Chapter 31: Rumors Pt. 1

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I'm entirely sorry about how long it has been since I've written this story. The truth is, I was bored and started reading on ao3 a lot more (And with my childhood dog's recent passing). But I'm back and giving you guys an angsty chapter! Also, I hope you like my Jailey fanart back from December- (Now, I wouldn't say the drawing is the BEST because I'm awful at drawing poses, but I think it gets the message across for Jailey shippers.)

It had been a month since what happened with Hailey. Her broken leg was only the most minor fracture. But Hailey still had trouble walking, but with the help of everyone, it got easier for her.

She had arrived a school that day and noticed people staring at her. Some had grimaces, and others had sympathy. Hailey only quirked a brow in confusion.

She shrugged it off and walked to her locker.

Hailey knew something was off but was distracted because her loving, peach-haired boyfriend wasn't there that day. So she would have to go about her day with the Music Club.

Don't get her wrong, she loves hanging out with the Music Club, but as of late, she really wanted to hang with Jake as they had just gotten into the swing of things.

As she walked to homeroom, someone shoved her as she walked pasted. She turned around to see a group of people laughing. She was confused but went about her day.

As her day went on, she noticed more people looking at her. Hailey knew it wasn't about her being missing. Everyone already got over that real quick.

But the day felt like a blur as it was already lunchtime. Hailey didn't feel like eating and was heading to the music room.


Everyone in the Music Club, minus Hailey, was at their lunch table, sitting in silence. They were devastated at the rumors they heard about Hailey.

"Why wouldn't she tell me something like this?!" Zander exclaimed, breaking the silence. Luke put a hand on his shoulder.

"We don't know if these rumors are true. We shouldn't believe them until Hailey tells us that they are." Sean explained. Everyone agreed on that.

"Just..." Milly started, "It feels crazy to think Hailey went through something like that. It's something I can't believe is true." Milly said. Everyone nodded at that.

"We'll see her soon," Lia said, "We'll ask about it then."


As Hailey walked, she couldn't help but feel people staring at her. But whenever she looked around, the bystanders looked away and made it seem they didn't know she existed.

It was unnerving.

The constant feeling wasn't helping Hailey's anxiety, and she wished Jake was here now, but he texted her that he wasn't feeling well. So she must accept that.

As she neared the door, she heard someone whistle at her. Her hand resting on the handle, she turned around to see Tyler, of all people.

Hailey internally groaned, making a face, "What do you want?"

"Now, now. Don't make that face," Tyler said, smirking, "It doesn't do well for you."

"I'll ask again," Hailey said, crossing her arms, "What. Do. You. Want?"

"Fiesty~," Tyler said, getting closer, "All I want to do is wish you the best of luck."

He started walking away until he stopped and turned around.

"You're going to need it."

That felt like a good cliffhanger to leave it on. Again, sorry for the wait. I've been feeling a lot better emotionally, but I'm still in denial. Hoped you guys liked the fanart from around December-

Hoped you enjoyed it.

See ya next time pals

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