Chapter 21: Camping Gone Wrong Pt 1. Survival

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(Why does Jake screaming Hailey's name remind me of Jake's nightmare?)

Also, the CPR bit was with the knowledge I found on the internet

Jake held Hailey tightly as they fell. Darkness overcame him when he felt he was surrounded by water.

Jake swam up as quickly as he could, gasping for air.

"HAILEY!" Jake shouted as he swam. He noticed something shining in the water. It was Hailey's blue star then he saw Hailey. He dove down into the water and swam to her.

He grabbed her hand and brought her up with ease. He held her and wasn't planning to let her go as he swam to the shore. He noticed the kayak torn on the shoreline.

"At least we'll have some supplies,"  Jake thought.

He made it to shore and walked on the sand, gently setting Hailey down. He felt for a pulse.

"She's alive! Thank god,"  Jake thought, "But she isn't breathing..."

Shock disappeared as Jake got into position for CPR.

He put the heel of his palm on the center of her chest, putting his other hand on top of it, and started to press 30 times at a steady pace. Then he looked at her face, tilting her head. He pinched her nose while resting his hand on her forehead, tilting her chin up, and started giving mouth-to-mouth.

After one rescue breath, he put his ear close to her mouth, listening for breathing. He continued the process. He did this process two more times. Around the third time, when he was pressed on her chest, she started coughing up water.

"Hailey!" Jake exclaimed, looking at her as she tried to sit up, "No, don't move. I need to see if you're injured or not." Jake said, and Hailey laid back down.

When Jake looked for any signs of injury, he knew he had to ask, "Where does it hurt?" 

Hailey was silent for a few seconds, "Nowhere. I'm fine,"

"Hailey, you almost drowned! You took care of me when I was injured," Jake looked at her with pleading eyes, "Let me do the same," Hailey gave in.

"M-my arm and leg," Hailey stuttered. Jake pressed on her left arm and left leg. Hailey hissed.

"Sorry! Just needed to check the severity," Jake said as he looked around. He noticed it was about to rain soon, "Here, let me help," Jake said and picked Hailey up bridal style.

He was surprised at how light she was and at how he was seemingly uninjured besides the scratches here and there.

He carried her towards the woods, specifically to the edge, and set her down. Jake could tell that Hailey was on edge.

"I'll be right back. I'm going to grab the kayak," Jake assured. He walked away, leaving Hailey to her thoughts.


"He gave me mouth-to-mouth..."  Hailey thought, and her face became as red as a tomato, "He gave me mouth-to-mouth!"

Sure, it was for the right circumstances. She almost drowned after all, but...the thought of someone basically kissing her to save her life made her blush, especially since Jake was her crush.

She tried to move her body but barely could, groaning as her leg ached. Tears formed in her eyes. The wind blew in her direction, and her wet clothes made her shiver; she got cold very easily.

Instinctively, she tried to wrap both her arms around herself, but barely jerking her left arm made her yelp. Tears started streaming down her face.

Jake ran to her side, kneeling at her side, "Hey, what's wrong?!" Jake exclaimed.

"I-i," Hailey could barely speak. It hurt too much. Jake seemed to notice what she did. She could see a look of sympathy form.

"How about I help you take your jacket off and let it air dry?" Jake asked, "The kayak surprisingly had a lot of survival gear in it."  (Because the kayak was planning this all along!)

Then for the past 5 minutes, Hailey cried more than she'd liked as she and Jake removed her jacket, but Jake did all the work. It hurt too much for Hailey.

Hailey watched as he hung the coat on a tree branch. When Hailey looked back at her leg, she noticed blood seeping from her legging. Her quietness informed Jake something was wrong.

When she saw Jake look at her, he instantly ripped a bit of his tee shirt, allowing Hailey to see he had abs. When he knelt to tie the gash, Hailey blushed. She then yelped when Jake tied the cloth tightly.

"Sorry!" Jake said, "I was distracted, and I didn't mean to forget to brace you for this," Hailey smiled weakly at him.

"It's alright, Jake. I brought this upon myself," Hailey said, and Jake looked shocked at her.

"Hailey, you didn't do anything wrong!" Jake exclaimed, "You didn't ask for any of this to happen. It was a freak accident. They happen to a lot of people all the time, and some don't get lucky like others."

"But I'm the reason we're stuck in this mess!" Hailey exclaimed, and Jake got even more shocked, "I'm the one that asked you if you want to go kayaking. I'm the one that fell in!"

"But I jumped after you because I care for you!" Jake countered, and Hailey was frozen. She wasn't used to people being selfless, no matter who they were.

They sat in awkward silence.

Hailey sat there, feeling useless, as Jake made a temporary fort for the two to sleep in.


Michael was freaking out. His daughter had just fallen over the edge of a waterfall. The likelihood of her being alive dwindled every second, and it felt like an eternity.

Shannon came to his side as he sat in a chair, body leaned forward as his hands were clasped over a mug.

"The police and rescue teams are on their way," Shannon informed, sitting in the chair next to him, "She's alive. I know she is." Shannon said as she grabbed his arm.

"How can you be so sure?" Michael asked, taking a sip of his coffee.

"She has Jake with her," Shannon said, and Michael looked at her, "No, I mean, how do you know Jake and Hailey survived the fall?"

"I have a feeling they did," Shannon said, "It's best to think positively in bad situations, even if the likelihood of the good happening is low. It's good to think good." Shannon said.

"God, I love this woman,"  Michael thought with a smile.

Shannon always knew how to make him feel better.

Man, I'm putting Hailey through a lot of shit. But don't worry everything is going to get better in due time.

This chapter is a lot shorter than normal. It's more of an aftermath sorta thing.

Hoped you enjoyed it.

See ya next time pals

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