Chapter 25: Camping Gone Wrong Pt 5. Found

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This chapter is going to be shorter than normal. I'm just trying to stretch this out a little more.

Jake and Hailey awoke the next morning, leaning up against the tree.

Well, Hailey was leaning on Jake's chest, tracing the bare skin shown from the ripped part of his shirt. She had been dying to ask this question ever since what happened last night.

"Jake..." She mumbled, and Jake hummed, "What are we now?" Jake looked down at her.

"Whatever you're comfortable with," Jake said as he played with Hailey's hair, "We can be dating or just friends." Hailey looked at him with a serious face but softened it.

"W-would you b-be a-all right if w-we..." Hailey became rather shy at asking the question.

"Why is this so hard?!"  Hailey asked herself as she heard Jake chuckle.

"I'd love to date you," Jake said with a smile, "If that's what you were trying to ask." Hailey blushed and laid her head back on Jake's chest.

"I'll take that as a yes then," Jake said and planted a kiss on Hailey's head. Hailey blushed even more as she continued to trace his chest.


Officer Nick sat in his car, drinking what he'd call his 'Family's Famous Cup of Joe.' It was his 5 one.

He was worried. His coworkers knew he doesn't drink coffee for the life of him, so a habit was developed that whenever stress was becoming too much, he'd drink coffee.

He feared. How those kids were doing down there, or if they were safe. One had to be injured for sure, to the point of being unable to walk, but what about the other?

He didn't know. The photos didn't prove much, and the search teams hadn't found anything. The families were growing more and more impatience, and he could understand completely what it was like. Back in high school, his girlfriend went missing for years, and when she came back...

He was horrified at what they had done to her. So, that's why he became a police officer. He wanted to help people find the missing loved ones they held dear.

His girlfriend-now wife has been very supportive and has grown since the accident.

But enough about his fond memories.

He had to check in with the team to see if they found anything.

He could only hope the kids could be down there a while longer.


Shannon had just gotten off the phone with the schools with the help of Ellie.

They informed them that the students wouldn't be there for a little while, giving little details of the situation. Ellie called about her youngest son and that she wouldn't be arriving for work.

They worried so much about their eldest's.

Hailey was like a true daughter to Shannon, even when Hailey didn't trust her for a while. She could only blame her biological mother for that.

Shannon would protect Hailey with everything she had. 

No matter what happens. Shannon would always protect Hailey.


Ellies was worried sick. 

Her eldest, Jake, hasn't been found and hadn't been informed of anything. She wanted to help so badly, but they wouldn't let her.

So, she did the next best thing, call her children's schools.

They said they will withdraw all their homework, but anything before their trip they couldn't do anything about.

She was glad.

When her kids get back, she didn't want them to worry about anything.


"No!"  Ellie told herself. She wasn't going to think that way. She knows the kids are safe, and she isn't going to see it any other way.

"If only the others thought the same too,"


The kids had been fighting with each. Ron could see that.

It was like Hailey and Jake were the glue to them all, and if they were lost...all hell breaks loose.

Milly had been distancing herself from everyone, even Elliot. Elliot's been quieter. Zoey and Lia had been talking, but it was awkward. Zander and Luke had been distant from everyone and a bit from each other. Sean was chatting with his parents, who were more than pleased to talk with him.

Ron knew Anthony and Sarah loved Sean, but things just got in the way, and they never got chances anymore.

Ron wished he could talk with Milly but knew she needed space. He worried if he tried to talk with anyone to lighten the mood. They'd be angrier.

So, he sat and waited, waiting for anything to change.

It never did.


Jake had to get fish from the lake but didn't want to leave Hailey alone. So, he gently picked her up and brought her with him.

They chatted and fished, cuddling too. Jake taught Hailey many things about fishing, and Hailey taught Jake the random things she knew.

They didn't even notice the helicopter flying over, too distracted by each other.

Originally posted 3/9/2023 Edited 3/11/2023 Name change.

The nightmare was only beginning, and they knew it too.

Hoped you've enjoyed it. Don't expect this book to be ending anytime soon just because Jailey happened. Also, when I publish this chapter, later I'll be publishing another Tmf book.

I've got a lot of things planned, and whether or not people stop being interested in Tmf when it ends, I'll still write.

The next Tmf book is called A Loner.

Hoped you enjoy it.

See ya next time pals!

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