Chapter 24: Camping Gone Wrong Pt 4. Things Get A Little Heated

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"The Forest Gets A Little Heated," Not in the way that you think~

Anyways, I'm going to make this chapter longer than the norm so that we can hopefully get to juicier matters.

Now, I've put you guys through a lot of angst, so you'll enjoy this chapter!

Hailey was finally resting. Jake was glad, she had been crying for a while, and anything Jake did, didn't help in the slightest.

To keep his mind off things, he decided to finish.

Eating granola bars and other little rations wouldn't keep them alive, so he was lucky and glad the kayak had a few hand reels and extra fishing line.

So for the next two hours or so from that morning, Jake fished. When sitting still finally got to him, he decided to explore and see if anything was worth salvaging that somehow got misplaced out in the wilderness.

As Jake walked, he ensured to leave little landmarks so he could get back to Hailey; she was his biggest priority. Now that he was left to his thoughts, not looking for anything in particular, he could consider his feelings for the blue-haired girl.

She was always in his head, not like an obsession, but he knew now that she 'wasn't just a friend.' She was something more to Jake. He loved her. 

Jake knew he would do anything to keep her safe, even put himself in harm's way.

Jake was so caught up in his thoughts that he tripped over some rope and faceplanted into the ground. When he sat back up, he looked at what tripped him.

"Why is rope in the middle of nowhere?"  Jake asked himself.

He got up and followed it, and it led him to a crashed helicopter. He slid down the ditch and walked to the helicopter, looking around outside of it to see if there was anything of use.

He ensured nothing was outside the helicopter. Then, he carefully went inside to look. There, he found a few spare blankets, an emergency box, first aid, and much more that he couldn't look through.

It could rain at any moment, and he didn't have much time to spare. He managed to get back to the encampment with all the supplies, with only minutes to spare before it rained.

Hailey seemed to be shivering more and more every time he looked at her, so he grabbed the blankets and laid them on her. She cuddled up to them.

"CUTE!"  Jake's face looked astonished at how cute Hailey was being at that very moment.

The dome of tarps left enough extra room so that he could build a fire at the entrance. He began working on it to cook food that wouldn't have too much flavor.


Hailey woke up feeling groggy and tired from crying. She remembered how kind Jake was to her, and the only other person who really, really treated her that way was her Dad.

"Gosh, I really miss everyone,"  Hailey thought, and she couldn't bring herself to speak or even make a noise.

She just lied there, silent and unmoving. At the same time, she could hear movement from a bit away from her.

"Probably Jake,"  Hailey thought, "Jake..."

She loved him like you wouldn't believe. Yes, she still might blame herself for this entire accident, but he still stuck around. Heck, he even jumped into the freezing water after her.

He's done so much for her, but yet... isn't worrying about himself. Hailey adores the side of Jake where he is so selfless, but fears he doesn't care for himself as much as others do.

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