoined her and headed of on their 'retrieval mission' as Big John had called it.

The sun was starting to set in the sky by the time the Routledge family arrived at the auction house. The owner was talking to a client as they walked in but the second his eyes met Big Johns he dismissed his client and made his way over to the three.

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