𝟎𝟏𝟖: 𝐍𝐨𝐭 𝐒𝐭𝐮𝐩𝐢𝐝.

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"Don't tell anyone but, Stephen isn't a real blonde

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"Don't tell anyone but, Stephen isn't a real blonde." Carlton smirked at her mischievously as he pulled a bottle of bleach from the cabinet under the sink and passed it to the Routledge girl.

"Don't tell anyone but I have no idea who Stephen is." Saylor joked back making him laugh as she took the bleach from his hand and opened the box.

"Do you even know what your doing?" Carlton raised an eyebrow at the girl as she started applying the bleach to her hair.

"As a matter of fact I do." She sent him a smug smile through the mirror before focusing back on her hair. "I help my friend Topper-" her sentence died out as she realised she never made it to the Thornton house and was yet to talk to him.

Carlton watched a frown plant itself on her face and for some reason he had a strong urge to make sure he didn't see it again. He had no idea why he seemed to care so much about a girl he had known for literally 5 minutes but maybe it was because he recognised himself in her.

Her duffel bag filled with clothes which she had packed with the intention of leaving behind the only life she had ever known, much like he had done before he found himself working for Singh.

"I can get you a phone, you can call him if you'd like." He offered the Routledge girl as she lathered the final section of her hair with the bleach.

"That would be great." Saylor replied with a smile turning to him and jumping up to sit on the bathroom counter. "Thank you."

"It's no problem. I'll be right back." With that Carlton had left the room leaving Saylor alone to her own devices.

She looked at herself in the mirror her honey brown eyes peering into themselves as she tilted her head picking apart every small detail of her face.

Her skin littered with tiny scars from cuts her mother had scattered over her face during her time on the mainland. The most noticeable one being on the corner of her forehead from where she had hit it on the side of the Camerons kitchen table, also at the hands of her mother.

The bags under her eyes and the purple blue undertones that peered through her fragile skin. She looked exhausted... she was exhausted.

Carlton made his way back into the bathroom but wasn't acknowledged by the girl as all of her focus was on highlighting her flaws. He cleared his throat which snapped her from her daze and held out his hand holding the phone. "It's all yours."

Saylor took the phone from his hand with an appreciative smile. Immediately she typed Toppers number into the Keypad and within two rings he had picked up.

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