𝟎𝟐𝟓: 𝐈 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐘𝐨𝐮.

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Saylor and Carlton arrived at the small village on the edge of Doe Creek and jumped out of the car knowing the rest of their journey would have to be made on foot

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Saylor and Carlton arrived at the small village on the edge of Doe Creek and jumped out of the car knowing the rest of their journey would have to be made on foot. "Come on, it's this way." Saylor guided Carlton as they headed into the tree line.

Carlton followed her sliding his phone back into his pocket seen as Saylor somehow already knew the way. "How did you know that?" He asked her as he pushed a branch out of the way.

"I used to sell drugs along the creek." Saylor replied nonchalantly with a small shrug of her shoulders as she let go of a small branch which hit the Anderson boy straight in the face. "That was an accident I swear" a laugh fell from her lips after hearing the wack and him grumbling behind her.

Carlton snapped one of the bright green leaves of the branch that had just slapped him in the face and tickled the inside of Saylors ear with it.

"Ahh!" The Routledge girl yelped swatting at her ear. "Is it a bug? Omg is it a bug?!" She  shrieked jumping in the ear titling her head to the side knocking on the top of it so that the bug would fall out her ear.

With his hands on his knees Carlton was bent over laughing as his newest friend freaked out, the leaf in his hand shaking. "That was an accident I swear." He managed to choke out between his laughs mocking her making his voice a higher pitch in attempts to sound like her.

Saylor relaxed knowing that there wasn't actually a bug in her ear but her eyes quickly narrowed at the brunette boy who was still unable to contain his laughter. "Oh it's on Anderson." She challenged. "It's on."

"Challenge accepted Routledge." Carlton stood straight holding out his hand in her direction which she grabbed in her own giving it a firm shake. "So... are we just gonna brush past the whole drug dealer thing?" He raised an eyebrow as they continued walking in the direction of the creek.

"I was never a drug dealer, more of a drug supplier." She corrected pushing the branches out of her path making sure they didn't snap back and hit Carlton again.

"My bad." Carlton apologised sarcastically holding his hands up in fake defence.

"I'll let it slide, just this once." Saylor joked. "We are getting close, should be just round this cor-" loud gun shots cut her sentence short causing her to temporarily stop in her tracks before sprinting towards the noise.

The water was up to her knees when she came to a holt unsure of what the right thing was to do. She watched as JJ and John B fought against Stephen and Ethan wanting to help them but she couldn't do so without alerting them she was double crossing Singh. "What do we do?" Saylor panicked turning to Carlton who was in the water beside her.

"I'm thinking, let me think." He told her, his eyes running wild as he searched the boat for an entry point, Saylor couldn't be seen by the two Pogues but it didn't matter if he was.

"We don't have time to think!" Saylor rushed out as she watched John B being pushed to his knees, much like he had been the day before.

There was a big splash as JJ pulled Ethan of the boat allowing them to make a get away. Carlton tugged at Saylors arm moving her back into the tree line as JJ stood at the back of the boat looking out into the water.

"That went well." Saylor pulled her lips into a thin line cringing at the uncomfortable feeling of her wet clothes hugging her skin.

"We need to join them." Carlton grabbed her hand dragging her back into the water once the boat was far enough away that they wouldn't be seen. "Hey!" He shouted to Stephen and Ethan.

"What are you doing here?" Ethan yelled back to them as he pulled himself back into the boat.

"We were trailing them." Carlton lied now swimming as his feet no longer touched the floor. "You got here before us."

"Here, take my hand." Stephen leaned over the boat holding out his hand for the Routledge girl just as she reached the boat.

"Thank you." Saylor grabbed his hand and climbed into the boat with the help of Stephen. "My hair better not turn green." She groaned collecting all her hair over her shoulder and ringing it out.

"Don't worry, it'll be fine. Mine is bleached too, never gone green." Stephen reassured her passing her a towel from under one of the seats.

"You're not a natural blonde?!" Ethan shrieked in shock, he had known him for 3 years and never once doubted that blonde was his natural hair colour.

"No one help me." Carlton sarcastically commented as he pulled himself on board without any help from the others. "Yeah that's fine." Saylor moved to the edge of the boat and held out her hand for him with a sweet smile on her face. "Took your time." He scoffed but took her hand in his nevertheless, only to feel a sinking feeling in his stomach when she let him drop back into the cold creek water.

"I warned you Anderson... It's on."

.·:*¨ ✘♚✘ ¨*:·.

𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗖𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁: 𝟖𝟗𝟐

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𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗖𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁: 𝟖𝟗𝟐

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