𝟎𝟑𝟒: 𝐀𝐥𝐥 𝐖𝐚𝐲 𝐃𝐨𝐰𝐧 𝐖𝐞 𝐆𝐨.

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Saylor made him fall by kicking the back of his knees, she then grabbed his right arm and turned him around to face her

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Saylor made him fall by kicking the back of his knees, she then grabbed his right arm and turned him around to face her. She swung at his jaw without giving him a chance to defend himself, and his head dropped to the side.

She attempted to push him to the ground so she could hold him down, but he beat her to it and grabbed her wrist. "Come on, Bambi, I taught you that move," He taunted sucking his teeth before pulling her arm behind her back and standing. "That's how I know that if I apply a little more pressure-" Saylor cried out in pain loudly when he pushed her elbow up near her shoulder blade. "It'll snap."

The now-blonde girl let out a painful wail as a loud cracking, popping sound filled the air. Ryan held her up as her legs gave way while watching as her entire arm turned purple and became limp as he dropped it.

Saylor's arm felt like it was being stabbed by tens of thousands of hot pokers, and she was having trouble catching her breath. Despite having suffered countless injuries throughout her life, the Routledge girl was currently in the most agonising pain she had ever felt.

Ryan grabbed her face in his hand pushing her cheeks together tightly. "When I found him." He purposely avoided stating Adams name, finding it to hard, it made it real. "I had so many questions, he was killed by one of our very own bullets. Who would do that?" He let out a dark humourless chuckle as he looked into Saylors brown eyes. "You. You did that." His grip tightened on her jaw as he pulled her closer to his face. "You killed him."

The tears finally slipped from her eyes as someone who once looked at her with such care now looked at her with pure resentment.

"No, you don't get to cry!" Ryan raised his voice shaking his head. "We took you in! We cared for you! We treated you better than they ever did." What hurt the most was it was the truth. "You know what your problem is Little B? Your problem is that you care to much about those who don't care enough." He quickly flipped her around so she was glued to his chest. "And that is the very thing that is going to get you killled... your friends too." He raised the gun at Sarah. "Starting with you." After all it was her Saylor had saved by killing Adam.

This was a Ryan she didn't recognise, her Ryan was always so gentle with her but she only had herself to blame. She had taken away the most important thing in his life, now he wanted to do the same.

Saylor had no choice but to watch as he restrained her by gripping her jaw and pressing her head against his chest. In order to prevent her from running, he also wrapped one of his legs around hers.

There was nothing Saylor could do to stop Ryan, not by herself. She was aware that Ward would sacrifice his life for his daughter because despite everything he had done, he had always loved her. She knew what had to be done.

She looked at Ward dead in the eye and nodded her head at him just the tiniest bit so that Ryan wouldn't notice. He nodded back and looked at his daughter for a final  time before charging at Ryan.

The gun shot three times right beside Saylor's ear, causing her to flinch. It was so loud she was convinced it had burst her ear drum.

Wards body jerked as the bullets hit him not once but three times. She then felt herself tumble as the Cameron man used all the force in his dying body to push Ryan.

Saylor, who was still wedged between the two men, turned her head to look in the direction she was being pushed, and as she got closer to the edge of the cliff, her eyes blew wide. Everything seemed to happen in slow motion as she turned her head to send John B a last fleeting smile before she could no longer feel the ground beneath her feet.

Her gut sank as she slipped off the edge, Ward flying over her shoulder with a lifeless expression. She closed her eyes as she waited to hit the ground... but she never did.

In an effort to save Saylor, Carlton forced himself away from the tree and was able to grip her arm. He was holding her whilst lying on his injured stomach sprawled at the cliff's edge.

When the shoulder of her already injured arm felt as though it had been pulled out of place, Saylor opened her eyes. Carlton grasped her forearm with both of his hands. He was the only thing stopping her from falling to her death.

The Pogues raced over to him to try to help him hoist her up, but they weren't able to because Ryan was dangling from her foot.

Saylor screamed in agony as she felt as though her arm was about to rip off as  it was the only thing supporting both her weight and Ryan's.

"Kick him off!" John B yelled at her as Carltons fingers slipped on her arm due to the blood coating them.

Saylor knew she couldn't do that, she wouldn't send another man to his death, especially not Ryan. She turned her head to look down at him feeling immediately dizzy as she did. "Splinter, you need to climb up." She reached out her free hand to him which made the Pogues protest knowing they couldn't hold her up much longer.

Ryan seemingly also knew this as he shook his head at her. His anger towards her dissipating as his main focus suddenly became making sure she made it out alive. "Little B." He smiled softly at her when she looked at him. "It's okay, you did good kid." He repeated the words from their first training session as he knew how much they meant to her before letting go of her foot.

Saylors eyes shot open realising what he had done. "No!" She screamed when she no longer felt the weight of him pulling her down. She watched as his body got smaller and smaller as he fell.

The Pogues and Carlton got to work right away and pulled her up. When she finally reached the top she landed on top of Carlton as he was the first to grab her.

Saylor looked into Carlton's eyes with so much sorrow, he had lost 2 very important people in his life because of her. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry." She apologised to him over and over again.

Carlton pushed himself up so that she was sat in his lap. His eyes were filled with tears because of both the loss of yet another close friend and the relief he felt that Saylor was still alive.

He grabbed her face in his blood coated hands and shook her head at her pushing her loose hair behind her ear. "Your okay, it's not your fault." He told her, and he meant it, he didn't blame her for Ryan's death. "I got you." He pulled her head into his neck as she sobbed. "I got you." He repeatedly kissed the crown of her head as he held her close.

Something inside of the blonde Maybank boy bubbled. He felt ill as he watched the two. He was holding her and comforting her the exact way he had at Royal Oak.

Was it jealousy? He wasn't sure, but he knew he had no right to feel anything but relief towards the situation. JJ knew he was the one that ruined them so why would he be annoyed if she was with someone else? He was with Kie, he loved Kie.... atleast he thought he did.

.·:*¨ ✘♚✘ ¨*:·.

𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗖𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁: 𝟏𝟑𝟐𝟓

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𝗪𝗼𝗿𝗱 𝗖𝗼𝘂𝗻𝘁: 𝟏𝟑𝟐𝟓

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