𝟎𝟐𝟕: 𝐅𝐚𝐦𝐢𝐥𝐲 𝐑𝐞𝐜𝐢𝐩𝐞.

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The next morning Saylor had woken up before everyone else so took it upon herself to make them all breakfast, but not before finishing her coffee as she watched the sunrise ahead of her

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The next morning Saylor had woken up before everyone else so took it upon herself to make them all breakfast, but not before finishing her coffee as she watched the sunrise ahead of her.

"Your up early." A voice spoke from behind her making jump and causing a small amount of her coffee to spill from her white mug.

"Bloody hell." Saylor gasped using her free hand to rub her chest. "You scared me." She told Ryan who had now moved to stand beside her, his own coffee in his hand.

"I see that." He mused looking at the Coffee stain on the floor beside their feet. "Did you sleep okay?"

"Besides Carlton whacking me in the face during the night I slept really well." Saylor responded with a light laugh before taking a sip of her coffee.

There were only 4 rooms on the ship so Saylor and Carlton made the decision to double up. They had already spent a night together on a hard solid wood floor so sharing a bed was definitely an upgrade.

"Thank you for opening up to us last night." Ryan sent her a gentle smile which she returned. "I know that losing someone you love is hard but something my mother told me after my father died was that instead of being sad they aren't here anymore you should be happy that they ever were."

Once again Saylor found herself pondering on Ryan's words. It made complete sense, she knew that both Tyler and Barry would kill her if they had seen her torturing herself the way she had been.

They never wanted her to be anything other than happy and until recently that is all she had been. She was changing that though, she was finally becoming the version of herself she was always meant to be and the one she had always deserved to become.

So from now one she wouldn't punish herself for their deaths or shrivel in guilt, she would be grateful for the fact she had two incredible and irreplaceable people in her life and she would live the rest of her days living for them, the way they wanted her to live. To do things they always wanted to but would never have the chance.

"She sounds like a wise woman." Saylor replied placing her coffee mug on the small table beside her.

"She was." Ryan nodded with a smile on his face as his head wondered to the amazing woman which was his mother. "She was a great cook too. Come on, I'll show you." Saylor followed Ryan into the kitchen where he began pulling out ingredients from both the fridge and the oven.


By the time the other three had made it to the kitchen, Saylor had flour over her face and Ryan had egg yolk smeared in his beard.

"What happened to you two?" Ethan raised an amused eyebrow at the pair just as Saylor turned her back to them and pulled something out of the oven.

"We made breakfast." She grinned at them all with a larger than life smile on her face placing down the tray of piping hot freshly baked blueberry muffins. "Go sit down."

"Don't have to tell me twice." Stephens stomach grumbled as the smell of the fresh baked goods filled his nose.

"Breakfast Potatoes with fried egg." Ryan announced as he placed two large oven trays in the middle of the table. One filled with breakfast potatoes and the other with fried eggs.

"And for after, homemade blueberry muffins." Saylor stated whilst taking a seat next to Carlton at the end of the table.

"Mothers recipe." Ryan added with a proud smile on his face. Meredith had always told him to share her recipes with their future generations. He didn't have any children of his own so he was glad he got to pass on his family recipes to Saylor, that way he knew that they would never be forgotten.

"You have flour on your face." Carlton told Saylor as he raised his hand and gently brushed the powder of her cheek.

"I wonder why." Saylor sent a playful glare to Ryan who had just finished his mouthful of food.

"You hit me with the egg first Little B" He reminded her using a tissue to finally wipe the egg from his beard.

"Bambi can Cook and fight. What more could you ever want in a girl." Ethan hit Stephens shoulder jokingly which caused the younger boy to blush.

"Probably someone who is emotionally available." Saylor retorted unfazed by Ethan's small insinuation about Stephen and herself being something more than friends.

"Yeah that tends to help." Carlton agreed finishing his food. "That was great, thank you guys." He stood from the table grabbing all of the dirty plates and trays before placing them in the dishwasher.

"Yeah, thank you." "Appreciate it." The other two also thanked Ryan and Saylor for their meal.

"They should be cool now." Ryan told Carlton talking about the blueberry muffins. "Bring them over."

Carlton did just that and took the muffins to the table where they all grabbed one and eagerly took a bit.

"Holy shit." "Mmmmm." "Wow." "That's insane."

Ryan had a proud look on his face as he leant back in his chair, the muffin now half eaten in his hand. He had done the one thing he had always promised he would do, shared his family heritage with the people he loved.

"What time do we dock?" Saylor asked whilst scrunching up the muffin case into a little ball before throwing it into the nearby bin.

"She shoots, she scoressss." Stephen spoke into his hands making him sound like a commentator at a sports game making them all celebrate the fact she had managed to throw the small paper ball into the bin.

"Around 8pm." Ethan answered her question as he pushed himself out of his chair so that he could raise the anchor and continue their journey to South America.

"Nice." Saylor nodded her head, that meant they had around 9 hours to kill and she wanted to make the most of it. Honestly she never wanted to leave the boat, she was perfectly happy within the little bubble the 5 of them had created. "Anyone for a game of uno?"

"Fuck yeah!"

.·:*¨ ✘♚✘ ¨*:·.

𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗖𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁: 𝟏𝟎𝟓𝟔

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𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗖𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁: 𝟏𝟎𝟓𝟔

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