𝟎𝟎𝟒: 𝐑𝐨𝐮𝐠𝐡 𝐓𝐚𝐜𝐭𝐢𝐜𝐬.

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The truck pulled up at a large estate surrounded by acres and acres of land

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The truck pulled up at a large estate surrounded by acres and acres of land. Armed guards were stationed every few feet and watched with two girls with narrowed eyes as one of their men guided them into the house with a tight grip on their arms.

The door opened for them when they arrived and a maid stared them down before moving to the side allowing them in. The hallway and rooms attached were filled with ancient trinkets and artefacts that were preserved behind thick glass.

"Take them upstairs." The housekeeper told the guard that was stationed at the bottom of the stair case. "This one in the Orinoco Room." She motioned her head to Kie. "The other in the Japura room."

"This way." He spoke in a thick accent grabbing at their arms making them grunt as he pushed them up the stairs. He opened the first door to the left and shoved Kiara through the door. "Inside." He told her before slamming and locking the door.

"No, Kie!" Saylor called for her friend not wanting to be separated as he forced her into a different room at the end of the corridor. "Why are we here? Who are you?" She interrogated him before he had the chance to leave.

"Dinner at eight." He replied unbothered. "I'd clean up." The door closed in her face and she could hear it lock so she didn't bother trying the knob.

The room was painted dark blue with a four poster canopy bed positioned in the middle against the wall. Whilst she knew she was in a very dangerous situation she had to admit it was the nicest place she had been held hostage.

In the wardrobe hung 4 dark green silk dresses with a hand written note stating 'pick your size' attached to the top of one of the hangers.

Picking the correct dress out the wardrobe she ran her hands across the delicate fabric. She had been stuck in the same clothes for a month, you couldn't blame her for being excited about being able to change. Especially when it was into something as beautiful as a silk dress with a thigh high slit.

It reminded her allot of her midsummers dress. The only difference being the colour and the fit at the bottom. Her blue midsummers dress less form fitting than the current green dress that adorned her body.

Saylor looked in the mirror on the back of the wardrobe door and for the first time in months she felt pretty. She couldn't help but wonder if JJs feelings would return to normal is he saw her dressed the way she was now.

A knocking at the door startled Saylor causing her to jump a little. The house maid from earlier let herself in. "He's ready for you."

The Routledge girl nodded in anticipation and followed her out the room. The maid repeated the same process of Kiaras door and Saylors eyes shot open at their matching dresses. They were the exact same except hers was green and Kies was a beautiful deep red.

Side by side they made their way down the stairs and into the room they were guided into. A suited man was stood by the window with his back to them.

"Uh, excuse me?" Kie cleared her throat catching his attention and making him turn to them.

𝓢𝓟𝓘𝓡𝓐𝓛 // 𝒪𝐵𝒳 𝒯𝐻𝑅𝐸𝐸Where stories live. Discover now