𝟎𝟐𝟖: 𝐃𝐢𝐭𝐭𝐨.

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They had an hour till they arrived at their destination and the atmosphere had changed from one of joy to a somber silence

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They had an hour till they arrived at their destination and the atmosphere had changed from one of joy to a somber silence. None of them wanted to leave the boat they knew all hell was going to break loose once the bubble they had built around them burst.

"Everything's going to change isn't it." Saylor sighed turning to look at Carlton who was sat beside her on the bed of their shared room.

Carlton simply nodded his head knowing that he couldn't give her the answer they both wished he could.

Singh was holding her father captive and she was fully aware that no matter the consequences he wouldn't give Carlos the information he needed. Big Johns entire world revolved around hunting for treasure, he cared more for gold than his own children.

She was certain that there was bound to be bloodshed whether Singh found El dorado or not. He was ruthless when it came to finding the gold, but so was her father and when two stubborn men are on opposite sides wanting the same thing, it could never end well.

"I don't know what's gonna happen when we leave this boat." Carlton told her whilst playing the the duvet under his hand. "But I do know that I'm gonna have your back." He then turned his entire body to face Saylor, looking at her in the eye as he spoke. "I'm not going to let you get hurt."

"Ditto" Saylor smiled at him before leaning forward and wrapping her arms around his neck. Carlton responded immediately by wrapping his arms around her waist.

Her entire life Saylor was always the one fighting for the people she loved, she was always sacrificing herself yet the gesture was very rarely recognised or reciprocated. That had changed now, Carlton was willing to fight for her, to protect her the way many others before him had failed to do so.


When they arrived it was dark outside and they were met at the port by Adam and Tyson who picked them up and drove them to Singhs estate. He really meant it when he said that he had properties all over the globe.

Saylor was instructed to stay away from the left wing of the large house seen as that is where her father was locked in a room and they couldn't risk him recognising her voice.

She hadn't seen much of Carlos but she did request to have a meeting with him which he agreed to. During their meeting Saylor convinced Carlos into agreeing not to kill her father.

It was a difficult conversation and it took a lot of convincing but after Saylor informed him that she didn't want any of the gold they would find from El Dorado he agreed.

Greed was an overpowering emotion, one that both Ward Cameron and Carlos Singh were motivation by. Many are under the misconception that greed was the driving cause of Big Johns adventures, but they would be wrong.

Big John was motivated by the urge to prove himself to his children, to make them proud, but somewhere along the way that got lost and he had become misguided. Forgetting his initial intentions and disregarding his children rather than showing them the love he thought the gold would prove to them he had for them.

It was now the next morning and Big John was surrounded by Singhs men as Carlos interrogated him about how long it was taking him to translate and reminded him of the urgency of their situation.

Carlton had been instructed to take Saylor out of the house to completely remove the risk of Saylor being discovered by her father.

Neither of them had any objections, both of them being happy to have some time to themselves without feeling the constant anticipation that was bubbling within due to the fast paced adventure of El Dorado.

They had left the estate almost immediately but not before Saylor unlocked all of the windows in the room her father was being held in whilst he was being interrogated. Sure she had made a deal with Singh but she didn't fully trust him when he had promised to not kill her father, at least this way she knew she had played a small part in possibly helping him escape.

It seemed to be a day of celebration on the island. Children ran around waving flags in the air as fire works exploded overhead.

Saylor was watching the fireworks and the flags hung between buildings wave in the wind when she felt a tug at her hand. When she looked down a young girl flashed her bright white teeth at her as she smiled. "For you." The girl spoke in a thick accent placing a bracelet in her hand before walking off to her friends.

Saylor didn't even have time to thank the small child before she wondered off. She raised her hand and admired the red, black and green bracelet before placing it on her wrist.

"It's pretty." Carlton said motioning at the new jewellery on the blondes wrist. Saylor simply nodded her head in agreement before grabbing his hand and pulling him into a small shop behind a market stall selling mangos.

"Close your eyes." Saylor told Carlton as she used her hands to cover his eyes from behind him. "Keep them closed." She removed her hands and pulled a dinosaur hat over her face. "Okay open."

Carlton peeled his eyes open and a loud laugh fell from his lips at the sight of Saylor stood in front of him her hands curled into claws and her tongues sticking out at him. "You look ridiculous."

Saylor grabbed a matching hat from the stand and pulled it over the Anderson boys head. "Yeah well... now you do too." She chuckled pulling out her phone and taking a selfie with him. The two of them smiling widely at the phone.

"Send me that." Carlton tapped the screen of her phone before his own started ringing in his back pocket. He swiped the green call button to the left and brought the phone to his ear.

Immediately his expression dropped and he ripped the mask from his head. "Come on, we gotta go." He grabbed Saylors hand and pulled her out of the store.

"Shit." Saylor hissed realising she still had the hat on her head. She pulled it of her head and removed her hand from Carlton's stopping to give a little boy the hat. "For you." She told him repeating the words of the little girl. There was a language barrier and she knew that, that's why she kept her words to a minimum.

The two teens ran back to Singhs estate after receiving a call that they had been under attack. By the time they arrived the attack had stopped and Big John had escaped.

.·:*¨ ✘♚✘ ¨*:·.

𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗖𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁: 𝟏𝟏𝟓𝟎

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𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗖𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁: 𝟏𝟏𝟓𝟎

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