Chapter 14: Opening Up To The Girl He's Hurt The Most

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More Lore is being added, but look at keywords and sentences to find them out. Headcanons is basically Lore in this story.

Friday came after the Sterling Siblings arrived home and fell asleep. They were surprisingly very awake despite stargazing until two in the morning the night prior. But in their eyes, It was worth every ounce of sleep to ensure the youngest felt better.

Jake had informed their parents about what happened with Milo. Mom was pissed and didn't want to have to pull another mother moment.

An incident occurred when Jake was bullied throughout 7th and 8th grade. The school did nothing about it, so Mrs. Sterling confronted them about it, but in the end, she sued the school and won because they said, "Music is not a talent. Jake is probably bullied for good reasons." The principal definitely didn't keep his job afterward.

So, Mrs. Sterling was hoping she didn't have to sue another school because her son was being bullied, so she allowed Milo to stay home that day and let Jake, Elliot, and Zoey know that she would inform the school about it.

"Don't worry so much about it, I understand your concern for Milo, but I'm sure he'll feel better. Now, get to school," Mom said. Elliot smiled. He understood that Mom wanted the best for them all and didn't want us to worry, but the three were Milo's older siblings, and they felt the need to worry.


The drive to school consisted of Jake driving, with Zoey in the passenger seat and Elliot in the back. The car ride was abnormally quiet, with a few short conversations between them, but Elliot knew Zoey and Jake were upset and pissed off.

"Milo didn't do another wrong. Why would those guys do that to him?"  Elliot thought.

He then heard a ding come from someone's phone, that someone being Zoey.

"Mom said she wants us to stay out of the house for a while." Zoey read. They all knew why. Mom did the same thing for Jake when he was bullied in school; let him have some alone time.

I understand her motives are sincere, but older siblings want to be there for the youngest. Elliot understood all of that. Zoey and Jake were always there for him and Milo.

"We'll hang out with the music club then," Jake said, "You all alright with that?" Jake asked, not looking at any other of them.

"Maybe, I'm staying behind in class for something important," Zoey said.

"No, I have to go to the gardening club today," Elliot said. As much as he wanted to hang out, he couldn't. Gardening was the best way to get his mind off Milo and everything else.

"Maybe Milly would come by,"


Jake made it to homeroom with a cold demeanor.

He didn't want to deal with anything today. No one. But those thoughts changed when he saw Hailey smiling at him.

A small smile formed on his face.

Recently, Hailey has always been able to make him smile, even in his darkest hour. Milo had recently been hurt, and Jake came to school brooding about it, but Hailey just made him smile despite it.

Jake walked over and sat next to Hailey, who stopped writing in her notebook to talk to him, "I was wondering when you would show up," Hailey said.

"Oh, were you looking up every second, waiting to see me?" Jake said with a flirtatious smile. Hailey blushed.

"N-no! I w-was just wondering where you were!" Hailey said, still a blushing mess.

"So, you missed me?" Jake asked, still with his flirtatious smile. Hailey was almost as red as a tomato.

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