𝟎𝟏𝟐: 𝐆𝐨𝐭 𝐂𝐨𝐦𝐩𝐥𝐢𝐜𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐝.

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Saylor sprung awake after hearing her brother scream as he awoke from a nightmare

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Saylor sprung awake after hearing her brother scream as he awoke from a nightmare. She turned to comfort him but was met by the sight of Sarah cradling his face.

A smile fell on the Routledge girls lips, she was glad that the others had made it home safe and she was glad that Sarah was there to comfort her brother in that moment.

The two pulled eachother into a hug and it reminded Saylor that she didn't have that anymore, she needed to talk to JJ. She had so many questions, so many things she wanted to say.

"I'm so sorry we left." Sarah apologised pulling out of the hug and looking between both the twins. "They just dropped me off. I didn't even know if you'd be here."

Saylor pulled her lips between her teeth, the others had been there and none of them wanted to check if she was safe. They left Sarah there without a second thought for Saylor.

"We literally couldn't hear anything on the phone." The Cameron girl revealed cradling John Bs face in her hands.

"Guess my satalite plan didn't work." Saylor sighed standing up from the sofa she had slept on and walking over to Sarah who she pulled into a hug.

"Satalite plan?" Sarah questioned with her head resting on Saylors shoulder.

"I got on John Bs shoulders so I would-." Saylor was cut of from her sentence by her brother.

"What? You couldn't hear anything? So you don't know?" John B looked at his sister and the pin finally dropped.

"Oh shit." Saylors eyes blew open. "Your not gonna believe this Sar but our dads alive."

"He's here right now." John B added with an excited smile on his face, he could finally introduce his father to his wife. "Look." He pointed into the bedroom only to find that the bed was empty.

"I fucking knew it." Saylor groaned kicking one of the cans on the floor, he had gone for the diary just like she knew he would.

"He was right there, Sarah I swear to god. He was right there." John B was frantic, begging Sarah to believe him. "Dad!" He started shouting as he got up from the sofa.

Sarah was looking at him like he was crazy and honestly Saylor thought it was hilarious but her brother looked really stressed and upset so she stepped in. "I know I'm prone to hallucinations but he's real Sar." She defended her brother. "He's probably gone to get that stupid fucking diary."

John B continued to call for his father, he no longer cared if Sarah believed him or not he just wanted to find him.

"You believe us right?" Saylor asked the blonde girl as they followed John B into the garden.

"I mean..-"

"Hell, I wouldn't believe them either." Their father came out from behind the shack with a back pack slung over his shoulder. "Hellooo, Sarah."

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